Showing posts with label RMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RMS. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Night Before Christmas Don't Rate My Space

My first experience with interior design in cyberspace was the HGTV site Rate My Space. During that time I learned alot. And I made a few pen pals and friends. For many reasons, it got stale and was creatively limited, and eventually I started my blog.
Last Christmas a guy from RMS who went by the screen name "rainhound" wrote this poem for all of us. He had to painstakingly load it in several segments on the comments section. RMS scrooged him, and removed it as inappropriate.

rainhound and and I struck up an e-mail correspondence, and he sent me the poem and I saved it. His real name is Michael, and here's his Christmas poem dedicated to the decorators who sit behind the computer screen.
I think all the bloginistas out there will enjoy it.

Twas the night before Christmas,
when all through Rate My Space

Not a designer was stirring, they had finished their place.
The knick-knacks were placed by the chimney with flair,
Hoping that Candice soon would be there.
The decos were nestled in their redesigned beds,
While visions of countertops danced in their heads.
With Mom in her study, and I with no space,
We fired up our computers...just in case.
When out on the Main Page new postings arose,
And I just had to see them, it was too late to close.
This HGTV passion had infected my soul,
So I opened up Windows and started to scroll.

A brand new space with a designer unknown
Sparkled my screen with a room never shown.
Then, what to my too tired eyes should appear,
But a great antique couch, and a drapery so sheer.
With a wonderful vignette, so lovely...divine.
It was made out of glasses and apples and wine.
Colorful pillows were strewn all about,
And an unbelievable armoire that I just had to tout!
"So rate this! Please rate this! And rate this some more!
Yes, one star! Yes two stars! Yes three stars, now four!
To the top of the ratings! I'll give this five stars!
This is higher than Mercury, Venus, and Mars!"

Though their color was off, their execution was stellar.
They created a great room down in their cellar.
A tidy clean kitchen with a sweet breakfast nook,
It looked like just something you would see in a book.
Off in the corner (much to my surprise),
Appeared a dear pet with welcoming eyes.
As I took it all in, what then did appear
Down my cheek it did run, a single small tear.
The room was dressed up from cornice to floor,
And the room was so perfect I just wanted more.
A tree done in ornaments from Christmases past,
They were done decorating, finally, at last.
The lights they did twinkle! the flowers did glow!
And out through the window was new fallen snow!
The frost on the windows was the finishing touch,
It warmed my heart dearly, I loved it so much.
The drapes were tied back, with tassels just right
And the mantle adorned was such a delight.
There was a pot-bellied stove so pleasantly round,
With a warm soothing fire and logs in a mound!
With textures so rich and fabrics so bold,
Some looked to be new while others quite old!
With a twist of decor and a small bit of whimsy,
It all looked secure and nothing looked flimsy.

I posted a comment that ended "Nice Job!"
No intent to offend this kind, gentle mob.
I entered my ramblings with the click of my mouse,
I had really enjoyed this very fine house!
My emotions were drained, t'was the time that I dread.
For the time had now come that I put it to bed.
But I said to myself as I left this grand site,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Thank you Michael aka rainhound. Photos from the Rate My Space folks: mom of a german shorthair, frenchkilt, mariposa490, nyclq, cat73, picklepoo, kathyb5.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back In The Saddle - Real Rooms From Rate My Space

The saddle stool is a very comfortable, and a pretty popular choice for a counter stool. It also makes a cute little end table at the 24 inch height. I've shown the saddle stools in a couple of kitchen spaces that I found at Rate My Space HERE The stool is usually wood, and has a modern rustic look that mixes well into any style room. It comes in many price points and in many colors.

Rate My Space: Campbell1082 and lovestodecorate

Saddle stool shown in photo gallery
at Better Homes and Gardens HERE

I love this red saddle stool - yeeehaaaa!
On sale NOW at Wal Mart online
Stop puking - you know we all shop there

and 24" HERE and 29" height HERE
Also comes in black and white
Starting at $29.99

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Tale Of Two Bedrooms

Mine is the top photo. I fabric covered the wall to hide a connecting door to another room in this shotgun style house. The fabric is burlap, as cheap as you can get. I love the natural fiber, and the earthy feeling, and the contrast of something rough with my French antiques.
The headboard is hung high, to give the impression of a southern style Tester bed. It is a French antique, Directoire (1700's), day bed that lost it rails long ago. One day I might use it as a daybed again, space permitting.
I use mid century (20th) lamps (found in the trash) with Pottery Barn lampshades. The painting is also mid century, done by kitsch painter Carlo of Hollywood. I got it after Katrina in depression driven eBay shopping blow-out. The subject evoked the feelings I had, and still have about that experience. The little coronet is a nod to classic French bedroom decor. It's mid 20th century too, and I hooked it onto an upside down metal shelf from Pier One that I spray painted gold to match the coronet. I used to have it tricked out with flowing blue and white toile fabric, but got sick of it after several years.
The bedding is pared down for the summer, and I had a lucky match with the color of the blanket. The black and white curtain is off the rack, and way too short for the ginormous windows in rooms with 12 foot high ceilings. I hung an "underskirt" of a canvas drop cloth to add length.
The chandy is a 2oth mid century knock off of French style, with fringe shades from TJ Maxx.
The bench is just a cheap thing, with a slip cover I had made. Cholo loves it, and it's great to whip off the slipcover and give it a regular washing,
There are stripe sisal rugs on each side of the bed, and repro French country nightstands. The room is large, so there is also a shabby armoire for the TV, two painted pine bombe chests, each with a different very large mirror above it. There is also a sweet vintage arm chair done in a French style.
Even though the room is inspired by a book called The French Woman's Bedroom, I think it is not too girly for the hubs.
The second photo is interesting, because the same elements - bed, night stands, lamps, large horizontal piece over the bed - are in evidence. Yet the interpretation is vastly different.
Both spaces are currently on Rate My Space.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Rooms To Go - Truly Depressing

A highly rated RMS room that looks like it came off the display floor

I am a snob. I hate and bash big box style of decorating. I'm not saying I don't buy something at Target or Wal Mart or even on sale at Pottery Barn (Poverty Barn as Decorno calls it), once in awhile. Who among us does not like something cute and cheap?
But I have a real problem when people at RMS decorate their rooms to look like a big box store display. And I really hate the concept of buying a whole room of furniture right off the peg. A whole room is misleading, because drapes, rugs, lamps, etc. are usually not included. At best you get a couch situation and 3 matching tables.
But my pet peeve really goes into high gear when I see this crap from Rooms To Go. It's not cheap, and I would like to challenge any visual vamp to do better with the cost of these rooms.
I truly get depressed looking at this stuff, and even more sad when I think of the poor saps who buy it. And I chose the nicest looking rooms, not the ones with the big fat ass leather recliners...

This is the high end Cindy Crawford line
$2800. Lamps, rugs, drapes, accents, and chair NOT included

Another stunner from the model playing designer
Cindy Crawford "room" $2500.

Paprika room $1300. - accents and chair NOT included

The cheapest couch - $400.
There are hardly any tight back sofas
Most have fat ass pillows
This one has a tight back but a fat ass

I almost like this Cindy Crawford sofa $1200.
But at this price, the re-do of my old cute sofa is looking better

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Peak Of Chic at Rate My Space - Why?

This dog photo posted on Rate My Space has a better rating than Peak Of Chic

This is what Peak Of Chic posted at Rate My Space

Space that nyclq, a veteran darling at Rate My Space, posted

This is too funny. The acclaimed and pretty famous big girl (and high brow) pro design maven and blogger Peak Of Chic HERE posted her first space on the populist Rate My Space HERE.
I love her work. Why she would want to get on Rate My Space is beyond me. Read about this talented woman's accomplishments at 1stdibs. Go to their blogosphere column and click on Jennifer Dwyer (it's one of the best ones they have done) HERE
Also Google Jennifer Dwyer 1stdibs because the direct link is faulty, and you have to monkey around on 1stdibs to get to their blogoshere column. It's worth reading...
Rate My Space is a place where "clever" and sweet titles go hand in hand with photos of pets and flowers. Rooster Day is a big deal. It is a strongly knit group that considers itself a family. Veteran favorites score the most of the coveted five stars, and where tongue lashings and pettiness can rule the day. Conversely there is a group of very nice posters who seem to be on RMS 24/7 who ALWAYS have something nice to say, and a star or two to throw your way.
Peak Of Chic did not actually post a picture of any of her own rooms, but rather a portfolio piece (not from her portfolio). The bitch squad came sniffing her out, but were pretty tame once she fessed up. She claims ignorance in not knowing how to post photos of her own home (which I would love to see), which seems odd, since Rate My Space uploading is as easy as her uploading on her very savvy blogspot. Currently Peak Of Chic's Rate My Space is entitled Palm Beach Royal Retreat and it has 2.8 stars. Read the RMS comments HERE
Check out veteran pro nyclq HERE
His title on his post today is Moms Been Served, and he currently has 3.7 stars and tons of gushing fans.
You can visit my spaces on Rate My Space by searching my name there: mariposa490
I have taken my share of whoop ass, since my house is basically crap, and I'm not a bed- in-the- bag big box kind of gal. I also have gotten very kind treatment, especially since RMSers are finding my blog and getting to know me better. I have pretty much shown all the spaces I have, and whip up something to post once in awhile to keep in touch with some of the folks I made friends with there. RMS was my first foray into the world of an inter active inter net design experience, that ultimately led me to start Visual Vamp.
If you want to read an earlier piece about RMS you can read it HERE

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Housewife and House Hubs Decoraters

Housewife decor as seen in The New York Times

House hubs home decor as seen in The New York Times

A classic by Dorothy Draper, still very useful and inspiring HERE

A collage from Rate My Space on line site for home decoraters

As long as I can remember housewives have been a cottage industry in home decorating and interior design. Visions of a decorating den mom on the run in a station wagon filled with kids, bolts of fabric, and odd lamps and accent furniture have always been endearing. Now it's SUVs of course, and very savvy shoppers and visual vamps. The girls were always trying to crack the "to the trade only" code, and always managed to do so. Somebody always had, and shared the "I can get it for your wholesale" source. Sometimes one of these moms actually got someone to pay her for doing a decorating job, and sometimes a real business grew out of this.
Dorothy Draper wrote "Decorating is Fun" in 1939. Reissued in the past couple of years, it still gives moms and wannabe pros alike good solid information HERE.
HGTV's on line Rate My Space HERE has alot of hideous rooms, but they have far more good ones that get actual editorial space on the HGTV web site, and will also be featured soon on the Rate My Space TV HERE show starting on June 15, also HERE
The New York Times has a current cute article about home decorators HERE
Of course getting things "to the trade only" is cool, but with so many regular retail sources at so many great price points out there, one hardly needs to bother.
And I love all the home decoraters, past and present. They have given the "trade" a huge shot of energy. Professionals will always be needed, so no need to worry.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Real Rooms Request

I got a note from a wonderful visual vamp who puts many great spaces up on Rate My Space.
It is very easy for everyone to look at pictures on a blog or in a magazine, or watch a decor TV show, and remark on that space. It is far more difficult to put it all out there for the world to see and comment on.
Frenchkilt, as she is known on RMS, is a favorite contributor. She got highly rated with 4.1 stars for this space, with over 5, 409 views. Check out all her spaces there. Go to HGTV Rate My Space (it's listed in Blogs and Sites You Might Like), and just type in the word Frenchkilt in the search box.

She writes:

Hey there girl~~~if you ever decide to do some design details on the British Colonial style would love for you to use my Living Room~~~if you think it's worthy enough that is! (seriously)...reason being is there are very few BC styled rooms on for thought;)
There is nothing about this style I don't like and since we love to travel to the islands, we felt we wanted to bring this "feeling"'s exotic, relaxed and romantic all wrapped up into one and that's why we love it~~~hope you enjoy it;)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rate My Space Convention - Sign Up Now!

STILL TIME TO SIGN UP!!!! Deadline extended to May 15

Please read this e-mail exchange first before you sign up:

Okay, thank you for the info...I appreciate you clarifying might want to add this info to your blog??? Best regards, B

----- Original Message -----
From: Visual Vamp
To: Bonita
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: HGTV Show in New Orleans

Hi Bonita,
I have explained this several times, and don't mind doing it again for you :-)
I am a regular at RMS. Some of us got to "talking" (via the comments section on RMS) about getting together to meet one another in person - for the fun of it, for sharing, etc. We kind of use RMS as a decor pen pal club, and just thought it would be a blast to meet in person.
When I found out about the RMS TV show, and "scooped" the info and told my RMS friends about it (in March). We got excited about maybe watching the show together.
But where and how was the question.
I was an event planner and style consultant for over 20 years in New York City. My company was: Valorie Hart Designs. I semi-retired 15 years ago when I met my husband who is Argentine. We reinvented our early retirement as Argentine tango teachers. You can read about us on our web site
We also organize tango festivals, and have done 5 of them in Reno, and 4 in New Orleans, where we live. So I thought I would use my experience and hotel connections and put together a little package getaway for RMSers to coincide with the weekend the first RMS TV show was to air. I even invited Angelo Surmelis, the host of the new RMS show to attend our little get together, and he kindly replied that he would love to, but is booked until December 25!
There is no profit involved for me. The hotel and party costs are what I am being charged. When I first announced this I said it was an event created by the (RMS) people, and for the (RMS) people.
I never intended to involve HGTV, because this was meant to be something done among ourselves. HGTV is part of huge publishing/media corporation, and due the short lead time, and spontaneous idea of doing this, I did not pitch a proposal to do this with them.
However, I predict because of the grass roots interest I have stirred up on RMS and via my blog they will take this idea and do it, with or without my participation :-) LOL
You have every right to be careful of who you give your money to, and I appreciate your question. I offered Paypal as a service, and they have a very good safeguard system via their dispute board, and covering a buyer for up to $2,000. I have been an active seller and buyer on eBay for three years, and use Paypal without any problem. We also us Paypal for our Planet Tango on-line boutique where we sell tango stuff.
So I hope this answers your question.
I look forward to seeing your spaces on RMS.
I will also send HGTV a copy of this letter today, since they seem to be getting questions about this event.
Very best regards,
Valorie Hart
who is the *visual*vamp*
and mariposa490 at RMS and on eBay

----- Original Message ----
From: Bonita
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:13:36 PM
Subject: HGTV Show in New Orleans

No one at HGTV knows ANYTHING about a show in NEW ORLEANS or a convention...So why should anyone send you $$$$ money? Please explain...

Rate My Space
First Annual Convention

June 13 - June 16 in New Orleans!

This event is for anyone who loves decor and design.

Rate My Space is an inter net group where spaces are shared, looked at, and commented on. Many friendships have developed on line. Now is your chance to come and meet one another in person!

This event coincides with the premiere episode of HGTV's new show Rate My Space, based on the inter net phenomena you have all made happen! Show participants are being selected from the photos you have posted on RMS.

The location is a delightful new Hotel Le Cirque in the best neighborhood in New Orleans, the Warehouse District. The building is edgy urban chic, and the bistro of the same name in the lobby is the best new restaurant in the city. Located next to both the Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the exceptional D-Day Museum, and steps away form the Contemporary Museum of Art. It's a short stroll to the hundreds of fashionable art galleries, shops, restaurants, bars, hot spots and beautiful people of New Orleans. Walking distance to the French Quarter, convention center, Harah's casino, CBD, and Lower Garden District, plus the St. Charles Avenue Street Car stops right in front of the hotel, so you can get anywhere you'd want to go in New Orleans without ever getting in a car.

Hotel Le Cirque was chosen especially for you the interior design lover. It has been awarded Best Designed in North and South America.
Hotel Le Cirque, New Orleans' hottest new property, is affiliated with Design Hotels, a coalition of 90 hotels spanning the globe from Europe to Asia. Hotel Le Cirque is located at one of the city's most prestigious addresses - Lee Circle at St. Charles Avenue.

  • Hotel - $300. single or double occupancy, includes 3 nights (Check in Friday June 13, stay Saturday June14, Sunday June 15 check out Monday June 16)
  • Meet and Greet Party (with food and wine) at the home of an RMSer $25. per person
  • Private Screening of Rate My Space with a catered gourmet "TV Dinner" $75. per person
  • Other surprise activities are being planned

  • Screening and Dinner Only on Sunday June 15 from 6 - 10 PM - $75. per person
  • One night's lodging Sunday June 15 $100. double or single occupancy

  • Reservations must be made by May 15, with full payment

You book everything with me. I have put down a hefty deposit on your behalf, so please do not call the hotel. I am doing the rooming list, and taking care of all the details for our group. I have over 25 years experience as an event planner. My prior company in New York City, Valorie Hart Designs produced thousands of events world wide. My present company Planet Tango has produced hundreds of events world wide since 1997. You are in good hands!

Pay by check to: Valorie Hart, 808 Washington Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70130

Paypal: (you can use a credit card)

Please make sure you give me your names, how many people in a room, one or two beds.
If you are just coming to the screening, please make sure I have your name for the guest list.

You can contact me at

Let's make this happen! I hope to make this an annual event.

Bring your photos and your stories to tell! Bring your walking and shopping shoes! Come prepared to eat and drink and be merry! And let's all rate Rate My Space the TV show!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

HGTV Rate My Space Top Rated Today

I am a stylist, decorator, designer. I had a design business over 15 years ago.
I'm a boho through and through. I love the beauty of the world, and especially the rooms and spaces people create for themselves, or for a profession.

To amuse myself, I make little styling projects at home. The digital camera allows instant results.

The blog allows an instant magazine. I am in pig heaven.

These images were made for the good folks at HGTV's online phenom Rate My Space. They really are my base readers. We encourage one other, and have a strong support system among ourselves.

I did not intend to put in on the blog, because it is a little like a Hallmark card, and it is personal, because it's my Easter tribute and memorial to my dearest, best-est friend Miss Anne.

Miss Anne was the ultimate visual vamp. Her home was jam packed (but not junky looking) with decades of things.

She loved to decorate, dress up, garden, club hop, dance, dine out, shop, paint pictures, and sew.

She had every decor and fashion magazine, and she knew trends, and what was good and what wasn't.

She was not wealthy. But her home looked unique and fabulous.

She was a single working mom who once lived on boiled peanuts to put her son in a good private school (and feed him something better).

She was a fashion maven beyond compare.

And most of all she was a positive life force: kind, but not stupid; busy, but never obsessed, and she was my devoted friend.

So here's to Miss Anne!

Thank you all for helping me make my tribute to her get to Page One Top Rated on RMS!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HGTV Rate My Space Real Rooms By Real People: Confessions Of A Love Hate Relationship

New to the show and tell world on line, I stumbled upon HGTV Rate My Space on their web site. It is basically a place where you can post as many photos as you like of your home. Professionals, wannabes, and home decorators are all welcome. The only criteria is that the comments be civil, and the rooms appropriate. More on that later.
Last November I ventured in, as I always do - with energy, lots of energy. Armed with my SONY Cyber Shot camera, I started taking pictures. What fun!
Several lifetimes ago I made my living in the design world. I changed careers, and retired from that line of work. You can take the designer off the project, but...
Being visually over active, I continue to style my house.
Staying in touch with some of my fellow professionals still working can make me wistful. What if I hadn't given it all up for my health, a man I love, and tango?
So here's RMS (as the participants call it) beckoning.
Not being a cookie cutter kind of gal, my spaces invited low ratings and comments.
You can rate a space once, giving it one to five stars, five stars being the best. Frequent viewings can also bestow the honor of prime placement on the site. People vie for five stars and top placement.
A dedicated group, well, a clique of sorts, seems to always be on line viewing, rating, and commenting. You soon get to know them all in a chummy coffee klatch kind of way.
They make newcomers pay their dues with tough comments and low stars.
Most of them are women. And I must say most control the bitch slapping. But it is great when some kooky room gets them all riled up. One guy with a smart mouth was the cock in the hen house for awhile, but he got drummed out of the corp, and sadly quit. Somehow if you hang in there, they accept you, and you become friends, like pen pals that can all read the same letter at once.
They don't like nude art. Especially nude gay art. They complain and the space gets ejected. Oh yeah, HGTV is a Big Brother and a space can vanish for no apparent reason.
Most of the rooms are hideous. But the real people decorating them are so sincere in their pride and accomplishment, it is hard to be mean. A few gems do emerge.
If you look at all the talent doing decor blogs, you would think everyone is visually aware, astute, and able to make a good looking room for Domino Magazine.
Most of the USA is afraid. Afraid of color. Afraid of being different. Making a room that looks like Pottery Barn or Rooms To Go gets high marks and lots of stars. Matching bedding as in the type in the horrendous bed-in-a-bag is the only way to go. Granite counter tops rule. Fat ass couches abound. The sectional is the most rad solution to furniture placement.
I have 38 postings at RMS (and took heat for that too), and often think about deleting them all. Some of the comments got me off my ass, and shook my little world up. Just like they think that everyone is like them, I thought they would all be like the visual vamps out there. It was a shock to get bitch slapped.
I did change a few things for the better. Like get off RMS. But like a little candy sneak thief, I steal a moment there once in awhile, not signing in, no ratings, and not even viewing my own RMS site. The same type of rooms are always there, and the same comments said over and over again. It was disheartening.
I posted a space today. I could care less about the ratings or number of views. I checked in a few hours after I posted, and there they all are, all the regulars, welcoming me with some stars and comments. I felt good for their attention, for taking time to look in and say hello.
I will share some real spaces done by real people from time to time, well, just to keep it real, well at least a different kind of real.