Showing posts with label valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentine. Show all posts

Saturday, February 14, 2015

what if.....

Happy Valentines Day to you all. This day doesn't matter if your Love is just starting out, been around awhile or has left your heart filled with beautiful memories. Love is the same no matter what.
Both qp's were made from a beautiful kit by Kyra(RDH) called "Curious" The colors are so pretty!!
My thanks to this generous lady for all she does!
The first qp is of me and hubby. We met on a blind date for someone else. Was supposed to be my sister and a friend of mine. He bought Dennis along for support. Things didn't work out for my sister and my friend but hubby and I went for pizza and the rest is history. Made me think tho, what if I had said no to the pizza and just gone home.......
The second qp is my sister Bonnie and her hubby Rich. They were co-workers who had been interested in each other but it was not until my sister made herself into a cream puff(it was to win a contest at the state fair) that they started dating...a true love story those two.
So anyway, today no matter if you are enjoying a new love, comfortable in an old one or remembering memories in your heart....I wish you Happy Valentines Day....

mediafire (what if)
mediafire (beginning)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Only you and Simply put

The color Red and Valentines Day do go together. (I also love the non traditional colors) so today I have two quick pages for you. They are both made using kits by Kyra (RDH) One is an 8x8 and the other is a 5x7 for you to frame (borderless frame) Hope you can find a place for these. Are you celebrating with that special someone? Hubby and I are going to Walmart for some needed things and then to our favorite Chinese buffet spot. (all you can eat Chinese is one thing that can make me smile!!) Whatever you fill your day with...I hope it is also filled with memories that make your heart smile. Thanks for stopping by..

Mediafire   (5x7)
Mediafire (8x8)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

my world

Guess this one could be for any day or Valentines decide LOL I used a kit by Kyra (RDH) called
" You are my world" I used my Granddaughters photo to show you how it works. This qp is a 5x7 so you can frame it in one of those borderless frames if you'd like.
Weather is still cold here in Wisconsin....wonder if the groundhog saw his shadow? It is overcast and gloomy here today. I am so looking forward to Spring. I don't like the storms that come with it, but I sure am tired of the cold and snow!! Apparently my computer doesn't like it either as it has been acting up on my the last few weeks.
Well I best get some other work done, I am working on some new photo masks and some spring qps for you all. Thanks for stopping by...have a great one

Monday, January 27, 2014

All my Heart

January is almost over and it won't be long till we start thinking of Hearts and Flowers. I know this new design by Kyra (RDH) is not your typical red hearts and stuff...but oh my what a pretty kit. So soft and yet with just enough elements for you to make a page for that special man in your life. The kit is called "Love Letters"  Stop by her blog and take a look. There is more to this kit and she has so many others to choose from. M-W-F she offers for you designs !!! Plus there is usually a cluster or qp by Arleen.
Thanks for stopping by...have a great day

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Dreams are safe

In each of our lives we have that one person that we trust with everything..secrets, fears, good times, sadness and our hopes and dreams. They won't laugh, they won't judge...they will treat our thoughts, our dreams with the same care that they treat their own. They are special, so special and we love them so very much. My friend inspired this bit of thought and I hope you find a special use for it. You can download it here
Thanks for stopping by, don't forget the smile.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Again I used some heart brushes by Hawksmont. They are so beautiful. Hope you can find a perfect page for these bits. Do you all remember exchanging Valentines when you were in grade school?? I remember getting one from this "dorky" guy in like 4th grade...yucko!! Well he ended up captain of the basketball team in high school and what a cutie!! If I had only known!!!
You can download these here

Saturday, January 8, 2011

make my heart smile

January is one of those months where we are just sitting waiting. Christmas and New Years are gone, (guess I should change my background huh?) the house is back to normal and the next holiday is not till February. Love is starting to be in the air, so decided to get a head start on that Holiday. Some wordart for that special someone in your lives. If you want more to choose from check out the list on the side, most of my wa is still there and can be downloaded. You can download this bit here
Enjoy and thank you all for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Something special for you all

Did a qp and some bits of thoughts for you all. I found these awesome brushes at pixels and ice cream( Check it out,the link is over on the right, fantastic stuff) the qp is 8x8. Hope you like and if you do leave me a smile.
You can download this bit here

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Maybe a Jump start on Valentines Day...

I saw a quote something like this a few years ago in an old scrapbook magazine and I thought you might all like this one. You can use it for Valentines or for any special photo. I wanted to get away from the wintry, snowy wa because looking outside and seeing the snow and cold well the only wa I could come up with was ^%%&^^(*^ and that just didn't seem to nice LOL Oh I love winter honest, not just the cold and the slippery roads. Anyway you can download this bit here
Stay safe and warm everyone.