
Showing posts with label Lizzie Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lizzie Kate. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Plant LOVE" (C) Lizzie Kate FOR Friend

Thanks for stopping by, and thank you so much for your lovely comments to my last post!

I found the post that I was forgetting to update!
Here is a framed piece of Lizzie * Kate "Plant Love".
I presented this to my friend's second baby.

Love the result and I want to stitch this again for myself oneday!

Design : "Plant LOVE" © Lizzie Kate (The Gift Of stitching, Issue 28, May, 2008)
Fabric : 32ct Lambswool

Thread : DMC

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Couldn't Be In Time, New WIP, And My Life

Hi, it's a lovely sunny day today, but it's getting be cold here, too in Western Japan.
How have you been doing?
I've just started this "Nikolous" from this month, although I've been keep stitching Boo! Club 2009 © Lizze Kate as I couldn't be in time.

Lizze Kate の Boo!Club 2009 は案の定ハロウィンには間に合わず、放置。
そして、クリスマスに向けて早々に acufactum の "Nikolous" を始めました。

This design has three red colours for Santa's body, can you see the colour difference?
The right side colour is like orange (DMC #606), and I thought it wouldn't be match for his body colour, but once I stitched, it matches so well!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WIP Since 1st Of October - "Boo! Club 2009" Lizzie*Kate [Photos Edited]

Since 1st of this month, I have been working on THIS!
I always wanted to stitch this series since these charts were released in 2009, but I never thought that I can complete whole designs, so till now I had been keeping them in my closet.
But this year I decided to stitch some things for Halloween, and tried to start this.

10月に入ってすぐ、ハロウィンに向けて Lizzie*Kate 2009 Boo! Club シリーズを刺し始めました!

I was thinking that I don't like to change colours (threads) often, but this project is so fun to stitch along!
I aimed to complete one block a day, and it went well as I planned.
See, I have to stitch border all around this design, but most of them are completed! Yeah!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Year WIPs and Gifts from Friends!

Hi, today finally I can share some cross stitch works (WIPs) with you!
I didn't iron, so they all are wrinkled, though...

Here is "Merry, Merry" © Birds Of A Feather.
I was going to present for my son Tass, though I couldn't finish this until the last Christmas.
There is gold thread that chart calls for, so I quite hesitate to stitch their parts...
So I bought gold thread for sewing machine, don't know how it'll be, but will see!

Here is a piece of "Birth Sampler III" © Prairie Schooler.
About 2 or 3 years ago, there were so many pregnant friends around me, it was about more than 10 people.
And recently there are many pregnant friends around me again, it's 2nd boom!
One of my best friend had have a baby girl the end of the last year, so I'm stitching a birth sampler for her!!
This is quite beautiful pattern, so I'm so looking forward to seeing the finished piece!! :D

And here is a new WIP, "Snowflake Serenade" © Country Cottage Needleworks.
I'm stitching this on 40ct Newcastle (Natural) that my friend gave me, as I wanted to put this piece in the white frame in the photo above, so choose 40ct.
But it's quite tough to stitch on 40ct as I haven't been stitching on 40ct for a long time now...
I hope I will be able to finish this in the winter season! :D

And here are also birth samplers "Bless the baby" © Lizzie*Kate.
I have been stitching them from the last year (actually I was forgetting them...) for my friend's baby boy, and another three are for my brother's children.
I should have finished this earlier and was going to present for them for Christmas, though I had terrible stiff neck the last Dec., so couldn't manage it.
Hope I can finish and present them soon!

I have received some gift and also Christmas cards from friends abroad!
So I share them with you!

Here is a gift from Caro in France.
She sent the parcel to my last address, though the post office forwarded to my present address on 24th of Dec., how nice!!
Thank you Caro for a lovely gift!!

And here is a gift from Carol R. in the UK.
She made a very lovely and beautiful scissors fob for me, and also she sent toy cars for my son! Thank you always so much, Carol R. for your kind heart!

And here is a gift from Nina in Hungary!
She sent me her original over dyed threads and lovely charms!!
Aren't they so beautiful?!

I don't remember that I have mentioned or not, but now the world heritage "Himeji Castle" is restoring old parts.

So here is the Himeji Castle now. Since tourists can't see the castle from outside, there is a big tent which was drew 3D silhouette by graphic art.
Why we went to Himeji Castle yesterday is, the Castle Marathon was held there, and my brother's children run!
So we went to cheer for them and take photos!!
Sweetie Tass made a flag to cheer for them! Tass is going to run Castle Marathon next year with me (under 7 years should run with an adult), so I have to train for it... whew...

Thank you for your visit!

Take care and have a lovely day!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

"Dog Lessons For People #143" - L*K Finished! [Edited]

Hi, thank you so much for your comments and thanks for visiting my blog, though I haven't been updating often.

Finally "Dog Lessons For People #143" © Lizzie*Kate has finished!!
I don't know why this took me so long time to finish...
When I first saw this pattern online, I thought to stitch for Tass as he loves dog! (me, too!)

The thread colours are very cheerful and so made me happy to stitch along, though why??
It took very long time to finish, lol
Most of my friends (in Mama's stitching group) love this pattern, and also my mum loves this colour combination so much!

Today was the 1st Stitch group's gathering day of Dec., so as I finished this, I passed this pattern to one of my friend.
She was motivated completely by this pattern!

Actually the frame was my son Tass's choice!
Just we went out for shopping, I was with this finished piece, and found some frames which is just the right size.
So I let him choose the frame colour, and he chose this one!
I also was going to choose this colour, so whew...

This time, I didn't insert glass, I added quilt batting between stitched piece and the cut board, so it's a bit puffy and it's so lovely now in the right frame and my son Tass seems very happy with this.
I want to hang this on his room!

Here is "Christmas cactus Diary".
My mum's Christmas cactuses are in full bud now!
So I'm going to take photos and report them how it grows from now!
I remember that my dear friend Carol R. and Angela was posting their Christmas cactus on the blog, so me too!

This photo was taken on 30th of Nov.
There is one more pot of Christmas Cactus, I hope they bloom beautifully soon!!

[Edited on 2nd of Dec.]

I just updated my scissdors blog :

There are new design scissors there!
Please have a look, and please ask me anything you want to know.

Take care and have a lovely day!
Thank you for your visit!

Design : "Dog Lessons For People #143" © Lizzie*Kate
Fabric : 32ct Wichelt Lambswool (maybe...)
Thread : DMC

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My WIPs 0918

Finally the day I can share my works (WIPs) with you came today!
Now I feel good that I can update my stitching works on my blog!
There are so many WIPs, though at the moment I'm stitching them below.

At first, I'm stitching "Dog Lessons For People #143" by Lizzie*Kate.
Actually I was stitching "The Tea Room" by CCN but couldn't concentrate on at all, so decided to change the chart that I stitch to this!
The thread colours call for this chart are very colourful and lovely, so it makes me feel cheerful!
My son Tass loves dog, so I want to hung this on his room when it completed! :)

Next project is "Simple Joys" by LHN.
Actually it's stopping stitching at the moment, so the photo is the same as before I took.

Here is "The Tea Room" by CCN.
I started this with my mama friends, but couldn't concentrate on stitching this at all, so changed the design to "Dog Lessons For People #143" by Lizzie*Kate.

My all mama friends who I'm stitching with (5 people includes me) have chosen LHN or CCN designs as I thought!!
One of my friend is very fast stitcher (on Aida at the moment... but will switch and try Linen soon!), so she has stitched many of designs already!
I will share some photos of her works one day later!

And here is now I'm stitching "Pumpkin Patch" by Prairie Schooler.
I want to buy new chart for Halloween by PS, though if I bought my mum would be mad (lol), so I'm stitching the last year version.
Also my mama friend that I talked about is stitching this, too!

I hope I can show you more works forwarded later when I update next time.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!
Bye for now,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Birth Sampler Has Framed.

Hi, finally I framed one of Birth (Baby) Sampler for friend's baby!
It's baby boy, so I bought blueish frame (for quilt, no glass) and very light baby blue mat, then framed!

This is a surprise gift, so I can't show the name of him and birth date, though I stitched them one over one, and they are very beautiful IRL.
I also added gold star charm on it!
I was thinking to add little bear charm, though the linen colour (raw) is darker than I thought, so I choose this star instead of it.
I thought about this frame a bit darker than I though for the Birth (baby) Sampler, but when the baby blue mat was putted in at the craft shop, it became lovely!

It's a bit shame that the thread colour of "Bless" didn't stand out well even after framed...
I should have changed the colour, now I think...

I hope my friend will be happy to receive this!
I should make 5 more same samplers, though!! whew!
I don't like one over one, so there are blank area on all the samplers where I should stitch their name and birth date... lol

My SIL asked me to change some threads colour, so I so undo some area...
I hope everyone would be glad to receive these gifts! :D

Take care and have a lovely weekend!
Thank you always for your visit!

Design : "Bless The Baby" © Lizzie*Kate
Fabric : 32ct Raw Linen
Thread : GAST

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Birthday Present FOR Jessie

Hi! Finally I can share my stitched piece with you!
This is my first work in 2009 that is for my friend Jessie's Birthday.
I knew that I haven't been well, so I started this from the last year... so it took almost 2 months to finish...
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Jessie!
Sorry, it didn't arrive to you in time...

I know that Jessie loves Lizzie*Kate, so when I was looking for the design for her Birthday, I thought this would be nice to stitch for her Birthday Present!
This is stitched on 40ct Wichelt Linen (Sandstone / Tea) which I like the best!

Around the candle and cake, the chart was written to one cross stitch, but I thought it would be so cute and beautiful to add pearl beads instead!
Isn't this lovely?!

When I framed this stitched piece, there was blank area both right and left sides so I added linen laces, it was quite simple and beautiful without laces, though I thought Jessie likes laces so decided to add! Yes, it's more cute than nothing...

Jessie's name and her Birthday was stitched on 1 over 1 on 40ct, it was quite hard for me as I have bad sight, though when I finished I was really happy and hoped she will like it!
It was very pleased to stitch this lovely design for her!
I do really hope she will like what I've sent for her, also the PINK goodies!
I forgot to take photos of them, though I think she will post what I sent.

There are so many ideas and designs that I want to stitch in my mind, I wish I could stitch all of them!!!
Uhmmm... what shall I stitch next? I'm now thinking a lot as seeing my stash!
But finally I just ordered Linen and Vikki Clayton's silks for BP Quaker SAL, so I'm very loooking forward to start it! And hope the linen colour is the right colour what I want!

Take care and have a lovely day!

And thanks for visiting!

Happy Stitching!

Design : "Birthday Blessings" © Lizzie*Kate
Linen : 40ct Wichelt Linen : Sandstone / Tea
Threads : DMC

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bless Our Home

"Bless Our Home" © Lizzie*Kate has finished on Friday night and I framed it!
Fortunatelly, there was a suitable frame in my stash, so I used it for this design.

But there were blanks both top and bottom area, so I added linen laces.

I stitched this for my dear friend Fiona's new house!
Fiona and her husband have built a new house recently, so I wanted to stitch something for her new house!
At the first, I was thinking to stitch "Bless Our Home" © CCN, but there was an American flag in the design, and thought...uhmmm she is an Aussie and her husband is a Japanese, so I thought it might be a bit funny for them, or for their house...
So I decided to stitch this design for them!

I will stitch CCN's "Bless Our Home" for my house sometime later in this year with an American flag! :D
If someone who doesn't know about cross stitch saw it, might think it's a bit funny, though I don't mind, LHN & CCN are my favourite and I don't think to change it into a Japanese flag! lol

Anyway, I sent this and some red kitchen tools for her as her kitchen is red!
(I've met her at IKEA when she was choosing red system kitchen there!)
I knew it has arrived to her today, I do really hope she will like them!!

Design : "Bless Our Home" © Lizzie*Kate
Fabric : 28ct Unknown Linen
Thread : DMC

Friday, July 18, 2008

LHN Nighborhood SAL Progress 0718

Here is my progress of Little House Neighborhood SAL!
I'm stitching on 28ct, so it's quite large piece and so it's quite hard to manage the fabric, but I think it will be very beautiful and impressive when it has completed!

As I'm weak stitching trees and borders, I haven't been stitching them yet, now I'm building the house on the top part.
This is very fun stitching a long!

Design : "Little House Neighborhood" © Little House Needleworks
Fabric : 28ct Zweigart Brittney (Platinum)
Thread : DMC

Here is another progress of "Bless Our Home" © Lizzie*Kate.
I have been stitching this for my dear friend's new house!

When it completed, I will frame it or if the frame cost too much, I will make flat fold.
And I will present this for her new house with some gifts!
I hope she will like it!

I updated and posted my latest progress of "Sunflower House" © Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers Series #09 on the last post, if you have time please look at it, too! :D

Design : "Bless Our Home" © Lizzie*Kate
Fabric : 28ct Unknown Linen
Thread : DMC