Sunday, May 31, 2009
A few more
Friday, May 29, 2009
Old and New
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The red pill
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Just chillin'
Friday, May 22, 2009
Making Lemonade
The guidelines for the Lemonade award are:
Comment on this blog.
Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.
Nominate 5 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
Link to your nominees within your blog post.
Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.
And here's a little about the Friends award:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to five bloggers.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Drive by
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bits and pieces
I am working on a few things, but nothing is ready for sharing just yet. I wanted to show you one thing that I do though to get the most bang for a buck lately. I use the Cosmo cricket Elements for everything. I use my favorite designs for scrapbooking and card making, but what to do with the ones left over? I cut them all up following the lines on the paper. Then I leave a stack near my office stuff. I use them for Tags on gifts-baby gifts, birthday gifts (great if you forgot or don't have time for a card). I use them for cute notes to dh when we are at the park when he comes home, or any notes really. I'm less likely to forget the doctor's appt if it is on pretty paper. I think it's how papercrafters are wired.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
One is the loneliest number
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Space cadet
Friday, May 15, 2009
Disagreeable Herbs
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I stand corrected; winner!
In case it crossed your mind, this is what I'm going to do with all these recipes! New Cosmo Early bird paper and chipboard:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-05-14 15:18:04 UTC
*reyanna klein* said...
I want this paper SO bad!!! It's perfect for a recipe album I'm doing for a bride. :)
Favorite summer recipe...
Iced tea (green or plain Lipton is fine) with chunks of watermelon and a sprig of basil. SO yummy! :D
Reyanna, please email me (its under my photo on this blog top right corner) with the address you want me to send this to. Don't worry, I'll do a giveaway again soon. And if you are itching to pick up this beautiful paper, check out Studio Calico's June kit with add-on #1 or your favorite online store should have it in now.Happy Thursday! Until tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Cosmo Early Bird Giveaway
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cosmo Cricket/Tattered Angels Blog Hop
Cosmo Cricket design team blogs:
May 4 Natasja Verbeek
May 18, Yukari Takanashi
May 25, Leah Killian
Cosmo Cricket website
Cosmo Cricket weblog
Tattered Angels design team blogs:
May 4 Trisha Ladouceur & Cheryl McAdam
May 11,Michelle Jackson& Sally Lynn MacDonald
May 18, Michelle van Etten & Melissa Phillips
May 25, Liz Hicks & Vicki Chrisman
Tattered Angels website
Tattered Angels weblog
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's day
I guess lucky for J (and me), the universe saw fit to shove me right off that ledge. After I received the word that my husband was seriously injured and that M had been killed in Iraq, everything, and I mean absolutely everything snapped into focus for me. I could see so clearly, with absolute clarity what my priorities were, and what they needed to be. Life is about relationships, our interaction with other people, the hope and the joy and the lessons we teach one another. It isn't about things, it isn't about money, it isn't about power or climbing a ladder or success or fame or fortune of any kind. None of it will keep you warm when you are all alone in this world. Yeah, the universe shook me pretty hard and I had never felt more alone then I did in that moment when dh was half a world away in some makeshift hospital. And less than six months after my husband came home and I assisted in his rehab, I was pregnant. And that was not an accident, it was not the universe playing games with us. We made a decision to let our love grow into a family. We needed that little bundle of joy and hope as much as J needed us.
Motherhood has been my highest highs and my lowest lows. When it's right, it's poetry in motion. I stand in those moment in awe of the life I helped create, in rapture of the joy he brings us, and in anticipation of the amazing person he is becoming. And when it's bad, I could crawl back into bed and hide under the covers in tears. Unlike with patients, there is no objectivity with you own kids, so when they hurt you, they can really wound you. And as brave as I was to enter into this motherhood thing with my eyes wide open, I'm still surprised every single day at how inadequate I feel and how I seem to question every decision. Still, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that J is the reason dh is alive, was allowed to live. He is our purpose, and it was meant to be. I knew I wanted to be something, I just didn't know that that something was Mom.
I've had the most perfect weekend, perfect in my eyes anyway. Even the weather seems to have come around. Happy Mother's day to all who stop by! Until tomorrow.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Weekend Randomness
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Do you think. . .
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Kiss on the Chic Layouts
Monday, May 4, 2009
But what a way to go
We didn't find anything we wanted. We saw two very nice houses, ironically the cheapest houses too, in the worst neighborhoods and the worst school district. We didn't even get to see our top 3 picks in the good neighborhoods because after being on the market for less than 72 hours, all three had multiple offers on them. The interest rates went down and the home buyers were out in force. We did see one older home that was kept up nicely. Some of the homes were so bad I can't believe anyone would show them like that, and have the nerve to ask over 1/2 million dollars for them. It's like insult to injury really.
So after much deliberation, we decided to wait until the fall to look again. The prices here have gone up at least $50,000 since the leaves on the trees came out. We realize we are taking a risk by waiting 4.5 months, and that if things continue at the pace they are now, we will be effectively priced out of the market, again. But it's a chance I feel like we have to take. We don't want to compete with 3 other people, paying full asking price, for a very old house that needs alot of work, in a good school district/neighborhood. At least in the fall we might be able to get a little bit of a discount on such a place, maybe. It's so hard to wait, so hard to just be still. I still believe our house is out there, maybe it's just not ready yet.
We got home pretty late for us, around 6pm both nights. Saturday I cooked anyway not wanting to go out to eat. Sunday, I was just done. We ate at Chipotle. I figured that if I got the swine flu, well, anyone who knows me would say, "She went out in a haze of guacamole goodness, it's how she would have wanted it." So far, we are all still healthy.
I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do this weekend. The laundry is piled up. I had hoped to do some pages and work on loading my mom's birthday present with photos:
But I didn't get to that either. I always have such high expectations for my mom's birthday and Christmas, I want to give her a really personal photo gift you know? Like a book, or calendar or digital photo frame, but I never leave myself enough time to get it done. I feel like I fail every time. I'm determined to finish this and not get a Macy's gift card, again.