I think I am working way too hard on the house. The garage is another story, but the house is starting to look like people live here. Because modern life is so hurried, it is that much more important to really relax when you get the chance. I was talking with my scrappie friend yesterday afternoon and we agreed that if you are going to spend what little free time you get scrapbooking/papercrafting, you need to enjoy it. It can't be work, pressured, or cause anymore stress. I think the key is to figure out what part of the scrapbook process stresses you out the most and eliminate/change it. I love to type my journaling, but I'm considering experimenting with some options for handwriting on my pages to save time. Maybe not every page, not every time, but some. Simplifying and streamlining are the key. If you are looking for more along that line, Ali Edwards new book is awesome. (I don't know her, and have no reason to endorse her). I got it for christmas and I couldn't put it down.
Anyway, since I am still tied up with the house, I thought I would post an option. I could (a) post a layout tomorrow that is a month old, (b) create a slide show of older layouts, or (c) just keep on not posting layouts on my paper blog for the next few days. The choice is yours my friends. It's my birthday tomorrow, so whatever you choose will be fine with me. (LOOK I figured out the sidebar, yeah me!)
And now, I'm going to take a shower and relax. These are great for the foodie in all of us (see pic). My sister got them for me for christmas. Now where did I put that towel and spoon?