The good thing about this particular yarn company is that it's main shop is located in a city that is somewhat close to my own (a few hours away), so once they ship out my order, I'll receive it within 2 days. The thing that somewhat annoys me about this particular place is that sometimes it takes them one week before they even bother to ship out my order, and so I am left waiting. I really wish that the store in my location actually carried all of the yarns that they have in their main shop, because I would rather buy it in person, than online, since I hate having to pay for the shipping cost (especially when their shipping costs increases depending on the total cost of your order).
So here I sit, patiently waiting. My miniature cow, along with my funny looking sumo wrestler character cup are urging me to keep moo-ving forward. So don't think that I am sitting around doing nothing, as I am still working on other parts of my wholesale order with the yarns that I currently do have in stock :) It's just that the shop didn't carry any of the organic cotton yarns that I am needing for some of my toys :( So I have to wait. Hopefully it'll arrive early next week (keeping my fingers crossed).
Also it's been brought to my attention that some of the orders that I had recently shipped out are taking a bit of time to reach their final destinations. I do not know what is up with the mail lately but I'm really hoping that everyone will safely receive their packages. I usually ship items out in batches so if it hasn't arrived for one person but has for another, then I would expect that it'll arrive some time soon for those who are still left waiting. Hopefully all will be fine and your items will arrive. I've experienced this one time myself when it took about 2 weeks until I received something that I had ordered from the US (when it usually takes only 1 week). Hopefully we'll see a happy ending to all of this waiting. But if you are concerned about your order, please feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to help out as much as I can to the best of my ability.
I hope you are all having a lovely week and keeping up with the Olympics. It's really such an exciting time, and I've been enjoying getting to watch some of the events :) I'd like to watch a bit more but I think I'll head off to rest for a bit considering I have not slept yet ... (yes I've been awake for over 24 hours again), not to mention I'm feeling quite motion sick from that bus ride back home...