This is the 2nd swap in "the series"....and it was from the lovely Lily! Her blog is
My little world of polish by Lily Nail.
My first H&M and Peggy Sage polishes! A Hello Kitty hairbrush (which has now become the "travel brush!!!!) and a great Watermelon Mint lip gloss, also H&M. I am so miffed that H&M in the States doesn't carry cosmetics... *sad face*.

Peggy Sage is a French brand I had never heard of, but the quality is primo - and the colors are very nice. The nail stickers are almost "rubbery" and they were perfect on my much so that I had a tough time removing them - but for my tootsies, it was great!

This was just the 1st of many swaps I have now done with Lily! Her blog is great and I love to watch for her new reviews.
I usually post all the colors under these pictures and now you are probably wondering my I'm a "slacker" for this post. Well let me explain. I had been keeping a (HUGE) list of these polishes on a legal pad of paper, which recently, has become MIA. Yea, I could go through my stash (also HUGE) and pick out the bottles, but they are in a bit of a storage crunch right now.....We had some water damage to our master bath and are in the midst of re-doing the floor with awesome tile ~ that's on backorder from the manufacturer in ITALY! ARGH! We are living on sub-floor and concrete board; dust and filth. My nail table is sitting against my sliding glass door in the master bedroom and all my polishes are stacked in the guest bedroom....I know, enough for the excuses. IF I can find the tablet, I'll edit this post - and if I mess up a swap, please let me apologize in advance. I think I am going to have to start a spreadsheet.....
But all that being said, I love swapping, and anyone interested in a future one, please contact me!
Be Polished!