Aliens: Colonial Marines just chest-bursted its way out of vaporware limbo. Sega and Gearbox Software announced today that the long in development squad-based first-person shooter will be "the definitive Aliens gaming experience" when it launches in spring 2012.

First announced in February 2008 and scheduled for release in early 2009, Aliens: Colonial Marines appeared to be on Gearbox's back burner as the studio released Borderlands and took on development of Duke Nukem Forever before so much as showing a trailer for Colonial Marines. Now the studio appears ready to fully embrace the game, and it will be on display for the first time at next week's E3 in Los Angeles.

"To Gearbox Software and its peers throughout the industry, Aliens is one of the most influential science fiction properties of all time," Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford said in a statement. "Aliens: Colonial Marines, designed as an interactive successor to the landmark films from Twentieth Century Fox, is a dream project about which our studio is deeply committed and passionate."

The rundown on the game's storyline from Sega:
Aliens: Colonial Marines begins with an ostensibly abandoned ship, the U.S.S. Sulaco, recovered in orbit around LV-426. Players lead a group of highly trained United States Colonial Marines as they board the deserted craft to uncover the fate of the crew. They will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe. Aliens: Colonial Marines features authentic environments, such as the surface of LV-426 and Hadley's Hope, weapons inspired by the film series, and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is in development for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PCs. Sega did not get more specific than spring 2012 for a release date.

Sharkey says: I envision a game best summed up as "Brothers in Arms in space with Aliens." It's unclear just how tactical Aliens: Colonial Marines will be, but Gearbox certainly has the chops to make it that way. Looking forward to finally seeing the game for the first time at E3.