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The latest news, blogs and features from Born Free.

Press contact: (0)1403 240 170

New cubs & pride takeovers in Meru

Born Free reports significant changes for the lion prides of Meru in eastern Kenya, with the recent birth of five cubs, as well as fascinating new coalitions and dominant males.

Rare twin giraffes born in Kenya

Born Free celebrates the arrival of extremely rare giraffe twins, born in our charity’s spiritual homeland of Meru National Park, in Kenya.

Born Free & TikTok

Born Free’s Youth Engagement Assistant, Eve Pawsey, tells us about the organisation’s new TikTok account and what it takes to create fun and engaging educational content.

The spirit of Elsa

Meru is where our Co-Founder Virginia McKenna OBE learned to love lions and love Africa. She considers the park’s influence on her family and explains why Elsa’s descendants need you today.