Enamel house numbers in the flea market in Buenos AiresIn my travels to Spain, France, England, Italy, Holland, Portugal, and Argentina, there is a humble object that I love. It is the enamel house number.
The enamel house number on a door in Buenos AiresOn my first trip there in 1997 with Alberto, I combed the flea markets and junk shops trying to find one with our house number on it. I couldn't find one.
Picture this "I Love Lucy" scenario: One night Alberto and I are walking home after a dancing tango, and I see a house with our house number on it! It's hanging by one screw! I ask Alberto to give me a boost so I can see if it will wiggle off. Of course the number is way too high, and Alberto is far more sensible. So I schemed in a very Lucy to Ricky way how we could come back with a ladder and a screwdriver. Picture Lucy and Ethel getting their souvenir block of cement from in front of
Grauman's Chinese Theater when they were in Hollywood...It made perfect sense to me! Needless to say I did not get the enamel house number.
On subsequent trips to Buenos Aires, I always looked for our house number and never found it.
But now I can just buy one from
Ramsign.Ramsign might be known to many of you bloggers, because several of you have done a giveaway sponsored by them. Tezz, from
Ramsign recently sent me an email and offered a giveaway for the readers of Visual Vamp.
Enamel house number on a door in Europe
Enamel house number in FranceTezz writes: "We usually let the winner choose one of our house number signs (not name signs or address plaques) to make the award as personal as possible. There are signs available from 1 digit and up to 5 digits and with five different styles. That means you can choose a winner and then send the name and email address to me and I'll get in touch with him or her to find out what sign he or she wants. We'll then make sure that it gets manufactured and delivered to the winner. Regarding the shipping: we do ship worldwide so everyone can participate in the contest."
Martha Stewart inspired by enamel house numbersSo let's make this simple! You can go to
Ramsign to see what they have (and they have alot!).
To win one of these wonderful enamel house number signs, just leave me a comment, and one will be chosen at random.
This is a great giveaway - the signs retail from $49. up top $249.
So leave as many comments as you like to enter often!