Perhaps I'm off my nut, but I always thought that a Spy Hunter game should focus on solid driving, with some good old-fashioned explosions scattered throughout. The past titles sported basic but entertaining gameplay. When The Rock signed up to play the main character in the Spy Hunter movie and it's tie-in game, I imagined it would be just some voice over, bringing over the appeal of the People's Champ. Boy, was I wrong. Sure enough, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson does deliver some seemingly effortless charm, but the fact that the developers threw in an on-foot portion to the game really hurts more than it helps.

From the start, players are subjected to mediocre gameplay and some truly horrendous pre-rendered cinematics which wind up looking as bad as the real-time visuals. The character models look rather cheap and blocky, with Alex Decker bearing only a passing resemblance to The Rock. The story starts with a chase sequence as Alex evades NOSTRA forces, complete with dodgy slow motion and cheap, pixelated explosions. Alex is knocked out cold by one of the explosions and subsequently, he loses his car -- the Interceptor -- and its advanced technology to the dastardly organization. One year later, we rejoin Alex as he infiltrates a barge that's carrying his lovely automobile, and he aims to get it back... and this is where the game starts to go downhill.

A big grievance is with the glitches that plague the graphics in the game. The whole experience is riddled with jaggies, while environments are bland and basic with occasionally muddy textures. The character models don't really have any details to distinguish themselves. Alex Decker is rather plain, and if it wasn't for The Rock's voice, it could be just another generic guy. He's tall and muscle-bound, but the resemblance ends there. The Interceptor certainly is a sexy machine, but again, the cheap visuals reflect on the car, making it seem like just a simple silver sports car. It should be noted that the Xbox version sees slightly cleaner visuals, with jagged edges being smoothed out, providing a noticeably cleaner picture. The glitches in the game really cheapen things; characters sticking out of walls and railings, etc. The camera controls like a first-person shooter, with the right stick used for aiming, but when near walls or other types of environmental objects, they eventually get in the way, obscuring your view.