
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

New Years coming in a few hours!
Only the New Years eve, Tass can stay up late so he is excited and now he is playing with Origami...

On 23th of Dec. a parcel has arrived from Nina in Hungary!
She sent me her original dyed stuffs (Silk, Cotton threads, and also ribbon and lace)!
They all are so beautifully dyed by her hands!
How talented lady Nina is. Thank you so much dear Nina!


And she also enclosed this lovely ornament. Thank you, dear Nina always for your warm heart.
Since Tass's holiday has started, I can't play with PC as he hates to see me in front of PC...


Monday, December 17, 2012

Early Christmas Present 2

On 15th Saturday, I've found a parcel in the post, I knew from who and wanted to open then, but had to go out for seeing my brother's family at Toys'R'us (grandma Santa had to buy so many toys for her grand children, lol).
So soon after I came home, I couldn't resist to open it and found beautiful ornament and also lovely message card with neat writing.



She was noticed what I haven't been able to start Quaker Christmas © By Gone Stitches although I have already gathered all materials for it on my comment at someones blog.
So she motivated me to try to start QC with her next year!
I know she has a little girl to look after, so I really appreciate for her taking her time for me...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gift From Italy

Hi, yesterday just before when we go out, I found a yellow puffy envelope in my post.
But were going out soon, I opened it after I came back.

It was from Isabella ; a wonderful designer @
The Primitive Hare !
She kindly sent me a few of her lovely charts, rose pins, and tags!!
I'm so happy to receive gift from her, thank you so much sweet Isabella!
I really appreciate for your friendship!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Gifts from dear friends!

Hi, friends.
I have been stitching a little by little almost every day!
Now I have been stitching "Zippity Do Da" © La-D-Da, though I also have "Christmas Sampler II" © Prairie Schooler as my WIP, and the Christmas is coming soon, I will switch to "Christmas Sampler II" from "Zippity Do Da".

By the way, here are some gorgeous presents that I have received for a while ago.
I'm sorry that I couldn't update them for a long long time.
Here is
Huswife from Merumo.
I participated in her Giveaway, and I wasn't selected for a winner, but she kindly make such beautiful needlebooks as second chance of her giveaway!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cards, Presents from Friends!

Hi, how are you?
Since Sweetie has got Swine Flu, I was with him always, so I thought next tum must be me, but I didn't catch it, but my mum...
But we went to see a doctor to check, he gave us Tamiflu just to make sure, so we are feeling safe!
But poor Sweetie Tass, he couldn't be on the Christmas show in Preschool, me neither, I practiced mama's dance though we couldn't go on the show... shame...
By the way, the last week was a surprise week, I received some Christmas gifts, cards, etc...
I was so happy during the week! :D
Here is from my Japanese friend, she always care about friends and make beautiful things for them.
Luckily I was one of recipient, she presented me very beautiful Christmas ornament!
Isn't this lovely?!

The back of ornament, she stitched rein deer and 2009, this must be one of my treasure and keepsake!
She also added sweets and teas in the box which is wrapped with pink tissue paper.
Thank you so much, Friend S.!

Here is from Caro in France. Caro and I were talking about private exchange, though I was very busy about Sweeties health problem and also mine, and Caro also was very busy, so we decided to postponing until we will be able to have much own free time.
She kindly sent me rabbit greeting card as she knows that I love rabbit, and also pink memo pad and antique buttons from France!
Thank you so much, Caro for your kindness!
Let's decide when we will do exchange, later.
Here is a Christmas card from Su in the UK!
Su always send me cards, presents, etc... I'm so honored that I'm one of her friend as she is my heroine!
Thank you so much Su for your warm heart always!

I will share some photos of beautiful Birthday Present from Carol R. later!

Bye for now,

Thanks for your visit!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer Holiday!

Long time no post! My USBs didn't work at all, so I couldn't use mouse and do photo edit at all, and it's now summer holiday, so my nephew and niece came to stay over to mum's home and so I was bit busy and tired!

A fe
w days ago, I've got a parcel from USA, it was from Jolene.
Jolene left a comment that she fell in love with my scissors and asked me where to buy, but I don't know where to buy and I had two same pair of scissors, so I presented her with some goodies.She told me to pay, but I don't know the cost of these scissors so we decided to exchange something.

She is so kindly added LHN chart which was kitted up, and some over dyed threads, kitchen towels, and linen, beautiful fabric which I really love, and beautiful bracelet, and pinwheel for Sweetie!!
Do I deserve this??? Thank you SO much Jolene for your generosity and kindness!!

Here is a photo that Sweetie spins a pinwheel!
Thanks Jolene, he is enjoying it so much, as well as my nephew and niece!

Day one of my brother's family came, kids asked me to out to shrine to catch cicadas, again as I thought!!!
My SIL is now pregnant so she stayed at home and this time my mum and I went there with kids.
I love to see that kids relates with natures so much, so I was so enjoyed to be with them in the nature!

While they are catching cicadas, I took Sweetie's photo! Recently he pause like this! so cute!
My nephew and niece are so sweet, even they catch cicadas, they gave it to Sweetie first, then from smaller to older. They are so kind, they love Sweetie and Sweetie loves them so much!

After we caught cicadas, we let them go from mum's garden!
This time we got 13 cicadas all together! Well done kids!

Mum and I were nailing at night, Sweetie found it and said want to try to do it for my nails!!
I let him do it, but look at the photo, uhhhh as I thought!! lol

Here is Sweeties LEGO's work, it's beginners block (Big one), but but!!

My mum's friend gave phone call and she told her that she has old but so many LEGO.
Her grand children are all girls, so she doesn't need them anymore (LEGO are her son's), so she told mum to gave them to Sweetie and nephew!
Mum came back with this truck (basket? I don't know how to say it in English), with full of LEGO!!!!
Can you believe there were a heap of LEGO!
No wonder my nephew and Sweetie excited to choose them!!!

At night we did fireworks, it was so beautiful, actually almost every night we are doing fireworks (very small one) with Sweetie, though!
Kids seemed so enjoyed and so I was very happy! :D

Now I'm working secret project, so can't show you what I'm stitching, but soon I will!

Thank you for your visit and enjoy your summer!
Take care and happy Stitching!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Super Mail Weekend

Hi how are you doing? I'm doing so so OK, it was hard raining day today and I was sitting on the chair almost all day long, but my weekend was great!

Yesterday, mailman left a big box by the side of the front door, and it was from Marina (no blog) from France!!
She is my best customer (lol), she always buys charts from me (from my Sale and Trade blog), in spite of she bought many charts from me this time, too she e-mailed me that she will send something typical French things to me!

Look! What I received from Marina is here... (Chip'n Dale dolls are Sweeties favourite, and he again added them for my photo shoot, lol)
She sent me "de fil en aiguille", Bonne Maman's Galettes which is my FAVOURITE!!, sweets, hand dyed threads, felt owl, her cross stitched small bag and her 5 years old daughter's drawing for my Sweetie!

This is also that Sweetie lined and placed presents for shooting!
Her daughter's drawing is so well and lovely!
Thank you Marina and sweet daughter!

In the small bag, there were so many buttons, charms, ribbon, etc...
How lucky I am!
Thank you SO much for sending me surprise presents, Marina!!
I really appreciate for your kindness!

And today postman rung the door bell, and it was from dearest friend Nina in Hungary!
What a surprise! She sent me her beautiful works for me!

She sent me her beautiful and lovely strawberry fob+pincushion, and Fimo pins which was also made by her.

Look at them, how sweet they are and how sweet of you, Nina!

She also made this beautiful butterfly thread keeper by Fimo, how talented she is!
When I told about this to my mum, she was absolutely surprised!!

And these beautifully dyed threads also by her, they are so beautiful, I'm thinking how and when I use these beautiful threads!!

Thank you so much Nina for your kindness!
I'm so touched by them, and really appreciate for you always!

Take care and thanks for your visit!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Lavender Hill" For my cousin's Birthday!

Hi! Recently I haven't been able to surfing net like before, instead of it I have been stitching much more than before!

Now I'm working on Mary Wigham and some other WIPs.
The end of this month is my dear cousin Akiko's Birthday, and was going to stitch this design for her, but I wasn't in mood to stitch LHN nowadays, so I was going to give up to present her this year.

But, this year is an appreciation year (which I decided), so yesterday I decided to start again, and finished this last night!
The frame and mat was already bought, so what I had to do is just iron and frame it.

The last time I stitched this design
for my friend's Birthday, I choose different frame and pale green mat, though this time I choose lavender mat and very simple frame.

I think this frame is much better than the last one, simple is the best???
What do you think?
I will stitch this design three more times (lol), for my mum, another cousin, and for myself!
I have already bought frames and mats for this design, and mum's and mine are the same as the frame that I presented for my friend.
But I might change if this simple frame looks better than the last one!

Here is some close up photo of stitching and frame and mat.
I really like this design, so I'll never think it's tiring!
This design is so lovely and so I can't wait to hang it on the wall in my room!

I will stitch a bit and iron my WIPs and will show my progress of them.
Take care and thanks for your visit!
Happy stitching!

Design : "Lavender Hill" © Little House Needleworks
Fabric : 32ct Belfast Linen (Platinum)
Thread : DMC

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm Speechless... Gift From Carol R. (lots of photos)

Yesterday, I found a puffy envelope in the post, and it was from Carol R.!!!
She mentioned that she sent sweetie + me something about a week ago, and it arrived safely yesterday afternoon!
When I said "Oh sweetie, there is a parcel from Carol!" in Japanese, but he replied to me "Oh, Auntie Carol?" in English! (lol)

I was so thrilled to open it, and as always I opened the envelope with my sweetie Tass!
This time my mum was also with us looking forward to seeing what's in there!

Once I opened envelope, there were many of gifts everything was beautifully wrapped!
I was already touched by seeing them, I felt her warm heart already then...

First, we opened Present for Tass.
He was so excited to see what's inside, there were Thomas's English books, Jelly beans (Auntie Carol knows how much he loves jelly beans!) and some miniature toys!!

Look at them!! How sweet of her, she bought them for my son when she went to London with her grand daughter Kirby!
They are too cute!!! Tass was crazy about them soon he saw them, but I also fell in love with these tiny sets!!

Look at this sweet pink Mini!! I love this photo, so I will make postcard with this photo, later!
I asked Tass "Can you give me this Pink Mini???", he immediately said "No~!!!", lol
I just teased him! :D
Now he makes a town and there is London city, but he is thinking London is a country, lol
It's difficult to understand for 4 years old boy yet... but he knows American, Japanese, Canadian, England's flags already!

And she kindly sent him some British coins to play!!
How thoughtful lady she is! Now he is playing with them! Thanks Carol!
His real PIL didn't send him anything for his Birthday, but he is so lucky boy who is always thought by many friends of mine!!
Thank you so much for your constant consideration, Carol and also my friends!!

AND!!! Here they are!!! What sweet Carol sent me!
She isn't pinky type, though she knows that I like pink, so she sent me pinky stuffs!
Thank you so much, Carol!!

HERE!!! I was just speechless, not WAS still NOW, I'm speechless of seeing her perfect work!
This is what I was always seeing as drooling every time she made and posted on her blog.
My mum was also speechless to see her stunning work!!
I took many of this pincushion (how can I use this as pincushion!!), so please look at this her perfect work for a while...

Can you see my name YUKO at the corner?

And also can you see CAROL's name, too?

I'm sure you all are seeing this as drooling like me!

She knew that I love this pincushion so much, so she was secretly making this for me, I heard!
I'm so lucky enough to be a recipient of this her work, thank you so much Carol!!

Here is another her beautiful work, scissor fob!
Lovely, isn't it?! She added a charm which was written "Made with Love".
Yes, definitely this was made with her love, I felt!

Thank you SO SO much, Carol as always!
You made our day, indeed!
I really appreciate for you!

Here is an additional silly billy photo of me, lol
I was cooling my forehead with ice, and tied it by handkerchief, not I was dancing (lol)

I said I have been feeling better than before maybe on the last post, but still have been suffering from fever...
It's not piggie flu, so don't worry everybody, but it's side effect of medicine.
And it's getting higher and higher nowadays.
But I think my body has got used to it, so I don't feel ill much even though I had high fever.
Just feel hot and thirsty very much...

In Japan piggie flu is spreading, new patients was found in Tokyo area...
Actually the prefecture where I am present now is most popular for piggie flu, but if it's spread in Tokyo area, it would be awful!
It will soon spread around Tokyo area as there are so many people.
My hubby's company is in the center of Tokyo, and he goes to company by crowded train everyday, so he should be very careful for it...
I hope it won't spread much...

Take care + Thanks for visiting
And happy stitching!