{% extends "gstudio/base.html" %} {% load gstudio_tags %} {% load pagination_tags %} {% load adminmedia grp_tags %} {% load i18n comments gstudio_tags %} {% load tagging_tags comments i18n %} {% block title %}{{meet_ob.title}}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{meet_ob.title}}{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% edit_title meet_ob.id meet_ob.title %} {% endif %}

{{admin_m.username}}'s initial twist to the thread  [ Show Graph ]  
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% check_subscribe meet_ob user as subscribe %} {%if subscribe %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% with meet_ob.html_content|safe as meet_ob_content %} {{meet_ob_content}} {% endwith %} {% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if flag %} {% check_release meet_ob as release %} {% if not release %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% addtag ot meet_ob.id user %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% autoescape off %} {% for each in topic %}

{{each.title}} [ Show Graph ]

Posted on : {{each.creation_date}} by : {% for author in each.authors.all %} {{author}} {% endfor %}
{%autoescape on%} {% with each.html_content|safe as each_content %} {{each_content}} {% endwith %} {% endautoescape%}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}

{% endif %} {% ifequal user.id admin_id %}
{% else %} {% for author in each.authors.all %} {% ifequal user.id author.id %}
{% endifequal %} {% endfor %} {% endifequal %}
{% addtag each each.id user %}

Responses : {% show_comment each user.id flag1 admin_id attribute %} {% endfor %} The discussion freezes at {{endtime}} {% endautoescape %} {% endblock %}