Capcom is giving its frenetic gunkata franchise the reboot treatment. At the Tokyo Game Show, the Japanese developer announced a new Devil May Cry title is now in the works, bringing a younger, punk rock Dante back to consoles.

Despite the relatively strong critical and commercial performance of 2008's Devil May Cry 4, Capcom evidently felt it was time to get back to the franchise's first main character, Dante. Few details were provided about the title, but at the end of the debut trailer, it's clear Nero is out of the picture, replaced with what appears to be a young Dante (or perhaps one that recently took Keith Hernandez's advice and tried Just For Men):

Heavenly Sword and Enslaved developer Ninja Theory is taking the franchise's reins. "I'm very grateful and humbled to work with Capcom on such an important project," said Ninja Theory Creative Director Tameem Antoniades. "We hope to make a game even Dante would be proud of."

Dubbed simply Devil May Cry, the game is being developed for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Capcom did not issue a release date.

Sharkey says: I'm not so sure about Dante's new look, but I do think Ninja Theory is the right studio to inject new life into the franchise. We'll keep you posted.