In the beginning God used water and dirt to create life. Since then,
fathers and sons have continued the eternal ritual of growing up and
It is true that the seed needs the fertile ground to sprout, but the
tree that results from that union, only grows and becomes strong
because it knows that it is its destiny to give shade to the land
where it germinated.
The paternal figure is alarmingly absent from the ethos of the tango,
perhaps because of the circumstances of the period were it began its
genesis without a father.
Not so, in other musical expressions from diverse regions around the country.
Astor Piazzolla, raised in New York, brought the figure of the father
to the tango in a very poignant way when he wrote his masterpiece
Adios Nonino, in memory of his father who passed away in Argentina
while Astor was working in North America.
I pay tribute to my own deceased father and to my boy who's now a man
and a dad, and my girl who's now a woman.
To all the dads in the reach of our embrace, happy day and I hope you
at least enjoy the music...
Go to this link:
Happy Father's Day Alberto!
PS The Vamp here...That marvelous voice of the DJ is Alberto
fathers and sons have continued the eternal ritual of growing up and
It is true that the seed needs the fertile ground to sprout, but the
tree that results from that union, only grows and becomes strong
because it knows that it is its destiny to give shade to the land
where it germinated.
The paternal figure is alarmingly absent from the ethos of the tango,
perhaps because of the circumstances of the period were it began its
genesis without a father.
Not so, in other musical expressions from diverse regions around the country.
Astor Piazzolla, raised in New York, brought the figure of the father
to the tango in a very poignant way when he wrote his masterpiece
Adios Nonino, in memory of his father who passed away in Argentina
while Astor was working in North America.
I pay tribute to my own deceased father and to my boy who's now a man
and a dad, and my girl who's now a woman.
To all the dads in the reach of our embrace, happy day and I hope you
at least enjoy the music...
Go to this link:
PS The Vamp here...That marvelous voice of the DJ is Alberto