
zaterdag 19 maart 2016


Hallo allemaal,
Ik probeer zo af en toe weer wat op mijn blog te plaatsen van wat ik gemaakt heb.

Deze kaart is gemaakt met de mooie mal van Dutch Doobadoo.
Het papier en de omlijsting van het plaatje van Syta van Gelderen is van Noor Design. 
De bloemen zijn van Wild Orchid Crafts. De roos is een stans van Marianne Design.

Tot de volgende keer! 

donderdag 10 maart 2016

Tags met de Gelli plate

Hallo allemaal,

Deze labels zijn gemaakt met de Gelli plate met verschillende kleuren verf.
Daarna zijn ze bestempeld met hele oude stempels die ik onderin een doos vond. De harten zijn wel nieuw en zijn van Joy Crafts.
De tekst is met de hand geschreven.

Bedankt voor het langskomen op mijn blog.
Tot een volgende keer!


woensdag 10 september 2014

Male card (again!!)

Hello everyone.
And an other male card I made for someone else's hubby.
Paper is by Marianne Design, an embossing folder 
with no mark on it, but I fell for the tools. 
 The image came from Syta van Gelderen and can be bought here.
The iron hardware was in my possession for a very long time 
and came in use now.
 The gear is by Spellbinders, the initials VW 
(stands for Volkswagen) are Marianne Design.
I forgot were the filmstrip is from, sorry.
The image below (inside) is a photograph form the 
owner of the vehicle. He didn't know I got it to use on this card, 
so he must have been very surprised!
 Thanks for stopping by!


zaterdag 6 september 2014

Male card

Hello everyone!
The image you see on this card is actually a photograph
that was taken on the highway home. As I saw it it reminded me of 
the die I have (by Marianne Design) and as you can see
it's almost identical!
 The gear is from Spellbinders. 
The card is quit plain and simple, but man don't want fuzzy stuff on them like flowers or lace :-)
 This is the inside: yes he turned 59. Next year ....
Thank you for stopping by! 
Hope to see you again soon.


dinsdag 2 september 2014

Female photographer

Hello everyone

Loved working on this one!
 Papers and dies are all by Marianne Design.
 The inside ...

Thank you for dropping by.


vrijdag 29 augustus 2014

Male at the beach

Good morning everyone!
Today I did a quick male card.
 I was told he loved the beach and his old VW.
So I managed to put them together.
Design paper is by Noor Design as well as 
the gorgeous frame. As I live in The Netherlands 
I've bought the die that cuts out our country from Amy Design.

 This is the inside: the gear are Spellbinders dies, 
the small envelop & sentiment are by Marianne Design.

Thanks for stopping at my small part of the world!


woensdag 27 augustus 2014

50 Years of marriage

 Hello bloggers from around the world!
Today I want to show you a card I made for a couple that 
have been married for 50 years.
I used a picture that was sent over the net to me.
I think they were happy with this.
I used dies and papers from Marianne Design, butterflies are by
Cheery Lynn Design, flowers were bought at Wild Orchid Crafts.
The golden leaf is by Joy! Crafts (Noor Design)

 A close up
 and a flat card that can be put in an envelop.

Thanks for passing by!
