It's been nearly a decade since the odd couple of Banjo and Kazooie graced a major platform. Rare's platformers were a highlight of the Nintendo 64 era and were instrumental in catapulting the British development studio into household name status. Since that time, the developer has traded in potty-mouthed squirrels, the adventures of red-headed government agents, and cultivating Mexican party staples. However, the bear and bird that were so popular on N64 haven't seen a true resurrection until now. With Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Rare re-imagines the duo in an open-world title focused on creating and perfecting vehicles. It's not "Banjo-Threeie" by any stretch, but anyone who pines to build and tweak should have a good time, in spite of the downright clunky gameplay mechanics.

Rare doesn't hesitate to poke fun at itself, the duo, or gaming in general. Nuts & Bolts finds the pair resting on their laurels, several years later and several pounds heavier. The twice-deceased Gruntilda has been resurrected by the Lord of Games (or LOG, as the Nuts & Bolts calls him), who claims to have invented every video game ever, and after giving Banjo and Kazooie the fastest and cleanest liposuction seen in gaming, it's time to thwart the evil witch. With that the team is whisked away to Showdown Town, where they must collect golden Jiggies, the game's super-currency, to advance from stage to stage and ultimately thwart ol' Grunty. The presentation is quite charming and at times laugh-out-loud funny, especially as Rare pokes fun at its less-successful endeavors -- Grabbed By the Ghoulies, anyone?

Showdown Town is the hub through which Banjo and Kazooie travel to themed lands, from the farms of Nutty Acres to Jiggoseum, a Roman-style colosseum. No matter the terrain, Nuts & Bolts provides you with sprawling zones that bear the trademark Rare aesthetic and incorporate series stalwarts such as Mumbo Jumbo and Klungo. Although it takes some noticeable framerate hits at times, it's a great-looking game that does a great job bringing these classic characters into sprawling universes. The beauty and attention paid to creating these worlds is commendable; it's certainly as gorgeous as the likes of Viva Pinata.

Rare's decision to move the emphasis away from platforming and toward creation and challenges is a bold choice, since nearly three-fourths of the game takes place in vehicles. As you bring Banjo and Kazooie from spot to spot, you'll collect more than just Jiggies; you'll get parts and collect blueprints that allow you to build and customize vehicles. You can use the currency you collect to buy blueprints from Humba Wumba to build yet more vehicles.

Mumbo Jumbo's role in Showdown Town is to open up his body shop to allow you to dive into a wealth of customization options. The Nuts & Bolts experience, meaning what you'll really get from it, hinges upon how much you're willing to experiment. The litmus test is a simple one: Did you spend a great deal of your childhood enjoying Legos? That's a huge step in the right direction. You can take Humba Wumba's blueprints and build ever larger and more elaborate machines that fly and float, or you can make simple rides to pull off fairly basic tasks and earn Jiggies.