Yesterday was the day that we had to visit PIL's home.
So I was planning to wake up earlier and before we go, I was going to visit shrine to get talisman!
But silly aren't I, I had alcohol in the midnight, so I over slept and couldn't go to shrine...
Today we went to shrine nearby to first visit of the year, and prayed for our happiness and got charms.
And I normally don't do it, but this year I really wanted to get a written fortune, and!!
I've got an Excellent Luck!!! Yeah!!
Last year, uhmmm not only the last year, I have been given much trouble for these 4 years, so this Excellent Luck meant me so much, it might sound a bit silly to you, though I felt very relieved!!
After we red written fortunes, we tie the paper to the rope or the trees like this.
I took top center of the rope and tied it very tight as praying for this year's happiness!!
As for the New year's day at PIL's house, SIL (my husband's brother's wife) and her 3 daughters didn't come, because they had cold, that changed the atmosphere so much I think, because now MIL is crazy for them!
Before then, she was crazy for my son (even she hates me!), but since I haven't been taking him to see them, she isn't interested in him now. Is it the same "Love me, love my dog." = "Hate me, hate my son." ??? LOL
She is a bit indebted to me (actually my mum), so she seemed not want to talk with me, she also kept out of me, didn't talk to me.I also didn't talk to her as much as possible.
So nothing trouble has happened! Thanks to everyone!!
But I was surprised when we all went to restaurant and while my son and I were having dessert, my son wanted to go to bathroom, so I took him there, but just after we were back to the table, check has finished and everyone was outside... I wanted to say, "Excuse me? we were still eating, though?" ;(
And MIL asked me about my son "Does he still love toy cars??", so I said "Yes, but recently he is getting interested in reading books", then she said "So there is Ponyo's book (Hayao Miyazaki's latest anime) at home".
So my husband said "Oh, so if he interested in it, gave it to him please".
But I didn't miss her funny face, and I realised that her face means...
When we were all back to PIL's home, she showed my son that book, but just soon after she showed him the book, she took away as saying "No, you are not interested in it, are you!, this wasn't bought for you, for Riko (2nd brother's daughter)!" and she took the book away from my son and said to 2nd brother "Here you are, it's for Riko, I thought she would be happy!"... ;(
My son even didn't open the cover yet, though! LOL
Anyway, don't care about her!!
FIL seemed still like my son, so when we were preparing to go home, he seemed a bit sad and said to my son "Tass, won't you stay over here? What do you think?"
But soon MIL said, "NO, put on your shoes immediately!!"
So my son was quite poor... But he seemed that he felt the atmosphere very much, he didn't talk to his grandpa and grandma at all, and didn't come to them.
Even though I have never told him about them bad, because I'm thinking he should judge in the future, so I don't like them but I don't tell about it to my son.
But children can feel it sensitively, my son LOVEs my mum SO much!! He kisses to my mum, hugs her, talk to her so much, always talking about my mum, but not to them!!
So you see, it's their loss!!!
MIL hates me, so she doesn't like my son anymore, isn't it strange?
I thought Grandparents love their every grandchildren...
But it was good for me, she didn't talk to me much.
I hope that my husband doesn't think it's my fault...
Anyways, I've got Excellent Luck!!!
So I will try to think positive and go forward to the right way!!
Thanks for visiting and take care!
Happy new year, everyone!
P.S. Thank you so much everyone for telling me about your Christmas stories!!
I will prepare carrots for reindeer from next year, and I won't forget to leave tooth print on the carrot! LOL (it's lovely, isn't it!)
And I spill a bit of milk on the floor!
Thanks for lovely ideas! I love to know other countries traditions or culture so much, it's so much fun!
Happy stitching!! :)