Showing posts with label First Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Birthday. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sprinkles and Fluff

Cupcakes are certainly holding their own in the popularity department. Everything from party decor, to clothing, to housewares. They seem to be everywhere! I adore them (to eat) and I also think they make for a perfect birthday party theme. My niece had a Cup"Kate" themed party 3 years ago, here are some pics...
from the chandeliers...

down to her shirt...

If you are planning a party for your little one and needed a cute outfit, Etsy has an AMAZING selection. Here are a few super sweet favorites...mixed in with a few of my own cupcake inspired hair bows!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Traditional, Sweet, Charming, and everything in between...

The Party Dress is having a great giveaway by one of the most darling Kids Party decor/gifts sites that I have come across!  The site is called Kate Landers Events . She has everything from paper products, to favor ideas, pretty little things for your birthday girl to wear and wonderful gifts as well. I love her old-fashioned point of view. Her items are classic, but SUPER cute. I am so glad I found her, because there are many things that I know I would want if I was throwing a party...

What I really adore is all of her very "girly" items...

Corduroy Dress with Peter Pan collar-CAN BE MONOGRAMMED!!! $65

Fabric Napkins (how pretty!) 10 for $22.50

customized stickers...perfect for favor bags or cups or on the envelope of an invite. 10 for $7-$9

If you want to enter Kate Landers giveaway on the Party Dress, go here...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where does the time go?

It is hard to believe that my baby (pictured in his first week of life) is turning 1 in two months...I seriously don't know where this last year has gone?! It's so cliche, but the first year does fly by, despite all the sleepless nights and pure exhaustion from learning how to be a parent for the first time!

In honor of this amazing year, we HAVE to put together a fabulous party for our little guy! I have already started planning, because a lot of the items I want to buy are custom and if you have ever shopped party supplies on Etsy, the artists cut off orders months in advance. Here are my ideas for Julian's circus themed first birthday!

I picked the theme based on an outfit that was gifted to us when Julian was just a baby. It is a jon-jon that is red gingham with an elephant applique. It it just too cute and I have been waiting for him to finally grow into it. You can find items similar to this on the

I found these perfect invitations on Etsy and I immediately got inspired. I thinkthe pinwheel idea is perfect! It adds a really cute element to a circus themed party.

I was also thrilled to find that she had mini-pinwheel cupcake toppers!!!! The best part is you get to pick the paper that she will use for the pinwheels. Since we are doing mainly primary colors, I will probably stick with that in stripes and dots. The designer, Crossroads Cottage has other fabulous birthday ideas to choose from.

One of my all time favorite sites for unique/custom party supplies, Gaddie and Tood has the best pary hats. I am going to get one for our little guy, in hopes that he will wear it...even if it is just for one photo! I will probably do a red and blue polka dot with a glittery "1" and his name printed below it. For all the detail and work put into them, they are really a good deal at $15.

Lastly, I will definitely do a banner for his high chair or possibly one to hang in the house. I love these by WhimzyCreations on Etsy. But, thankfully my mom has the custom paper cutter by Cricut and we will probably make them ourselves using coordinating paper and ribbon to match my circus theme.


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