So, I've finally finished my Hootsuite order!
It feels so good to have finally finished, although it has taken a lot longer than it should have (but that was because of all the other orders that I also had to work on at the exact same time... my fingers are definitely crying right now~). Anyways, I wanted to quickly share the photos that I've taken during this whole process. I've posted a few of them before, but I guess I'll repost those ones as well, for the purpose of this blog entry. This post will be a quick one, as I still have a bunch of other orders that I need to work on (which I'm trying to get out before Christmas), so for the most part this post will be pic heavy. My desk feels a whole lot emptier without those owls around. I kind of miss them already~!
Here's hoping for their safe flight to Vancouver! Can't wait to see photos of them once they're in Hootsuite's HQ hehe~
+--- In The Making ---+
+--- Finished Owls ---+
+--- Extra Photos ---+
*red hat borrowed from one of my other owls~
Getting 20 owls to fit in the box was quite challenging. I thought it would be impossible...hahaha, I don't think the little owls were looking forward to this part either~
^ The Medium Box (it was a bit small, but the Large box CanadaPost offers would be too large)
^ All 20 owls waiting to go in
^ The first 10 have gone inside
^ Now there's 12 inside
^ Make that 14
^ The last 6 have made their way inside. No more space! They're all so squished >_<
At this point I'm wondering whether or not I'll be able to close this box properly
Horray! They fit! And yes, I drew doodles on the box for fun~
Side note:
Sorry about the poor editing job on the photos... I rushed through them (while eating dinner) since there was a lot. I might go back to re-edit them later if time permits, but I still have many other orders to catch up on, including two more wholesale orders. Must.. get.. everything out.. before christmas!!!