
Favourite fashion designers

Alexander Mcqueen

NOTD: Frankenpolish purple bazaar + cake

My mirror scratches NOTD wore off :( so I decided to make my first Frankenpolish!

I've mixed Maybelline 140 Baby Pink from this post and Alessandro dark purple color (can't find the number). I called it Purple bazaar ;)

This came out:



And here is the cake I made yesterday. It was for my dad's birthday :) Here is half eaten :P

XOXO Parisky

NOTD mirror scratches

This is my today's NOTD :) I used Maybelline Mirror magic (I think that's the name) and Some Essence nail art pen. My nails are so short :(
But anyway this nail polish is already scraping off :/

Inside with flash

Outside on the sunshine
:D Now I'm baking a cake, actually 2 cakes ;)

XOXO Parisky

Trip to Piran

This weekend I was very active :) We (me & my boyfriend) went to Piran (it's actually around 15 km from where I live). It was very romantic ;)

Here are some photos:

And us 2

See, very romantic ;)

XOXO Parisky

What I'll write next?
my trip to Å obec, Bled and The Vintgar Gorge
- more contest entries
- hmm maybe about another fashion icon/trend


It's GIVEAWAY time!

There are a lot of lovely giveaways going on! I love especially those on etsy, because I love handmade jewelry (actually thinknig of making a jewelry shop - I love making jewelry and giving it as gifts).

And now to the lovely giveaways (quite some of them)

1. Redd Hynes Give away (ends on Aug 1)

For more info click here

2. Wonder wonder Giveaway ends on Avg 2

3. B-line's giveaway ends on Avg 2

4. Ribbons and Lace Giveaway ends on July 30

5. Liz is LOVING giveaway ends on July 31

1. You Must Be A Follwer! duh!
2. Mention my Giveaway in a post on your blog! Link it & post my rules also.
3. Leave me comment in THIS post; "Blush Me Two Times, Babe!" & leave the link post to the post you made about my give away & YOUR NAME & EMAIL ADRESS!
4. Good Luck Ladies!!!

8. Confessions of an Everyday Diva's contest is fabulous! Who doesn't want a pair of shoes?

And last but not least is my giveaway! You have still time to enter!

XOXO Parisky

New photos from the photosession!

I have added another one :)

Here are 4 more

I don't know if they're clickable, but you can see bigger pictures here.

XOXO Parisky

Yet to come:

-photos from Piran
-my trip to Å obec, Bled and The Vintgar Gorge
- more contest entries


2 OOTD + NOTD multicolor dots

Here are 2 outfits of the same day :) Well actually I just put on white jeans for going to the cinema (it's freezing cold in there).

And this is my yesterday's simple OOTD. We (bf&me) went to Piran.

And my today's NOTD

XOXO Parisky

Review: The Path, the game

Hello girls! Yesterday I read about it on this blog and today I had to try it! Because I haven't played a game in a while.

And all I can say is OMG scarry sh**! I don't know how else to describe it! It all starts with all this girls (6 in total) in a room. You get to choose which one will carry the basket to grandma.
The grils are all dressed in red&black and are of different ages. They also have all names related to the color red (Ruby, Scarlet, Rose, ...). The room is red and black.

Okay than you choose a girl and off you go. There is only one rule and you have to break it: Don't go off the path.

The path (road) is full of color and cheerful but as soon as you get off it to the woods everything gets dark and creepy. There is also this annoying sound: like a girl chanting a song (annoyingly repetitive and very creepy).

Each one of this girls has got their personal wolf that you have to find. Till now I have found 2. One for the elder girl (a forest ranger) and for the younger girl (literally a wolf- more like a warewolf).

Overall the game is very intense and makes you want to know what is the girl's wolf. I have mixed feelings about it. On one side I find it too scary (the grandma houses are the worst!- different for each girl) but on the other side it twists your imagination and you want to know what happens to all of the girls.
You can read a review here. But there are plenty on the net.

And here are few pictures (clickable!) of the younger's one adventure.

After she meets the wolf everything turns grey

In the grandma's house
Her end ...
And some more random photos:

I have finally finshed it! Now I can sleep well again!

XOXO Parisky

Harry potter movie, contest and random stuff

Those who haven't read the book/watched the movie don't read from here on.

I've read all 7 books and I hated Harry Potter since the 6th book. Till that book I was HP's fan #1 but after that book I actually hoped HP would die in the last book :P ah evil me. My favourite character was Dumbledore and because he killed the book was just sad. :( But still the movie was great but sad.

And now to the even better news! I actually won something in the Brother's
Grimm contest!!! You can see my entry here. And the winners here.
Congratulations to all!! :)

And Tali has mentioned this AMAZING blog about fairy tales and very interesting stuff. You definitely HAVE TO check it out. It's definitely the most unusual/interesting/cool blog I've seen so far. You can find there from Vogue to games. Everything that is somehow connected to fairy tales!

And remember when I said some days ago I have photographed a girl?
Well here is a picture so far.

P.S. Tomorrow I will upload my OOTD from today and well more photos.

XOXO Parisky