France overturns ban on captive dolphin breeding

The Council of State – France’s highest administrative court – overturned a ban on breeding dolphins in captivity, citing “an irregular consultation procedure.”

The ban to end the breeding of dolphins and orcas in captivity was first announced on 3rd May 2017 by former environment minister Segolene Royal.  Animal welfare organisations celebrated the decree, deeming it a realistic step towards the phase out of dolphin captivity, but marine parks across France were quick to appeal the law, making claims that the prevention of breeding would harm the animals’ welfare.

Now, the Council of State has over-turned the ban on the grounds that the former environment minister had tightened the ban at the last minute using an ‘’irregular consultation procedure’’ which had reportedly failed to consult the public and others.

‘If the ban remains overturned, it is tragic news for whales and dolphins in France’ said Samantha Goddard, Campaigns Officer at Born Free. ‘The decree would not only have provided for a gradual phase out of these animals from barren tanks, but also required marine parks to increase the size of their pools by at least 150 percent. It is therefore rather sad that marine parks seem to be celebrating the end of a decree that would have – slightly – improved the lives of the animals from which they profit.’

The ban to end the breeding of dolphins and orcas in captivity was first announced on 3rd May 2017 by former environment minister Segolene Royal.  Animal welfare organisations celebrated the decree, deeming it a realistic step towards the phase out of dolphin captivity, but marine parks across France were quick to appeal the law, making claims that the prevention of breeding would harm the animals’ welfare.

Born Free will be sending a letter of concern to the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, asking that a new decree be introduced to ban the breeding of captive orcas and dolphins in France. You can support this call by writing your own letters to the President.

Please address your own letters to:

President Emmanuel Macron
M. Le Président de la République
55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris

See our sample letter here