
Showing posts with label Mirror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mirror. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

[SBEBB] Spring House/Garden Exchange FOR Chris

Hi everyone, thank you again for "get well soon" wishes for me!
Thanks to you, I have been doing fine, this week!

Here are some photos to share of my first SBEBB exchange to Chris.
I joined "Spring House/Garden" theme, and I stitched Prairie Schooler's design.

It looks like pinkeep, but I made it into a small mirror!
Here is a photo of mirror which I've made for her.

I had made a small mirror with PS Autumn design before, too.
But I really love this Spring one in Pink, so I would like to make one for myself, too!

I added very light beautiful pink lace both on top and the bottom's blank area, I think they made a good accent and made this mirror feminine and romantic!

Luckily I had quite similar coloured ribbon in my stash, so used it for around the edge and tied a ribbon in a bow on top.

Here is a close up photo of backing fabric which I used for this time.

I think the colour matches so well all together, and pink made me feel very Spring time!
So I'm satisfied how this turned out, very much!

I saw that she loved this small mirror and what I've sent her very much on her blog, it made me very happy, as well!

Mine hasn't arrived yet, but I think it will reach me soon!
So everyday it's very exciting to check the mail box nowadays!

I know quite many people around me (include online friends) have been ill recently...
As I was miserable when I was ill for 2 weeks, I hope not that the same things happen to anybody else!
Please take care of yourself, everyone! :D

Design : Four Seasons by Pam Smith © Prairie SchoolerFrom : "The Gift Of Stitching" Issie 25 February 2008
Fabric and Threads : 32ct Belfast Linen (Cream / Ivory) x DMC
Finished as : Mirror

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween! - Prairie Autumn Mirror

Thank you so much for everyone who has left me kind and lovely comments in the
last post.
I think I was too serious and strict for the schedule for the SAL.
But now I'm thinking and going to stitch along with fun and enjoyments from now on!
Now thanks to you all, I think that it's OK to finish the PS SAL for the Christmas in 2008!
Most important thing is "Happy Stitching", I realised it! :D

Thank you again, everyone!!

By the way, I've finished this PS small Autumn design a day before yesterday!
This is so tiny and cute, I really love Autumn designs and colour very much!
I was thinking to make a pinkeep with this as the sample photo, but I remember that I wanted a small mirror, especially to see the face after we ate meals, lol!

It's just like a pinkeep, process is almost the same, I just put into the mirror between the face and the back, and made a circle hole on the back for the mirror!
I added a thin laces for both face and the back, trimed with black satin ribbon, and used Autumn colour fabric for the back.

How is this? Isn't it lovely?
I wanted to take around this in my bag with me, but it's just a little bit big to take around, in my small bag, so I will add this to my special basket which pinkeeps are in!

Today, I received surprised present from my Japanese friend!
I haven't been telling what she sent me a parcel, so it really surprised me a lot!

We've met online and became very good friends. Actually we are living far a way, but we both have 2 years old boy, etc...we have a lot in common!
She has been to Tokyo Disney-land with her family and she bought some really lovely goodies for my son!!
Pumpkin Minnie bag (sweets were inside) and snow-white's colour pens on the car!
So lovely, aren't they?!

And for me, she gave me some beautiful charts which she has already stitched and done!
I really wanted "Baby Garden" (Birth Sampler) from Just Nun, so I was so happy that she gave it to me! She also added a rabbit charm for "Baby Garden", she is kind enough, isn't she?
Other items are from "With my Needle" and a catalogue from "Eva Rosenstand"!
Wow, I feel I'm a rich now, lol!

The last photo of today is a Halloween Pumpkin Pudding we ate today!
Isn't it lovely and looks yummy?
I love this pumpkin and this cup as well!
I can use this cup after I ate pudding!
And also it was yum!! :D
Double Yum Yum! LOL

In Japan, there is no traditional Halloween events like in the US or European countries, but "Halloween" is getting be famous a little by little recently, but I'm not sure that how many person know about the meaning of Halloween, same as the Christmas, lol
In Japan, they are just young peoples' fun events, especially Christmas is just for luvy luvy young couples' event! lol

I think, most important event in Japan is may be a New Year's traditional ceremony at home and at shrine?
We cook special meals for New Year and go to shrine, every year.
So most of us have no habit to send Christmas cards to friends or family, but most of us send New Year's post card to family and friends, colleague, etc...

Well well...


"Autumn Pinkeep" & copy; Prairie Schooler @ The Gift Of Stitching Magazine
32ct DMC Linen (White)