Amped 2 (Xbox)
Genre: Sports
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
E for Everyone: Suitable for Persons Ages Six and Older
Amped 2
Amped 2 (Xbox)

View All 14 Screens
Genre: Sports
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
Release Date: October 28, 2003 (US)
E for Everyone: Suitable for Persons Ages Six and Older

Amped 2 Walkthrough & Strategy Guide

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Published: Jan 28, 2003


Yellow snow is not one of the world's finer cuisines, yet you seem to taste it quite often. There's nothing like fresh powder, but when your entire snowboarding experience looks like one endless run of "Ow, my nuts!" blooper reels, it's time for help. That's where we come in. IGN is providing you with a free strategy guide for Amped 2, packed with tips straight from the developer and complete with maps of the biggest mountains this side of Kilimanjaro.

Why would IGN make a guide this good free for all? Because we love you, that's why. Get a grasp on the overall picture with Bunny Hill Basics, then cruise on into the Developer and Reader Tips sections for more in-depth strategies to make you king of the snow mountain. We'll have you making snow angels and smashing through snowmen in no time flat. What are you waiting for... it's free!!

Basics by Hilary "Mellow Yellow Snow" Goldstein
Developer Tips and Maps provided by Microsoft

On to Bunny Hill Basics...