Showing posts with label Butterfly Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterfly Wood. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Update on all wips

This is an update on all my wips. Any details for them if not posted in previous posts I will put in future posts when they are up for viewing.
I think it is good putting all my wips up here and will do so every new year, to show progress or lack of it.

These are all my heaven and earth design wips (with exception of the bb sal and mini the forgotten as its packed away just now)

Hannah Lynn montage
qs boy with daisies
glacier lily
mini bed of clouds
once was innocent (colour)
sk collection of cats tales
flight of imagination
Butterfly wood
Siberian forest
Gypsy firefly
little miss deelish
qs ladybug
Qs dahlia
World of sea turtles
Train of dreams
Mini unleash the butterflies

If you need to know which is which just ask but hopefully thy will all show in order xxx


Friday 25 November 2011

butterfly wood - 25th nov 1/2 year goal done

So after a brilliant week getting 7321 stitches done ( including the ihsw) i have managed to finish my 1/2 year goals on this piece,as its now at 9.5% complete.
It has been  a joy to stitch so far, but now i am moving back onto Dryad

Monday 21 November 2011

IHSW _ Butterfly wood

So on friday i finished my goals on once was innocent - as seen on my other post.Then i moved on to butterfly wood.
Friday - 925 stitches done
Saturday - 1543 stitches done
Sunday - 1325 stitches done
So i managed a grand total of 3793 stitches :D. I can't believe how well i did.And thanks to it i now only have 3518 stitches till i finish my 1/2 year goals :D :D

Saturday 29 October 2011

butterfly wood update

just a quick update before i move onto once was innocent.

over the past 5 days i have managed to do 3241 stitches, bringing my completion to 6.3%. I only have 7690 stitches left to finish my 1/2 year goal on this piece.

Monday 17 October 2011

IHSW pics update

Well as promised here are the pictures of the progress i made on the different charts. Train of dreams i posted at the start of the ihsw, flights of imagination is a new start, and butterfly wood, im sure you will be able to find on one of my other posts(if you want to see a before pic)
 - butterfly wood
 - full length shot of new start - flight of imagination

 - close up of  yellow that will form the hot air balloon 
 - the start of a green book.
 - train of dreams ( now 18.66% complete)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Butterfly Wood (david penfound) update 27th september 2011

week 2 on butterfly wood, but i only managed to stitch a few days this week.Luckily i managed to get 1000 stitches done on 2 of the few days, and so this weeks total is 3357

edit : just did another 404 more , so this weeks total now 3761 :)

Sunday 11 September 2011

butterfly wood - week 1 - restart

hi all, well this past week has saw me restart on butterfly wood. it is done on 25 count white evenweave, 1 over 1. All in 3785 stitches have been done this week.

dont think i have done bad this week since all that you can see above was done in the week. Just hate that my camera wont show up the slight changes in colour , as the butterfly at the left edge of the page has 20 colours in and around it.

Monday 15 August 2011

butterfly wood restart

over the past couple of days i have done some work on butterfly wood. As i stitched i became more and more aware of a line between my first and second pages.Then , for some unknown reason, one of the threads i stitched with was very mucky ( its winter white , 3865? i think) compaired to the rest. So after i showed my gran ( who taught me how to cross stitch and has been my mentor since i was 6 ( 20 years ago) ) we both decided i should start again.It means no frogging, and also that i can take care to not have any page lines.

It is annoying having to start again , but it would be more annoying to continue , get further on - or finished and still not be happy with it. So it has went back into a bag - and can get used up for the 2012 freebie sal ( if haed holds it again - i missed the mid year one , as i joined the bb forum 2 weeks after it closed)

So i have put dryad back up and will do another week on that - starting tomorrow. Then it will be train of dreams, then hopefully ill have my new fabric through and i can toss for butterfly wood restart or fire moon.

A quick question for everyone.Do you like weekly updates, or would people rather i updated every other day ( unless ofcourse no work was done on a piece)

If it's weekly updates, you see (obviously depending on the week i have) around 2800 - 4200 stitches completed since the last update. If its every 2 days or so it would be about 800 - 1200 stitches. Just wondering what you all thought best.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

the butterflies are coming

As you can see progress is continuing and the butterflies are starting to show up

Thursday 9 June 2011

Butterfly wood Update

Ok as i stated here is my update on butterfly wood.
As you can see i went over onto page 2 , as the confetti stitches were driving me mad,and i needed some block work,which is a good thing as now the white is driving me up the wall, that i welcome some more confetti stitching just so i can get a different colour used :D. Im sure you all know the feeling

I hope you all like it, finally i can start on some of the very small butterflies. I will update again next week .Till then

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Thought i est update on here about how the designs will look like when they are finished.

train of your dreams

butterfly wood