
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Friday, December 09, 2011

His First Work + My WIP

Hi, thank you for your visit and comments!

Sweetie has finished his first cross stitch project a few days ago, and so I share some photos of his work and my WIP today.
His first project was Sea-Otter kit on blue 10ct fabric (6 strands).
Except the back stitch and start and the last of stitching, he did everything by himself.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Mum's Crochet AND My Work

Hi, today I share my mum's crocheted vest and also my pleasent work.
I posted that I am stitching six Birth Samplers, though I feel a bit fed up with them, so to change my feeling, I am stitching totally different design!

It's very fun to stitch, I hope I can share you this proper photo soon!
At the moment, like this... only cat's face.
I hope I will go forward more tonight, before I go to bed.
And here is my mum's work. She crocheted my vest that last night finished!
Isn't it beautiful?

I was a bit vague about this colour, though as seeing the photo, it's nice I think!
Now I'm wearing this, it's very warm!
Actually this vest has collar which can take off, though it wasn't so nice, so I didn't show the photo of it, this time.

Thank you mum! Now she is crochetting my son's scarf.Sweetie doesn't like to go to Preschool much lately, so she is trying to crochet his new scarf, to let him go to Preschool with wearing it!
So mum is going to crochet it and has to finish it tonight!!
The new start of Preschool was today, though he refused to go there.
I hope Sweetie goes to Preschool tomorrow...

Take care and happy stitching!
Thanks for your visit!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Now I'm with a big FROG... (sigh)

"Oh No!", "Oh No!"
This is what I have been kept saying nowadays... (lol)
It seems that there is a big frog on my back or somewhere very close to me!
I have been frogging so many times, oh how tiring this is!

Here is a "Mum's the word..." for my mum. I was thinking nothing wrong with this, BUT!
I found a big big mistake!
The tree has to be four linen threads right, so I have to frog the whole tree later... (sigh)

And here is another new project that I started today, this has started with specialty stitches and so it was quite hard for me to go forward...
When I get used it, I found that I shouldn't stitch it first, I stitched too much... oh no...

And after I frogged, another new specialty stitch has appeared, and when I finished it I found a big mistake and so I should frog this specialty stitch, yes everything... (big sigh...)

Please go away, a big FROG from me!! from here!!!

As for my health, as I knew that it's the side effect of medicine, I'm thinking I should get used it and face to this condition.
I still have fever everyday, but I got used it and so not like before...
So now I can stitch, only a little by little, though I'm happy with it!

Thank you so much everyone for thinking about my health always.
Everyone lefts comments with warm words which is concerning of my health.
I'm so touched by them everyday, but sorry that I can't reply to your comment at all...

Sweetie (my son) is getting more active than before, so I have to look after him with mum, so no time to read your blogs, no time to reply to e-mails, comments, etc... nowadays.
SO sorry, but when I have time, I will try to do my best for them!!

Here is a snap of his new bicycle from my mum as his 4th Birthday present!
He choose Micky Mouse's helmet, I knew that you will chose it! :D

Take care and have a lovely week!
Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sneak Peeks + New Hobby

Hi everyone, I have been so so OK, sometimes depressing, sometimes tired, sometimes fine... like this.

This morning, I was very depressed, and suddenly I felt like singing loudly and so I asked my mum and son to go Karaoke!
It's been so long since the last time I've been to Karaoke!!
So was a bit confused with latest machines, etc... but we all had fun!

By the way, now I have been working on secret projects, all are secret, so I can't share any detailed photos, but just sneak peeks!
Here they are, this is for my dearest friend's birthday (photo above).

And here is for a Mother's day.

And here is my dear friend's baby's Birth Sampler.

And here is top secret one!

Before we go out, Sweetie was wearing toy glasses and wore my boots!
How cool he is! LOL
I asked him to be like model, he paused like this! :D

I read that "Karaoke" is nominated as the worst invention in England! LOL

When I was a school girl, Karaoke rooms ware not so good atmosphere, but today we were surprised, every things were so clean and beautiful, and there were some kids rooms, too!
Like this photo, Sweetie is playing behind me singing!
(I'm wearing Sweetie's toy glasses, silly me! lol)

It was the first time that Sweetie goes to Karaoke, so I was thinking if he didn't like it, soon we quit and go back home, but he liked it and sung so many songs, like from Anime "Totoro", "Micky Mouse march", also he sung Nataro Moriyama's song, too!!
He was very good!

He was singing with his grand-ma! But suddenly from the middle of singing, he didn't let her (my mum) sing any songs!
"No grand-ma, Only mama can sing! Why???

I think I could have found one more good hobby! :D
It was fun to sing with my son, also seeing him singing was so pleasant!
And I could refresh!
My mum and I are now listening to many songs on You Tube for the next time we go! :D
Maybe tomorrow??? lol

Take care + Thanks for visiting!

Friday, March 07, 2008

[WIP] HOHRH - House (Block) 8, Fini

Finally, finally, I've finished House (Block) 8 of The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow! whew...
I don't know why but I didn't want to stitch this for a long time...
But as I told you that I have started "The Shores Of Hawk Run Hollow", I thought I should do this and let this go forward a bit, as well!

I feel so fine as it has completed!!

Now it's like this!!
Only three houses have done at the moment, it's a long way to finish all houses, but actually it's fun and very beautiful design!
What's next?

Uhmmm, I think I want to stitch House (Block) 6!

As for "The Shores Of Hawk Run Hollow", it's obviously hard to stitch along, but at the moment, I'm having fun!
Now I have been stitching Block 11.

I think normally people will start from Block 1, but I just stitch the Block which I want!
Oops, that means the most dislike Block I have to stitch at the end, lol...

I think I better change my stitching style, lol

This and "The Shores Of Hawk Run Hollow" will take many years to complete, but I have been stitching as thinking the day I finished this!

By the way, I'm still doing a "Give it a way" a chart "Sweet Little Berries" by Little House Needleworks, as I wrote in the last post.
If you are interested in it and would like to have it, please just leave a comment (just a line is OK!) on the last post!

I will draw lots and choose one person on 16th (Sunday) of March (Japanese time...).

© Carriage House Samplings "The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow"

40ct Wichelt Linen : Sandstone / Tea

Monday, July 23, 2007

[WIP] HOHRH - House 4 Fini

The House (Block) 4 has finished last night! Yeah!
The colour is Autumn-like and I really liked this block to stitch along.

© Carriage House Samplings "The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow"
40ct Wichelt Linen : Sandstone / Tea

Thursday, July 12, 2007

[WIP] HOHRH - House 4 (1)

Now I have been stitching "House 4".
It's on 40ct fabric so it makes my eyes very tired, but the result is really beautiful!I became 40ct fan! LOL

I also started to stitch for "surprised exchange" with Domy in France!
It's nealy done! I hope she will like it!

© Carriage House Samplings "The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow"
40ct Wichelt Linen : Sandstone / Tea

Thursday, July 05, 2007

[WIP] HOHRH - House 12 Finished

Another new and big challenge is here!
I've decided and have started to stitch "The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow (HOHRH)" from Carriage House Samplings!

I've done Block (House) 12 already!
It's quite tough to stitch along but it's also quite fun at the moment!!

© Carriage House Samplings "The Houses Of Hawk Run Hollow"
Wichelt Linen : 40ct Sandstone / Tea