You know a styling trend has arrived when it trickles down to New Orleans. Lately editors have been asking about styling that messy bed look for home decor stories and photo shoots.
It really is tricky to making an un-made bed bed look appealing and glamorous.
Do you start with the bed made up and then mess it up? Do you spray the sheets with water and crumple them by hand?
Maybe you can get in the bed and kind off kick the covers around to achieve a natural look. You know if you fuss too much it will look stiff and fake, which is pretty funny when you think of it.
What does the messy bed say to the reader? Does it say something romantic?
Does a messy bed imply a languid relaxed lifestyle that most of us crave?
Is there a devil-may-care off-hand attitude somewhere there in all the beautiful bed linens?
How would you style the messy bed look? Add some clothing? I think shots with a fancy pair of designer shoes and a Kelly bag/designer purse in it are so overused.
The Selby is a master of the messy look. He usually puts people in the messy beds.
There's kind of a swagger to it all. Some people hate it as being hipster and smug. Some people love it as being fresh and exciting, the antidote to all those perfectly made beds that have been in shelter magazines for years.
Do photos of messy beds give us a voyeuristic sneak peek at the reality of the private life taking place in the home photographed?
Would you allow your bed to photographed unmade? You've waited a long time to get a photo shoot of your project.
You've purchased new linens, and ironed them, You've fluffed and primped the pillows for hours to get just the perfect look, and the editor walks in and tells the stylist to mess it up. Could you handle it?
Is it easier on a fashion shoot then a home decor shoot? After all fashion editorial has been way ahead of the shelter magazines in presenting avant garde editorials.
I started looking at images of messy beds for inspiration. I love the ones with movie stars in messy beds.
Some of them are staged for movies, and publicity shots, and for magazine stories.
Since the movie stars are actors, they really know how to be comfortable in a messy bed. They know how to work it.
No movie stars here at my photo shoot. Just an uptight home owner with a hurt puzzled look as I tear into her beautifully made up bed.
How do I explain that this is glamorous and au courant?
Stylists! Tell me your tricks and secrets of how to make the messy bed fabulous!
I practice every morning, by not making my bed. Alberto and I work all night to get just the right effect!
Don't forget to watch stylist and blogger and Design Star winner Emily Henderson's new show Secrets From A Stylist which premiers on HGTV on this Saturday February 26, 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central. Maybe she'll show us the secrets of styling the messy bed!