It was one of those gorgeous, sunny fall days that made me happy that I had to get out of bed this morning.

I had insomnia last night, and I was just getting started on my sleep when the kids woke up. I didn't think I had energy to do anything but the bare minimum this morning.

But after dropping off my son at preschool, I had about half an hour to wait for the library to open. I noticed some playing fields behind the library and thought I could get in a quick walk. A paved path led through a wetlands area that had been restored and planted with grasses. Ducks bobbed on the pond, and the grasses waved in the breeze. Across the highway, farm buildings were laid out on a carpet of mowed green fields and faded gold ones.

The colors were subtle, and I had to walk slowly to appreciate the pointed ends of the dried seed pods and the woven interplay of waving grass heads. Jimson weed flowers bloomed light violet and close to the ground. I felt grateful for the view, near and far, and my energy was restored.

After a quick stop at the library, I took the long way to the gas station, past my favorite stone house. I passed a flock of sheep grazing lazily in a pasture.

Down the road, I noticed an abandoned farmhouse tucked behind overgrown hedges. I had to dodge trucks on the narrow country lane to get close to it, but the sense of absolute stillness there was worth the effort. The house felt like it was waiting quietly--perhaps for someone to sand and paint those rough boards, replace the tin roof, and make it a home again. (More photos at my Flickr photostream,
Piedmont Fall set.)
Hope your errands were as much of an adventure as mine were.