Showing posts with label cam whoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cam whoring. Show all posts

NOTD: clouds on a sunny day + Giveaway update

Hello there again! :) Lately I haven't been very active :P sorry :)

I wanted to share with you my NOTD. It's blue and it has white dots (Essence Shocking blue) :) And this time it's blue with a reason! ;) I will be promoting Manner so I put blue on (and a wrong shade for Manner :P)
Check out the link to see what blue they have in their logo :)

And here is some cam whoring :P Remember that skirt I bought some days ago? I wanted to try out a combination (OOTD) but I couldn't find anything that goes with it (in my closet). So I just put on my favourite pair of shoes and the cam whoring started. My honey ♥ helped ;) (he took the photos)

And here is the promised giveaway update! :)

The necklace and the make up (purple eyeliner -limited edition and vivid greenish eyeshadow) are for the 1st place, the mask (it's great) and the bath salt are for the 2nd place.
For more info click here.
You have still time to enter!

P.S. There is a new poll, please vote.

Xoxo Parisky