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A woman leaning into a pen to take a photo of a reindeer at a festive event.

Reindeer review

With your help, our joint campaign to end the cruel use of live reindeer at UK events and call for a more compassionate Christmas 2023, had a big impact.

Lolita the orca dies captive

Born Free is extremely sad to hear that Lolita, an orca held at Miami Seaquarium for the past 50 years, has reportedly died from kidney failure, just as plans were reportedly underway to try and release her.

It’s time to stop selfish selfies

Born Free’s Selfish Selfies campaign is raising awareness of the use of captive wild animals as props for souvenir photos and encouraging people to pledge not to support this exploitative industry. It’s a global issue affecting thousands of animals, explains Born Free’s Captivity Campaigns Information Coordinator Sarah Jefferson.

Spain approves law banning wild animals in circuses

Born Free welcomes news that the Spanish government has approved the law on the Protection of Animal Rights and Welfare. The new law will finally bring about a complete prohibition of wild animals in circuses throughout the entire country and follows many years of campaigning by the InfoCircos coalition of NGOs, whose perseverance has already seen 12 of the country’s 17 regions bring in localised bans.