Showing posts with label Plus Quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plus Quilt. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Scrub Stitchin' 2021

I can't believe it is three weeks today since we set off on our journey to Baradine for Scrub Stitchin'.  

Yes, "We", as Mick came along for the ride too, travelling with our trusty caravan.  While we ladies stitched, he ventured off with Mr Chooky to do farm related stuff.

I didn't take a lot of random photos over the weekend, as I was too busy chatting, stitching, eating, some more chatting, checking out what everyone else was up to, but not taking photos, chatting, a bit more stitching............You get the picture.

As usual, we had a themed dinner. This time on the Friday night.
This year the theme was "Little Girl's Birthday Party", as Annette and Miss Jules were celebrating a milestone birthday.
Here we all are, dressed in our finest party girl outfits.
Our dinner was so nutritious - popcorn, lollies, fairy bread, twisties, devon wrapped around mashed potato...........all those things we only ever ate at childhood birthday parties.  It was a great fun evening.

On Saturday we had show and tell. 

Miss Jules started things off.
The colours are beautiful on this quilt.
A fun quilt she made at a workshop.

Next were mine.
My Rainbow Scrap Challenge Plus Quilt from a couple of years ago.
Splendid Sampler 2 - still only a top.
Trail Mix
My Vintage Linens Quilt.  I hand stitched down the binding on Thursday night at Baradine.  So pleased to finally have this finished.
Block Heads 3 - all done and dusted.

Then Brenda.
She recently won a prize at the show with the above quilt.
We were quite taken with the simple, yet effective butterfly border.
This yo-yo coverlet was made by her mother, started in the late 1940s.  Some of the stitching holding the yo-yos together is coming apart, so Brenda is restitching it.  Such a lovely piece.

Next was Jenny.
She purchased the kit for this quilt while in America.  So effective.
Foxley Village is such a lovely quilt.

Next was Mary.
Mary made this quilt using the charm patch she was given at the last Scrub Stitchin' with some extra yardage added for borders.
She does such lovely hand embroidery.

It was nice to see a version of Field Journal, which is a block a month from Cottage Garden Threads.  They are so beautiful bordered in the Liberty fabrics.

Next was Annette's.
She considered herself a cheat, as she didn't make this quilt. It is a hand quilted Amish quilt and was purchased at a garage sale for $150.00.  We were all a tad jealous. Such a beautiful quilt.  

Sue was next with her Old Time Kaleidoscope quilt.   
We have been watching the progress of this quilt on her blog over recent months.  It is all hand pieced.  So nice to see it for real.

Georgina didn't think her quilts were worth showing.  We begged to differ.
This gorgeous creation is all hand pieced.  I really take my hat off to her.
This was a challenge from her daughter, Kylie, to use her ugly fabrics.  It turned out to be a really striking quilt.
Another Scrappy quilt.
I liked this one.  It uses all florals.  Mainly those dated ones that many of us have deep in the stash.  It was an effective way to use them.

Next was Denise.
This little hanger, which has a verse about motherhood features some fabrics from her children's childhood clothing.  Such a special piece.

And finally, Sally.
She is another of those patient ladies that hand pieces.  This is a lovely soft version of a Jen Kingwell pattern.  She was working on another of her patterns in much brighter fabrics during the weekend, once again, hand piecing.

Now to the creations that were made or finalised on the weekend.
Lynda made a fun jelly roll race quilt top.
Sue made lots of foundation paper pieced log cabin blocks and then added them as a border to this quilt.  After the photo was taken, it was noticed that one block was around the wrong way, so some unpicking and resewing fixed that fairly quickly.
Lynda was very happy to finally have completed the quilt top on Nature's Journey from a Chookyblue Stitchalong from a few years back.  I love seeing the different versions of this quilt.
Tina is always super productive.  She made this entire quilt top and then quilted it on the weekend. She puts me to shame.
Her daughter Harriet is just as bad, having made this complete quilt top in the weekend as well.  I just loved the fabrics she used, all in reproduction 1930s.  

So, what did I achieve?

As I said previously, I finished stitching down the binding on the Vintage linens quilt.
I made some butterfly fridge magnets.  I do enjoy making these.  They are so cute.

The main project I worked on was making blocks for my newest project, the Jocelyn Proust blue quilt.  I need to make forty blocks for the top.  I managed to complete twenty and started on another five.  (There are five of each print.) A teacher's report card would say "Janice can do better and needs to apply herself to her task, rather than talking all the time". However, this was not a school class, so it didn't matter how much I achieved or how much I talked.

The weekend came to a close all too soon, as we left fairly early on the Sunday morning to travel home.  There was a road closure between Baradine and Coonabarabran, so we took the scenic route home via Coonamble, Gilgandra and Dubbo.  Nothing like a bit of variety.
We always enjoy seeing the painted silos and water towers.  The one at Coonamble is so nice and bright.
We stopped for fish and chips for lunch at Wellington and came across this painting of Wellington Caves on the side of a shop.  The colours match the Coonamble one rather nicely.

It was so good to catch up with all the girls again.  They are all such a nice bunch to hang out with.  We have to thank Chooky so much for making it all possible and look forward to gathering again in a year's time.

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

December Sewing Recap

It's the end of the month, year and decade!

How did I go with my goals?

At the beginning of the month I set my One Monthly Goal to be to finish my Rainbow Scrap Challenge Plus Quilt  and make one Splendid Sampler 2 block.


Yes!  It is totally finished.  You can see my main post here, but this is a much better photo.

And the backing.


Yes!  Another finish.  I knew this was a fiddly block, but just for fun, I counted the pieces.  Can you believe there are 84 pieces in this six inch block!!  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


For a change, I have a few projects.  Obviously, the Plus Quilt.

The hanger I made for Loulee.

Two Christmas ornaments.  One for Loulee and one for us.

And, finally, a bib for the youngest member of Mick's family.

I'm pretty happy with that little lot, considering it is such a busy month.

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts, So Scrappy and Kris at Tag Along Teddies.

Thanks to all of you for keeping me motivated throughout the year.  These little challenges work very well for me.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

2019 Rainbow Scrap Challenge Plus Quilt Finished

I have just a few minutes ago put the last stitches in my Plus Quilt, which was my 2019 Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.

It's not the best photo, as taken at 10.30 at night, but I just wanted to share that it is done and dusted!  I'm so happy to have completed the quilt within the year.  Happily, I was able to get the coloured blocks made each month, and then added a few extra blocks at the end to make the quilt larger.

The details of this quilt are:

Inspiration - Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2019 run by Angela at So Scrappy
Design - Plus Quilt - inspiration taken from many quilts on Pinterest
Started - January 2019
Completed - December 2019
Block Size - 10 inches
Finished size - 70 inches x 60 inches
Fabrics - Colours all from my stash, backgrounds taken from a Zen Chic "Modern Backgrounds" charm pack, stash and extra low volume greys collected along the way. (I have a nice little collection now.)
Stitched  - as a leader and ender project.
Backing and binding - tone on tone blue that has been in my stash for many years
Batting - cotton
Quilted by - my friend Val O'Shannesy.

I'm linking up over at So Scrappy.  Pop over and see the other completed projects and works in progress.

Thanks so much to Angela for organising this challenge it has been great fun.

Yes, I will participate again next year, but maybe not creating a quilt.  I may switch it up a bit.  We'll see. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

One Monthly Goal Setting for December

I can't believe we are already up to our final month of goal setting for 2019.

Once again, my goal has been very easy to set.

My quilting fairy has returned from her holidays and this evening we will be delivering my Rainbow Scrap Challenge top and backing to her, so that she can spread her fairy dust.  The turnaround time is generally fairly quick, so my goal is to finish the quilt.  

I can't wait to have it on our bed, as the colours will be nice and fresh for summer.

In the background, I aim to have at least one Splendid Sampler 2 block made.  That will bring my number of blocks to 90 and then I hope to start preparing sashings.  I'll see if I end up adding the final ten blocks as I go along.

Pop over to Elm Street Quilts to see what other goals have been set for the month.