Designers get hooked on using some of their favorite things, and these things become sort of a signature design element. Do you find yourself buying and using the same tried and true things you love? What are they?
Suzanne Kasler is the hot Atlanta designer every girl wants to be, or have decorate her home. She's hotter than Candice Olson was on Rate My Space (the original web site not the HGTV show). I've heard it said that SK charges $100K per project.
Buy a dozen and you can have the Kasler look like her high end bedroom
I will never know what she charges, because I will never hire her. But like many of you I appreciate her work, and recognize the design elements she favors.
These antlers are part of her affordable collection for Ballard
It's no secret to design bloggers and savvy shoppers that SK designed a low price line for Ballard Designs. I am so seduced when I get those Ballard catalogs. The styling is superb. It's like getting a mini design book in the mail, complete with new sections dedicated to how to put a room together, and a supporting web site that is pretty good.
We don't have a Ballard outlet here in New Orleans, but when I visited Atlanta, Renae Moore took me to the Ballard's Backroom, where I got to see and touch the merchandise.
Looks just like the ones in her high end bedroom
I was disappointed, because by and large the stuff is really cheap looking and feeling. Many of you have told me this, but I just didn't want to believe it. Yet if you are careful, you can pick and choose and maybe use a piece or two to mix in with the high and low.
The Kasler look is expensive and requires a pale color palette, repetition of objects, French antiques mixed with modern pieces, and graphic fabrics mixed in with silk and linen. Sounds pretty standard and easy right? Something that Ballard could knock off and any home decorator could achieve. Well yes and no. The elements may be familiar to us all, but how SK puts it all together is the magic, and why she is a major design star.
Note the colors palette,
The silk drapes, the chandelier, the skirted table
Pay attention to the French style seating
Still with her book in hand, a ton of shelter magazines that have featured her, myriad blog posts bookmarked, and the Ballard catalog in hand, you could create the look.
I think a bedroom or a dining room would be good places to try some SK signature elements.
Adding a wall of brackets or antlers, or a sunburst mirror (or a collection of sunburst mirrors) will propel you on your way. Choose any pale neutral wall color to place your Ballard treasures on.
Not cheap, but far cheaper than the antique Kasler
would use for thousands of dollars
This one looks very much like the one in her high end dining room
Add a signature chandelier. Kasler favors romantic French style chandeliers, and Ballard has a huge well priced selection (some designed by Kasler) that would fit the bill. The Ballard lighting fixtures seem to work okay in the high low mix.
Very grand and very romantic - it would look great in an SK inspired room
Suzanne loves sunburst mirrors. She elevated them from mid century hipster cool, to an elegant design accessory. She brought back the sunburst design to the touchstone of the elegant French antique.
Many of us are "over" the sunburst mirror. It did get played up and perhaps out, and used by every designer on television or in Domino. I still love it, because it is a classic. People love it and gravitate towards it precisely because it is a well designed beautiful object.
Ballard has a great selection of Kasler designed sunburst mirrors, and I want to believe that this would be okay in the high low mix.
Only $219! And the rays extend to an impressive 44 inches
These are French antiques
But she designed a collection for Ballard
So what did you think of the latest Ballard catalog? I'm sure you have all gotten your latest copy in the mail by now. And what are you ordering?
I picked out some Kasler and non Kasler items that I like, though I know even in the photos that some of them will be just too cheap looking.
We sell a real one at perch. for $800. that is gorgeous
Is it good or is the small scale goofy?
This Kasler designed ice bucket style vase
These look like they would be okay for the high low mix
Kasler wooden folding table
Too expensive for something so flea market looking
Non Kasler French sign - I know it's corny, but I still love it
Kitchen mats with with a black board menu look
And I am sorry to say I kind of like them
And check Holly at Things That Inspire who wrote a good post on this same subject awhile back.