Showing posts with label Yards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yards. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where Y'At Vamp? The Yard Reveal!

If you have been reading Visual Vamp for a couple of years or so, you know I live in New Orleans, and that our home survived Katrina, and that the yard took a beating. The yard is big by city standards, and it had been neglected by the previous owner, and I had made a start at fixing it up. You can see many previous photos if you go to the right hand margin and scroll way down to "labels". Click on the label "Yards", and on the label "Outside-Gardens", and you will see my yard, front porch, etc., and several inspiration photos and ideas I have collected over the years.

Today, the reveal!

Visual Vamp patio now

Of course the elements I always use are: Working with what one has, color, art, flowers, comfort, and a sense of fun, and so it goes with this project.

Visual Vamp patio then, after Katrina

It took over five years to get to this reveal. The fence between our neighbor's home had blown down in the hurricane, and the process to rebuild took a long time. About 7 months ago, the beautiful fence was completed, and that was what I was waiting for to realize a project I had been planning and dreaming about.

A similar view to the post Katrina photo as it looks now

I had started to add rock to the beat down drive way, one bag at a time from Home Depot. I also tried to get a rock path going along the side of the house, upping it to six bags at a time. My friend Sabina and Alberto would buy me those six bags as a gift once in awhile! Needless to say it was like filling a swimming pool with an eye dropper.

A few months ago I saw a young man, Derek Brown (504 813 9428), doing some hard scape for a neighbor, and we struck up a conversation, and he came over and listened to my "I Love Lucy" schemes for dealing with crappy cracked concrete, a wood handicap ramp, a huge weed patch, some chain link gates, and my insatiable desire for a ton of rocks. As luck wold have it, Derek had a rock pile with my name on it, a surplus left from another job, and a price I could afford. He arrived with rock and a Bobcat, and the demo of the ramp and gates happened, and the rock in the driveway was put down. I was in heaven!

The back portion of my yard, had three concrete patois. It was divided into two separate spaces divided by a chain link fence and gate, creating two yards for the once double shotgun house this had been. I had the fence and gate removed to open up the space.

Painted patio floor

I have finally become a true New Orleanian! I paint cement!!!! I have always hated when people painted concrete. But here in New Orleans everyone paints their porches and patios. It took eleven years for me to get with the program!

One of the patios is raised, so I painted it the same deep hunter green that the neighbors (Julie and Larry) painted the fence. I like using green outside, the color of nature.

Four piece patio set by Martha Stewart at Home Depot

I made this patio the main sitting area. I opted for a coffee table and four comfy chairs, rather than a dining table. The coffee table has a top that comes off and becomes a fire pit. I bought this set at Home Depot on sale long before the renovation started. I know you know what I mean when I tell you I was stockpiling it for the future. It's by Martha Stewart. It came with the cushions, and it is very nice quality.

River rock covers a cracked concrete patio

Other elements on the patio are art, lighting, plants, a bar. I covered the lower cracked concrete patio with river rock. I love the pea gravel used in European gardens, but I opted for the larger river rock.

Rope lighting and lanterns are nice at night

Yes Patricia, there is a modest fountain now!

Every garden needs a tranquil Buddha, or a Virgin Mary statue, so I thought I would add oversize art to the patio, and paint a huge Buddha. I call it "Pink Buddha". I thought to use pink as an accent color in honor of the 2011 color of the year. I started with some little pink plastic folding tables ($10. each), pink flowers and foliage, and pink fabric in the pillows.

I painted this pink Buddha!

The third patio is in front of the back door we use, the garage, and a shed, so I did not put rock here. I painted it another shade of green, and also painted the two back doors a third green. The rock is held in place by a gray bricks that were laid out in a serpentine pattern. There's also another Buddha here, a glow-in-the-dark one that my friend Jack gave me for my 60th birthday. We think it came from a Chinese restaurant. Jack found it in a store on Magazine Street that sells vintage and antique things, and I just love it and have used it in several rooms in the house, but I think he looks swell on the new patio.

Serpentine placement of gray brick contain the rock bed
I spy the Buddha Jack gave me!

Patio in front of garage and shed is painted Martini Olive green

The bar and the lighted "@" sign
As in Where it's at!

The bright green back door

Trina Turk pillow from Etsy

Planters with bamboo sticks in front of AC unit

I had some funky planters that I put bamboo sticks into to screen the air conditioner. I'm not fooling anyone that the huge AC unit is there, but it is a little cuter! I had a collection of bird houses that I was ready to get rid of, but I used them as a "screen" on another side of the AC unit.

Funky bird houses

All of this has been happening at a crazy pace, because our home is on a house tour on Saturday!

We even did a quick fix on the attic window that Katrina blew out. We painted the plywood, put back the old window trim we saved, and hung a fragment of an old iron gate I had picked up years ago because I thought it was cute, and had it stashed in my shed for use one day!

The attic window quick fix

The front porch got spiffed up too. The porch floor (it's concrete) got the dreaded paint job, in this case an opaque concrete stain, and all the fence and railings were painted too.

Porch and steps and gates were painted
The spots are the Spring falling of pollen

I replaced all the outdoor rugs with some new ones from perch. (504 899-2122), and edited the furniture.

A fun vintage yellow Eames chair was added

New indoor/outdoor rugs from perch. - 504 899 2122

Entree des artistes!

The river rock driveway
Gray bricks contain the rock

The driveway ends at the lawn

After all the rock was down, I had to decide what to do with a huge ghetto weed patch. I considered fake grass, until all you bloggers screamed NO, beware of dog pee! I could have extended the rock to the garage, which would make sense if cars went into the garage. But cars have never been in this garage. It was used as a card party room by the original owners, and a workshop by subsequent owners. Alberto uses it as workshop.

And there was another family member to consider! It's Cholo! Cholo needed grass to play on! And it is so nice to have a patch of grass in a city setting.

Cholo says he needs some grass to play on

St. Augustine sod was laid down just before Mardi Gras, and it was a little brown and patchy. But the feed store said it would fill in, to water it, and I have done that and babied it, and Cholo's lawn is getting more lush with every day. I was told it would look pretty good by April, and by the miracle of nature, it is!

Pink flowers down the 100 year brick sidewalk

Another candidate for river rock was an area on the other side of the house, what I call the breezeway. The 100 year old brick was a mess, and it would have been easy to cover it up. But in the end I opted to restore it the best it could be, wanting to see and walk on those old bricks for another 100 years.

I added the visual design element of repetition by hanging multiple baskets of pink petunias. Oh that it could be the giant Kartell Misses Flower Power vases! But I think this looks charming, and a surprise awaits at the end of the path. Remember I said I took another chain link gate down at the beginning of this walkway. I wanted the passer by to peer down the old brick walkway, and see a fountain at the far end, my Valentine to the secret courtyards in The French Quarter.

My dreams for the house involve ripping off the plastic siding and restoring the old cypress boards, and rebuilding the old window and door frames, and putting shutters back on the house.
All I need is fifty thousand dollars ha ha. Alberto and I have done all the DIY projects that we are capable of, so maybe the siding will never get done. So I keep the house clean and in as good of repair as possible.

100 year old Sweet Olive tree near an entrance of the house
Sweet Olive is traditionally placed at an entrance,
it's beautiful fragrance to welcome all who enter

So this is what has taken me away from blogging! Alberto and I are so happy with the yard. As the trees and plants grow back after the Winter frost, it will look even prettier. We look forward to hanging out, and invite you all to come and sit a spell, and toss the ball to Cholo!

Driveway gates and iron fence got a paint job

Special thanks to neighbors Julie and and Larry on one side, and Deb and Michael on the other side, and Jack for helping me paint, and Derek and his helper Scott for never laughing at my ideas, and always making them a reality, and mostly to Alberto who is always cheerful when I ask him to build, fix, or install, and for telling me he loves the home I have made for us, and that he appreciates my dynamic decor style.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yard Project Almost Done

Gravel and Trina Turk and a place to party

I have been working on my yard since Katrina trashed it. It has been slow going to say the least.
I have the best neighbors in the world, and they have been working hard to rebuild the fence that blew down between our houses, and it was finally finished a few months ago, which was what I needed to proceed.

I'm giving you some hints of the elements I am using in these photos from my clipping file.

Pink and Buddhas

Our house is on a double lot, a real treat for city living. We have two old cracked concrete patios in the back, because at one time this double shotgun house had two families living in it, hence two patios. I took down the fence between the two to open it up into one larger space.

A lawn to mow

No budget to completely demo old cement patios, and really no will to do it either. So I came up with some stylist choices, that have worked out very well.
There is a nice area for entertaining in the back now.

I spy a Bocce court!

On the side of the house with the extra lot, there is a driveway for off street parking. I have carved out some planting beds flanking the drive, preserving a 150 year Sweet Olive tree, and adding new pass-along plants, including some great palm trees.

There was also space for a lawn! Green grass in the city! At first I thought about hard scape for this area, or even raised planter boxes inspired by Brooke and Steve's (Velvet and Linen)
front yard vegetable garden. But in the end I was most inspired by Cholo, who loves to play ball, and the grass was the best option for his sweet little paws.

Are you up for a game?

We planted St. Augustine grass, and it is still coming into to it's own, but I can see how lush it's going to be, and I envision some croquet perhaps? I've been eye balling a vintage croquet set in a local antique shop on Magazine Street.

And how about some lawn bowling and cocktails?

Oooh Lawn Bowling outfits!

Or maybe a game of Bocce!

Love the ghetto-look Bocce court with the discarded beer can

The weather is so fine right now. The shop was closed Saturday because a huge raucous St. Patrick's Day parade rolls on Magazine Street, 1400 drinking men dressed in tuxedos handing out roses for sloppy kisses.

So Jack came over and we did alot of work, painting and spiffing up. Alberto is building a few things, and helping me realize the vision I have had in my head for five years and counting.
How was the weekend where you're at? Are you doing tons of yard work too?

Another hint - the secret garden
Something I love from the French Quarter

I'm on the fast track to complete as much as possible. The PRC Shotgun House Tour is April 2, so if you are in New Orleans get your ticket HERE, and come and see our house AND yard!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ideas To Transform A Yard In The Hood

I will be using large scale art in the patio area of the garden

The weather is fine. Mighty fine. Spring has sprung in New Orleans, and everyone is cleaning up the yard and gardening.

My yard has been a mess since Katrina did some serious pruning. Trees down, fences down, rubble and trash and ruin.

Finally the fence is up, the trees hauled away, and my gradual planting and clean up work is paying off.

I am using lots of rock and gravel
And a grouping of four comfy chairs

I have been looking at pictures of gardens and yards, and started a clipping file.
Three elements that have inspired me are: Art in the garden, rocks and gravel, and repetition.

The houses in New Orleans are close together
We have a 120 year old brick path between our house and the neighbor's
I love the use of repetition down a narrow walkway

Coming soon the new and improved Visual Vamp yard! The rebirth garden! Don't get too excited. It's still a yard in the hood. And I love it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trina Turk on Etsy

My yard, garden, and back patio got a complete trashing from Katrina. It's been over five years. I have cleaned it up bit by bit, but finally, we are now doing some larger projects, and it is looking so good.

I am getting to the fun decorative parts. There's some new furniture and I am doing some pillows with indoor/outdoor fabric, a Trina Turk print in shades of pink and orange. They are going on dark brown chairs.

I have found this fabric discounted for around $72. a yard. It retails for around $150.

Trina Turk pillows in Peacock pattern, color Punch
image via Plum Cushion HERE

Etsy is a treasure trove for well priced Trina Turk.

Trina Turk 22 x 22 pillow on Etsy by Elegant Touch HERE

I found a huge 22 x 22 pillow for only $70.

Chair by Spruce Home on Etsy with Trina Turk cushions HERE

There's an entire adorable chair with the cushions for only $300., the price of one pillow at Neiman's!

Trina Turk deck chair by Gallant and Jones HERE

There's also a great looking deck chair.

The Trina Turk web site is also having a pretty good sale HERE.

Cheer yourself up and out of the winter blahs with some Trina fabric for your outdoor space.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Let's Get Stoned

Need a little break?
Snow covers the ground in many places.

Housebound gardeners look through seed catalogs and at garden books and journals.

I say let's get stoned! This costs about $300. per square foot. It's all done by hand, one stone at at a time.

Read all about HERE