Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Soul Song

Days have a way of rushing by without us noticing don't they. Sorry it has been awhile... not been so super busy but just life being life!! The designer of most of the kits I make Kyra, has been not feeling well but she has managed to find some hidden gems on her computer that she has shared. This one is called " Solveig's Song" If you get a chance stop by her blog and wish her a continued recovery. This lady does so much and I for one greatly appreciate all of it.
Summer is in full swing around here, granddaughter has baseball, hubby is (believe it or not) cutting down dead trees to get wood ready for burning this winter LOL
Right now I am off to hang wash out on the clothes line...I love doing that in the summer, especially the sheets from the bed (except when i find a bee that has hitched a ride into the house).
Take care all and thanks for stopping by

Monday, June 8, 2015

Memories Captured

From the newsletter from Manu, came this beautiful add-on. "Captured".... This is the qp I made from that to share with all of you. Hope you like it and PLEASE stop by this talented ladies site and look around and leave her a thank you. The link is on the right.
Summer has made it to the north, warm sunny days are here. Had my birthday over the weekend I turned ?? years old LOL!! No I turned 66. Some days my mind and body feel 26 and then I walk by a mirror and well I am reminded that I am not!!!! But it's all good and I am blessed!!
Hope you can use this new one ... thanks for stopping by, have a great week.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

This Love

Had some family things to deal with so had to take a few days off. But I am back and all is good (or at least getting better)
Something different this time....size anyway. This one is 8x10. You know me and those borderless frames LOL. I used another freebie from a newsletter from Manu (link on the right) hope you like it and can find the perfect photo to display. I used a photo of me and my 2 sisters (will try and get it on my other blog)
Thought spring and summer were here in Wisconsin but...nope... it was 28* last night and we had the wood stove cooking again. Summer will get here, even if it is just that one hot day in August LOL
Well off to see what kind of trouble I can get into....take care all and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

One time

If you have not signed up for Studio Manu's newsletter....let me tell you ..... you are missing out on some awesome designs. This lady (along with so many others) design from the heart!! I used a freebie from the newsletter to make this qp for you all. The model is my cousin's granddaughter(isn't she a sweetie)
When you download this one the word art will not be on it. You can download that separate if you would like.
Thanks for the thoughts about the Lyme's thing...the test came back negative but I am on Doxy(an antibiotic) just in case. I like summer, the warm breezes(not hot tho) and all that, but the bugs that come to visit, not so much!!!!!!!
Well off to get some work done around the house. Hope you enjoy this one and Thanks for stopping by.....

Friday, April 24, 2015


Kyra's design " Graceful as a Swan " is what I used for this qp. The word art I have offered before. I think we can all hear music sometimes that only makes us smile. Whether it is a song or just that little voice. It gives us a reason to have Joy in our lives when maybe around us there isn't much. Hope you can understand what I mean ??!!  Been quiet around here lately, oh bits of excitement like waking up to a blizzard of sleet one morning (didn't last long but still hey it's the end of April!), also the trip to the doctor to have a blood test taken...have to get a check for Lymes...yup, had the classic red round circle rash and we have way to many ticks up here ( having four dogs does not help either LOL) Still waiting on the results, should know by end of today or Monday. Send some NO LYMES thoughts my way please.
Well off to do some boring things like laundry and dusting...thank you all for stopping by and please stop by RDH and take a peek around.
This is the page I made with the qp.

Take care all....

Monday, April 13, 2015

Love Blossoms

A beautiful kit called " Sweet Blossom " designed by MiSi Scrap is what I used for this qp. I want to thank the designer for allowing me to use her beautiful creation and letting me share it with you all. Please stop by her web site (just click on her name) and thank her too. I am so grateful to the designers who let me use their kits. So much talent they have!!!
Hope your day is going good, and thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lavendar Kisses

A new kit by Kyra (RDH) called "Solange" was what I used for this QP. Such beautiful designs this lady always comes up with. Please stop by (link on the right) and leave her a thank you for all she does.
Is your family ready for Easter? We have Maundy Thursday supper at our church then Easter (early) service on Sunday. A time of unfathomable Love. I feel truly Blessed to have been loved this much.
We are starting a new tradition this year....Have any of you ever heard of "Resurrection Rolls" they are a wonderful way to tell the Easter story. Look it up on the internet!
Have a wonderful Easter,

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Perfect time

Manu does such beautiful, from the heart designs!! This kit is one of them. It is called " A perfect moment" If you subscribe to her newsletter, you will be able to get some wonderful add-ons to some of her kits. She offers both mini kits and qp's in her newsletters. The link is over on the right.
Remember my last post talked about green(brown) grass?? well not it is a white winter wonderland again. Which would be beautiful were not March 25th!!!! I know it won't last to long (the temps will go up) but why??? I was getting used to muddy dog prints on my kitchen floor LOL!!
We have had our wood stove burning off and on. The other day I had a fire in it and hubby came in and checked the wall thermostat ..... it said it was 78 in the house....OMG had no idea. That stove really has helped so much. We have not had our furnace run once since we put this thing in. Sure has saved on the propane bill.
Today, as long as the roads are slippery, I will try and catch up on things around here. Dusting, laundry and just generally being Susi Homemaker for the day....have to do that once in a while :)
Take care all and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring is coming

It is right???? We finally have more green (brown) grass in our yard than white snow!! But here in Wisconsin that is never a given that Spring is here. We have already had snowstorms, big ones in April or even the first part of May. But I will look on the positive side and enjoy what we are having now!
I used a design by Kyra called " Where is Spring Hiding" check out her site, the link is on the right.
Sorry it has been a bit since I have been in here. No excuses except just been busy with life in general.
Take care and Thank you all so much for your visits and your words.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Moment

Admit it... we all have boxes of photos somewhere in a closet right. You know from before digital and you could save them to the computer or your cell phone. Moments in time. If you look at an old photo, you might see that it is fading, looking alittle rough and wrinkled....that's okay, because the memory of that moment will be forever new in your heart. I don't need a photo to remind me of the first moment I saw my Grandchild. I just have to look at him and I am right back there in that memory. Shoe boxes overflow, no more room..... but our hearts.... nope they just keep growing to hold more and more.....That my friends is a good thing!!!!
Hope you enjoy this qp and you find that perfect memory for it...Thanks for stopping by and please don't forget to stop by RDH (Kyra) there is more to this design called "Time is Precious"

Saturday, February 14, 2015

what if.....

Happy Valentines Day to you all. This day doesn't matter if your Love is just starting out, been around awhile or has left your heart filled with beautiful memories. Love is the same no matter what.
Both qp's were made from a beautiful kit by Kyra(RDH) called "Curious" The colors are so pretty!!
My thanks to this generous lady for all she does!
The first qp is of me and hubby. We met on a blind date for someone else. Was supposed to be my sister and a friend of mine. He bought Dennis along for support. Things didn't work out for my sister and my friend but hubby and I went for pizza and the rest is history. Made me think tho, what if I had said no to the pizza and just gone home.......
The second qp is my sister Bonnie and her hubby Rich. They were co-workers who had been interested in each other but it was not until my sister made herself into a cream puff(it was to win a contest at the state fair) that they started dating...a true love story those two.
So anyway, today no matter if you are enjoying a new love, comfortable in an old one or remembering memories in your heart....I wish you Happy Valentines Day....

mediafire (what if)
mediafire (beginning)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I had this one ready for a couple days now, but have been fighting a head cold.... you know the kind, runny nose watery eyes!! Nothing in my chest, just my nose!!! LOL Anyway, trying to type while your eyes and nose are dripping like you need a plumber is not fun!! But enuf of that good is the latest qp for you all. Kyra (RDH) made this beautiful design called "Sentimental Journey" and this is the qp I came up with. There is so much more to the kit so click on the link over on the right and take a look at all this generous lady offers.
Well I am off to take some meds and rest for a bit.. thanks to all who stop by and leave me comments and love.
Take care, have a great day!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Summer Memory

Summer... it's not that far off is it?? I was going thru some photos from this past summer and decided to use a design by Lilas called "Summer Day" to make this qp. While sitting here looking at snow and cold temperatures, well this did help to warm me up LOL.
If you want more of this design just click on her name and you can get to her site.
This is the page I made. I used two of my Grandkids .... Bikes yup that's a big part of summer for Sam and Softball well that's Miss Keira.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great Friday and an awesome memory filled weekend.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Found this one hiding under our tree

I shook it and it sounds like more than one thing in here !! Hope your Christmas was all you wanted it to be. Ours was quiet on the actual day but then my family from the southern part of the state came up on Friday and we had our family Christmas on Saturday.... love spending time with them all and Christmas just makes that time more special.
We got our wood stove in YIPPY!!!! So was nice and warm in the house.. still is.

There used to be an older "For Looks Only LOL" fireplace in that there is heat!!!!
Still have trim work to do, but it works and keeps most of the house (it's a 2000 sq ft open floor plan ranch) at about 72. Bedrooms a bit cooler which is fine. Hubby is tired from working overtime to get this thing but so glad we have it instead of propane bills.
Okay have to go be busy so here is your presents..... Happy New year All and thanks for stopping

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The best one

Have you found your tree yet?? We tried an artificial one a couple times and all though they are beautiful and perfect....we get a real one. Love the smell and yup even the sometimes odd stick that side in the corner shape. LOL This year so far I only have an empty space where the tree will go. With construction going on in the other room, well a tree is one of the last things we will get.
Hope you can use this page, whether for the one you go cut down or the one that is ready made...which ever you have it will be the best one.... Thanks for stopping by... I am off to unbury my dining room table....somehow everything is being dumped there. LOL

Friday, December 5, 2014

Present 2...

Looks like the elves have been back!!!!! OMG wonder what they left for you all this time??? Hope you are taking time to enjoy this most wonderful season of all.... Thanks for stopping by

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

More Cards

Two more cards for you all. Like I said before, I used elements from designs by some awesome ladies who had given me permission before. I only take credit for putting it together, not the original kits (Oh to be that talented) So are you getting Christmas stuff done?....I have one yup one decoration up and it is in the bathroom!! LOL We are in the process of tearing out our fireplace to put in a freestanding wood stove so the rest of the house is, well lets just say no where near ready to decorate LOL (it is a remodeling mess actually) But this will pass and the heat from this stove should make it all worth it!!
Enjoy the cards. Thanks for stopping by

Mediafire  (one small word)
Mediafire  (Seasons Blessings)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Number 1...No peeking

As promised I have wrapped some early Christmas presents for you all. They won't show up everyday, so keep checking back. The "presents" were all made using various kits by designers who had given me permission to use the kits before. Hope you enjoy....

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I have for you early Christmas card senders (LOL) the first of some cards I made. I used some designs by Kyra from last year to put these together. If this is your first time using these the directions are easy...just treat this the same as you would a qp , add your photos , save as jpeg. I have a photo of what these look like when I am ready to print...

Pay close attention to the yellow areas...yes they should be done on glossy paper, they look much better. Any message you want to add can be written on the back of the card. They fit in a business size envelope. If you want you can get fancy and purchase the envelopes in a Christmas design you could,,,me I am all for saving money, especially this time of year.  I am working on more and will try to have them up in the morning for you.                                                                                                             
Thanks for stopping in and have an awesome blessed filled Thanksgiving....

Friday, November 14, 2014

Season of blessing and Graditude...

I think there is still time to offer a fall qp... right?? even tho we do have snow on the ground up here!!! We got about 4 inches and with the temps being oh so cold, I have a feeling it's not going anywhere till Spring (plus I am sure more will be added) I used a kit called "Harvest of Memories" by Digicats for this qp.
Are you all ready for Thanksgiving?? I don't do the meal, my daughter or my son usually does it. No dirty dishes and still lots of leftovers...what a deal!!!
So now a surprise of coming attractions.... Starting December 1st (if my computer cooperates) I will be posting presents. All wrapped up so there is no peeking till you open them. I did this once before and most of them are on 4 shared(which I don't use.) so might post some of them too.
I also have some Christmas cards that I will be posting. they are 4x8 and fit in a business envelope. Will give you more instructions when I post them. Will be a busy time here because along with stuff on the computer, we are going to be tearing out our (for decoration not heat) fireplace and putting in an Englander 2200 freestanding wood stove in our family room. Our home is one level but long and propane is so much, we are hoping this helps. As long as I can't decorate for Christmas till the mess is done in the house....I might as well wrap up some presents for all of you LOL
Okay done for today, have Susie home maker things to take care of...
Take care and thanks so much for stopping by...hope you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving filled with Love and Family