Close up of an elephant's eye

Take Action


Our high-profile campaigns take effective action and provide animals with a voice. We capture the public imagination, change attitudes, inform and persuade decision-makers, and get results.

Whether it’s fighting the commercial trade in and trafficking of wild animals, seeking an end to trophy hunting, or challenging the exploitation of wild animals in zoos and circuses, Born Free takes action on the front line for animals.

Take Action for Wildlife

A girl poses for a photo with an orangutan in boxing gloves, with a graphic image of a mobile phone with the 'stop selfish selfies' logo.

Selfish Selfies

We are asking you to pledge to put an end to Selfish Selfies.
A male lion sits with head raised against a grassy backdrop

Trophy Hunting

No animal should be killed for sport or pleasure - help end trophy hunting.
Close up of an elephant looking through the bars of a zoo enclosure

Elephant Free UK

Captivity cannot possibly provide for the needs of elephants. That is why Born Free is calling for an elephant-free UK.
A brown bear looks through a metal wire fence at the camera

Captive Wild Animals Globally

Find contact details and how to report concerns at international attractions or locations.
A black and white photo of a gorilla leaning against a glass window, with cage bars in the background

Captive Wild Animals in the UK

Find contact details and how to report concerns about UK zoos, facilities or locations.
We’re calling for the UK Government to review and reform laws on exotic pet ownership.

Exotic Pets in the UK

Born Free is fighting to end the keeping of exotic wild animals as pets in the UK.
A rhino with large horn stands in dry grassland

Rhino Horn Trade

The world's rhinos are in crisis - help us end the rhino horn trade.
Two piles of elephant ivory tusks being burned

Ivory Trade

Born Free is campaigning to end the global ivory trade.
A tiger cub looking miserable staring through the bars of a tiny cage.

Tiger Farming

Breeding of tigers for commercial gain must end - find out how you can help.
Close up of a badger standing up facing the camera

Badger Culling

Join us in opposing the UK Government's policy of badger culling
A macaque monkey dressed in a t-shirt with a heavy chain around its neck

Monkeys in Marrakesh

Help bring the exploitation of captive wild animals in Marrakesh to an end.
A white tiger in a zoo enclosure

UK Zoos

We are calling for the government to review and reform the Zoo Licensing Act 1981.
A small crocodile sits submerged in water facing to the right of the image, with just the top of its head and eyes above the water

Dangerous Wild Animals

We're calling for an end to keeping dangerous wild animals as pets.