As Multiplayer Gaming's Home Page, we at GameSpy are always trying to find out what makes online gaming tick. Among the many online titles on the site that you, the readers, are interested in, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw has consistently been one of the most heavily watched series. We know, based on reader feedback, that there are lots of you out there who love your wrasslin'. With that in mind, we decided to pick the brains of members of the Yuke's staff who've toiled away on the latest game in the top-selling series. Most importantly, we wanted to know what makes the new game's online tick. Technical Director Shintaro Matsubara, Executive Director Taku Chihaya and Producer Hiromi Furuta were more than happy to answer our brief questions about what players can expect to see in SmackDown vs. Raw 2007.

GameSpy: In devising the game's online modes, what have been the biggest differences that Yuke's has encountered between PS2 online and Xbox Live?
Yuke's: The biggest difference has been whether it has a guide feature or not. Xbox Live has a guide feature to handle basic processing (such as the friend feature, chat feature and software keyboard), while the PS2 needs to start from the beginning of the creation library.
GameSpy: After finishing the first game for Xbox 360, how does the team feel about working on this hardware versus working on the PS2?
Yuke's: We feel that PS2 is getting close to the limit in terms of CPU load and memory. However, we have been free from such restrictions during our production for Xbox Live. Also, since Xbox 360's guide feature can handle basic processing, we felt it was easier to develop our game for Xbox 360 when we finished it.
GameSpy: Since the first SmackDown vs. Raw, there's been extensive work on the gameplay modes available, but there have been issues with laggy servers, dropped games, and cheating. What has Yuke's planned on the programming end to make every gamer's experience as enjoyable online as offline?
Yuke's: As an anti-cheating measure, we have programmed the game forcing back to the default value when a player tries to play using abnormal parameters. Regarding lagging and dropped games issues, we have cleared TRC (PS2) and TCR (Xbox 360) conventions by offering advance tests using each router in the market to make sure we can play a match without any problem under deliberately created network delay and loss environment.

GameSpy: Some players get online with created wrestlers whose stats are at 99, making it difficult to beat them with a normal superstar, especially on the SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 game. Are there any gameplay balances to combat this problem?
Yuke's: In Xbox Live, session search can show sessions that are well-suited to a player's stats level. As for PS2, there is no special consideration for any gameplay balances, but it is available to confirm an opponent's stats when entering a session.
GameSpy: How much work has gone into the process of swapping created superstars online?
Yuke's: In terms of this feature, we have made it possible for players to swap their created superstars with someone else's created superstars. When it comes to the time for the process, we spent about one month to make this feature come true.
GameSpy: What is the process for creating each mode for play, and how long does it take from start to finish?
Yuke's: Every time we upgrade our game engine or offer a game for different hardware, we need to port the existing code for each mode to the new engine. Also, when we change basic designs, creating new codes are necessary. Our process for creating each mode is firstly setting our final goal in the game; secondly creating design to realize the goal; then making necessary materials and codes and finally completing the mode through a trial and error process. Man hours to create a mode vary dramatically depending on each mode.
GameSpy: What have been the most dramatic differences between creating this wrestling game for a Western audience and making games for Japanese fans?
Yuke's: Both Japanese and the U.S. pro-wrestling fans are reality-oriented. But, the performance itself is very different between WWE and Japan pro wrestling. In that regard, the direction to the final product is different. When it comes to the game development for Japanese gamers, we will follow our own sense of fun since we are Japanese. When we create games for the SmackDown vs. Raw series, we make the game by analyzing what makes a Western audience interested. This is the biggest difference. I don't think it is a disadvantage for us. It is our virtue because we can judge objectively what is exciting and fun for Western gamers, and we can make it into the game. Our team members are big fans of WWE, and we develop wrestling games with passion. Our passion will not go out of control since we think about the taste of Western audience objectively. The SmackDown vs. Raw series has evolved interestingly, and it is a product of synergy effect among Japanese staff, American staff and our Western game fans.