
Showing posts with label SBBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SBBC. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2008

SBBC 2008 Gift FROM Kelly!

A few days ago, I received a lovely Birthday gift for the Stitching Bloggers Birthday Exchange from Kelly in the U.S.
I was so thrilled to open the parcel, and when I opened it I found beautiful and unique needle book and goodies!!

Here is the photo of them.

This photo is bit blurry, though it's wonderful IRL! (She has nice photos on her blog!)
I knew that this design is from Indigo Rose and she changed the thread colour from blue to pink as I love pink so much, from her post on her blog.
How sweet person she is!

She added three of JBW charts (I love them!), fine needles, and Altoids choco-mint (I love it, too!), and lovely message card!

As my English is poor, so I pinched her explanation regarding this needle book, she says that "Each leaf of the needle book has numbers to specify which needles are stored there and the center is a pincushion.
Then the whole thing folds up neatly into this little square.
Each leaf has button hole to button to the little tulip bead in the center".

Her presents are very wonderful but moreover what I'm impressed is that she remembered my Birthday!
Thank you so very much Kelly for your wonderful and thoughtful gift!
I'm so happy and you made my day, indeed!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

SBBC - Birthday Club 2008 FOR Dawn B.

I've got a lovely e-mail from my partner that my Birthday Present for "SBBC -Stitching Bloggers Birthday Club" has safely arrived to her, so I share some photos what I've sent her!

My partner was Dawn B. and I heard that she loves "Kitties", "Bears", "Snowman" and colour "Blue", so it was very easy for me to choose the design for her!
I have chosen this design "Kitty Litter" by Brittercup Designs for her and finished as a Pinkeep.
In the original design, there was used green shade threads for the border, but as I heard that she loves blue, I changed it!

I used blue multi coloured ribbon and made top pin with blue beads.

I also made some head pins for both right and left sides of the Pinkeep, like this (* right hand side photo).
And here is the backing fabric which I used for the Pinkeep.
This time I just have chosen very simple blue gingham check one which was the best for this Pinkeep, I thought.
(This time I didn't add "wee pocket" on the back"...)

I added some goodies (you can see them on her blog...) with this Pinkeep, but I had extra time and thought this isn't good enough as a Birthday Present, so I made very small thread holder with a little blue bear design which I thought she would like.

I used blue flowery ribbon and on the back I stitched her initial and year 2008.

It was the first time for me to join in public exchanges (experienced once in Japanese group, though), so I was a bit nervous and worried if she would like them.
But I've got a sweet e-mail from her today, so I'm very glad and feel so relief now!

Anyway, I had fun to join in this exchanges and think it was very good experience and opportunity!Thank you Edgar who is an owner of SBBC and thank you Dawn B.

*Pinkeep - "Kitty Litter" by Brittercup Designs
28ct Cashel Linen (Cream) , DMC threads (2 strands)

*Thread Keeper - from "De fil en aiguille" no.12Unknown fabric, DMC threads (2 strands)