Showing posts with label Tango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tango. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Alberto Says It Best

Alberto when he was a young man, with his father

From the blog RADIO DEL TANGO:

In the beginning God used water and dirt to create life. Since then,
fathers and sons have continued the eternal ritual of growing up and

It is true that the seed needs the fertile ground to sprout, but the
tree that results from that union, only grows and becomes strong
because it knows that it is its destiny to give shade to the land
where it germinated.

The paternal figure is alarmingly absent from the ethos of the tango,
perhaps because of the circumstances of the period were it began its
genesis without a father.

Not so, in other musical expressions from diverse regions around the country.

Astor Piazzolla, raised in New York, brought the figure of the father
to the tango in a very poignant way when he wrote his masterpiece
Adios Nonino, in memory of his father who passed away in Argentina
while Astor was working in North America.

I pay tribute to my own deceased father and to my boy who's now a man
and a dad, and my girl who's now a woman.
To all the dads in the reach of our embrace, happy day and I hope you
at least enjoy the music...

Go to this link:

Happy Father's Day Alberto!

PS The Vamp here...That marvelous voice of the DJ is Alberto

Monday, February 14, 2011

Your Tango Shoes Under My Bench

Pink monogram plate: V & A
Caroline gave me these for my birthday HERE

When Alberto and I met, it was through the tango. I was a new dancer, and he was quite a few steps ahead of me. We met in July and we were a couple by October. I left my home in New York to move in with Alberto in California. I left behind an apartment, a beach house, a design business, and many, many friends.

I was sick at the time, wrung out and damaged. The tango gave me solace and strength, and Alberto gave me back my life.

To this day we are part of an urban myth in the tango world, the fancy New York woman getting the prize of the Argentine tango man. Many said it would not stand the test of time, that I would have my little tango fling, and get back to New York and my "real" life.

Sixteen years later I am deep into my life with Alberto. I never looked back, but always looked ahead to what we have between us, and what we continue to build upon.

Ours is not a romance of youth, but one started in middle age, and growing into our golden age.
Much comes with the territory that you never think about when you are younger. You never think you'll make it to be the age of grandparents, much less have the romance of your lifetime happening.

Alberto is a romantic. And so this morning he sweetly and shyly asked me to be his Valentine ~ again. And I accepted ~ again. He said I saved his heart, so he he is giving it to me.

Our long time friend Michael Pelkey sent this perfect Valentine

The tango is the back drop to the love affair of Alberto and me. Sharing our dance with one another is still thrilling, and touching, and magical.

Recently I have been updating our at home dance studio HERE
My friend Jack made a gift of the same green silk drapes I have in the living room. We both did out drapes at the same time two years ago, and he is changing his and passed them onto me. This prompted me to spruce things up. I painted some mirrors white, re-hung some art, re-purposed our old dining room chandelier and painted it orange, and added some seating HERE

White patent leather chair at perch.

The last piece for the studio is a bench I covered in white patent leather. I was inspired by the white patent leather chairs at perch. I saw over three years ago. I borrowed a pair for a photo shoot then, but never purchased them HERE

Wishing all of you love and Valentines, today and everyday.

The tango shoes of Alberto Paz and Valorie Hart

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Warm and Cozy With Brown Velvet

This is the front door to our house
The Union Jack armoire is our coat closet
This room is our dance studio

I had another old ratty vintage chair reupholstered. I bought it for $20. eleven years ago, and it was in such good shape, it stayed the way I found it, gold velvet with brown wood arms and legs.
The chair has good classic lines, so I decided I would re-up it.

Leonels has done all the upholstery in our home, and we use them at perch. the high end home furnishings shop I work in. They are simply the best for workmanship, and they are fair with pricing.

Leonels is the upholsterer to Visual Vamp
View from the living room into the dance studio

I meant the chair for the dance studio, placed by a window, a nice spot to just sit and gaze, or an handy place to change into dance shoes, or sit and teach from the chair ha ha.

Uh, no. Too "Mr. and Mrs."
So I broke up the romance, & moved Mrs. Brown Velvet Chair

But I got seduced by the "newness" and moved the chair into the living room. It didn't quite fit, and paired with the lime green wing chair, it looked a little too much like "Mr. and Mrs. Chair", too granny even for this granny.

Mrs. Brown Velvet does a tango in the dance studio

So Back to the dance studio it went.

I painted the arms and legs of the chair white, and distressed the paint a bit. The new fabric is brown velvet, purchased from The old chair had nail heads, but for the new version I chose self-piping. I have nail heads on the couch and French settee, and my breakfast room chairs, and just thought, "enough with the nail heads already."

A place to gaze or change into dance shoes

Then I moved it back to the living room, and moved it this way and that way. Fuss and fidget, fuss and fidget. Oh the silly restless illness of a decor addict. Don't judge/laugh. I know you do the same thing.

I moved the chair this way...

Then I moved the chair that way...

And then I finally moved it back to the studio where I wanted it to be in the first damn place! So now the chairs are all at rest for the moment, cozy on this winter day.

Striped doors in the dance studio adjoin the living room

Visual Vamp living room February 2011
- Do you see Cholo?

I have some exciting news. The Preservation Resource Center invited Alberto and I to be on the first Shotgun House Tour since Hurricane Katrina. We are so honored and excited. It's Saturday April 2 in case you are in New Orleans.

I needed to snap some photos, and I got a new camera from Alberto for Christmas, so I am experimenting with settings and exposures. I always shoot with natural light which is tricky, since even though our house doesn't feel gloomy, it's not exactly flooded with light.

So these photos are part of the learning curve, and since I had them I thought I'd share them, in hopes to give you something to look at during the MONSTER STORM OF THE CENTURY!

Visual Vamp living room looking into the dance studio - 2011

PS Thank you all for the great response to my project with the apricot silk drapes. Next week I will show you another room....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sneak Peak: Planet Tango Dance Studio

Planet Tango dance studio
The home studio of Alberto Paz and Valorie Hart

Alberto is feeling really good these days, and we are officially giving tango classes again. To celebrate, I did a little refurb on our dance studio at home for him. A few little things can really add freshness and energy to a room.

I added lime green silk drapes to replace black and tan check curtains. The same lime green drapes are in the living room, which adjoins the dance room, so the continuity of this luscious color is great.

I painted all the mirrors white, and filled an entire wall with them floor to ceiling. We actually use the ones at mid level to check our steps and posture. I also grouped all the tango art on another wall, floor to ceiling. These are vintage sheet music covers of famous Argentine tangos.

Another burst of color is introduced with the orange chandelier. It was our old dining room chandelier that I spray painted this wonderful color.

A bench for changing shoes is at the upholsterer. It's being covered in white patent leather. You know I'll show it to you when it's done.

We are teaching our first tango workshop of the new year this weekend, and the first after the incident in Canada. Wish you could be here for it!

The view from the living into the Planet Tango dance room

Lime green and orange and white in the living room
These colors are repeated in the dance room

The colors are soooo 2009 ha ha - Will I repaint this year???!!!!

Planet Tango dance studio then...

Planet Tango dance studio now...

Another view from the living room into the dance room

A little vignette in the Visual Vamp living room
I spy an
Anne Harwell painting

Bryan Batt used lime green and an orange chandelier in is old house
He's moved onto the world of greige in a new home

Friday, December 24, 2010

In Lieu Of A Proper Thank You Note

I want to send each and every one of you a personal handwritten thank you note.

When that seemed impossible, I wanted to make a list of every name of every person who sent prayers (that were answered). I wanted to add to the list the names from emails that were filled with love and concern. And then thank each of you for the comments you left on the various posts I did about Canada.

You blew up Facebook with your heartfelt comments and messages.

Fund raisers were held by tango communities all over the USA for us, including a whopper in New Orleans.

I wanted to list all the bloggers who did a post for Alberto and me ( I have tried to re-post them on Facebook when I find them), and of the many bloggers who held auctions for us, or donated something for those auctions from baking cookies to beautiful works of art, or gave us something we needed from your Etsy shop, or bought our book Gotta Tango.

I so wanted to list the names of all of you who sent fruit baskets and brought over food once we made it home, and of course I wanted to post the names that showed up on the roster for a Paypal donation to

It amounts to hundreds of names.

As Alberto recovers, we have spent hours and hours reading each and every name. We cry alot reading these amazing names, so many of which are of people we "don't know". And then we cry harder reading the names of all the people we know, and who love us. We can safely say you are loved, and we are loved.

We have tried to search and acknowledge every blog post many of you did about our time in Canada.

Then we tried to cross reference it all and make a master list. This has been going on since Thanksgiving when I originally wanted to name names ha ha.

Well, we are just not up to it! It is too much for us to do. We need a a blog intern ha ha. But we couldn't let another month go by without saying something, without offering some kind of thank you note, proper or not.

First responders in Canada, doctors and nurses in two countries, family, fellow dancers, bloggers, readers, kind strangers, tangueros, and loyal friends from all over the world:

We can't begin to express our gratitude for your solidarity and compassion, for your words of comfort, love and support along with your prayers, good wishes and most important, generous contributions that helped us raise the necessary funds to return home.

Thank you and let's dance more tango in 2011, and blog, and decorate, and be good to each other.

Valorie Hart and Alberto Paz dancing Tango on Fulton Street in New Orleans

Alberto and I send our best wishes for the best holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous new year.

All of the fabulous hand lettered examples come from Stephen Rapp.

From his web site:

"Word and image are the key components in any graphic campaign. Each must effectively convey the message on both a practical and emotional level. This is where custom type and lettering excel. Hand lettered words express emotion much like the human voice. They can, in some cases, even serve as illustration. In our ever expanding digital environment the sense of human touch conveyed with hand lettering stands out as a welcoming voice.

Lettering and typography are my passion. I’ve studied and practiced lettering and type design for over 2 decades. Along the way I’ve had the opportunity to work in a variety of styles and media. If you have a project that might benefit from custom lettering or type; please don’t hesitate to call or write."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh Canada

If you are on Facebook, you may know Alberto had a heart attack in the Calgary airport on our way to teach a tango workshop. He was put into a paralytic induced coma, had his blood cooled to protect his brain, has been rewarmed and he's off the ventilators, and breathing tube, is talking, but not walking.

Alberto is not all there - sort of like dealing with a mild case of Alzheimer's. He is like a sweet newborn baby.

He needed to have an angio gram today, and he refused! He only wanted Dr. Bhansali his New Orleans doctor.

Finally we got Bhansali on the phone with Alberto to tell him to do it. You know the patient has to be awake and cooperate. So Alberto agreed, but with his memory lapses, it was tough getting him there, because it took the hospital six hours to have a slot. I had to be there with him during the angio.

There is a blockage of course. But too close to one of the valves in the artery (left side) for a stent. They are proposing open heart surgery. Nothing will happen until Monday, when a group of heart specialists look at the angio results.

He cannot travel until his mental state is better, and he can walk. He is talking, eating, but is sometimes very difficult emotionally. He just wants to come home, and really doesn't understand that he is in the hospital. I play him tango music to soothe his troubled mind.

Medivac has been mentioned. But how. It is so expensive. If anyone has any connections in this area, please share your information with me.

We could use a good fund raiser.

Dancers in New Orleans, and people from all over the world are contributing to our Paypal account:

For now the blog must be on the back burner. Please pray for Alberto and me.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Deauville. Lady of the French coast, its most glamorous seaside resort.

Well, not excatly that Lady Deauville, but rather the old broad Deauville on North Beach in Miami.

The last time we were here was in 1997. There was a huge fire a few years ago, and the entire hotel was renovated.

Lobby of the renovated Deauville Hotel on Miami Beach

The renovation kept the flavor of the hotel in it's modern heyday during the 1960's. Many of the cursive architectural details are intact.

The retro arches outside of the Deauville Hotel are still intact and fabulous

There are many nice decorative touches throughout the hotel.

Glass "bubbles" grace the entrances on the lower level of the Deauville Hotel, the level that leads to the pool and the beach.

The Beatles stayed and performed at the Deauville in 1964!

It was also a favorite hang out for The Rat Pack (Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey...)

Go HERE to read the history of this iconic hotel.

Deauville Hotel Pool in 1964

Deauville Hotel Pool 2010

Come into a suite we are occupying. It's a good case study in hotel interior design.

The entry hall has an over size demi lune table in Wenge wood, with a large gold leaf mirror above it. The floor in every room except the bedroom is marble.

The living room is well appointed with contemporary furnishings. The color palette throughout is a pale yellow, greige, and soft sage green. Dark wood is the accent color.

Enough accessories are used to make it feel designed, but not overbearing.

There are several different fabric textures: the rug, the silky club chairs and sofa, and the patterned arm chairs.

The drapery fabric in both rooms is a subtle grey and yellow stripe in a linen like fabric.

I like the circle pattern in the area rug juxtaposed with the small print on the chairs, and the round back of the chairs, and the round coffee table.

The bedroom is classic hotel design as we now know it, and incorporate into home decor.

There is an over size padded headboard, with simple tufting, upholstered in a matte metallic leather (faux?).

Two dark wood nightstands with white gourd shape lamps with drum shades look current.

The Deauville Hotel is not the most glam or luxurious in Miami, but it is comfortable and well designed, and the service is good.

The paint application is interesting. Three colors are used: yellow, gray (greige), and white.

The art work in the room is pretty.

Notice that the wood work and doors are painted the same color as the walls, and all in flat paint, something I do in my design work.

There are two chairs in the bedroom, a club chair upholstered in a yellow damask, and an armless chair in a gray stripe.

The patterned rug is striking. It's gray and yellow, and the pattern looks like a stsaggered bar code.

I love the pillow with the big initial on it - I may do this at home. There was only one accent pillow, and I kept moving it around like the lone orchid plant at a budget photo shoot going from room to room.

The desk (which I use as a vanity) is dark wood and rattan with a taupe leather top.

The bathroom is all marble, but it has design flaws, like a small pedestal sink with no counter space (we dragged in an end table from the living room), and there is not one towel bar or hook!

And pray tell what are we doing in Miami just days after Alberto being in the hospital?

We are at The Miami Tango Fantasy Festival. We were invited guests at the very first one held at the Deauville Hotel in 1997, and we were invited back again this year.

The Miami Tango Fantasy is the best tango festival being offered anywhere, with first rate ameneties, tons of classes, held at a wonderful resort location with dances and classes all under one roof.

The neighborhood of North Beach has always been a little seedy, but it has come up quite a bit since 1997. There are several restaurants (one stays open 24 hours) with well priced good food across the street from the hotel, a couple of food markets, a Walgreens that has everything, and of course miles of the most beautiful beach.

Thanks to everyone for all the get well wishes for Alberto. He has three coronary stints, and is feeling very good. He gets the leg blockages taken care of in six weeks.

We are enjoying this getaway, seeing many old friends and students, and dancing too. In fact we are performing an exhibition for The Night of The Milongueros.

So Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I wonder what you all are doing...

PS Jack is staying at our house, with his dog Girl (a Pitt Bull-Boxer-Catahoula mix) who loves Cholo, and our neighbors Larry (who works for the FBI) and Julie are looking in too. Just sayin'