Showing posts with label Beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beach. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2011

Velvet and Linen, Brooke and Steve Giannetti In Veranda!

Velvet and Linen in the July/August 2011 issue of Veranda

I just got the July/August issue of Veranda and woo-to-the-hoo, blogger Brooke Giannetti and her husband Steve have their beach house in the issue! And Steve did the drop dead gorgeous photography (with Lisa Romerin). There are eight fab pages to swoon over!

I love these two! So a big smooch and a heartfelt congratulations to them!

Get your issue and a glass of wine and kick back and have a Happy Weekend!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mary Kay Andrews Summer Rental - It's Her House!

Many of you know about Mary Kay Andrews new book "Summer Rental". It is the best beach read for sure.

I was at Joni's the other day, engrossed in one of her long and interesting posts, gladly going down the rabbit hole of her tangents, when at the very end of the post she mentioned Mary Kay's book with a link to site that rents Mary Kay's actual summer home, Breeze Inn Cottage on Tybee Island (thank you Joni).

Well it is too cute for words, and it is certainly one summer rental that does not require a make-over! I captured the images for you from the web site HERE. I wish the images were larger, but I think you will be able to see how darling this house is. And I love the captions! I wonder if Mary Kay wrote them.

And the house is pet friendly! I would love to rent this house for at least a month! Wouldn't you???!!!

Enjoy! And Happy Weekend!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Rental

Summer Rental in Nags Head

It's the first unofficial week/weekend of Summer! How many of you have a Summer rental?
In New York it is very common to rent a place by the beach (Hamptons or Jersey Shore) for the Summer. The wife and kids go for most of the Summer, and the husband commutes there on weekends.

Cottage Row in Nags Head via

Singles may take a share in a house, and alternate weekends. Or sometimes a family might rent a beach house for a week or two of Summer vacation.

Beach cottage in Nags Head

Rental houses can be funky. When I rented in the Hamptons I would load up the car with Limoges china, silver plate flatware, stacks of sheets for make-do slip covers and curtains, new lampshades, art work, and good beach towels and nice sheets for the beds.

How would you makeover this Summer rental? via

When I finally bought a little house, it was decorated all in white. It was a cottage and so cute.
Now we don't do a Summer rental. Summer mornings in New Orleans are like being at the beach. You can feel the sea air from the Gulf, and the river and humidity keep things feeling tropical.

Nags Head street

The morning light is gentle, and the air is soft. It's the perfect time to enjoy our newly refurbished patio and yard, and take a cup of coffee and book and sit outside and pretend I'm at the beach.

The beach house I once owned in the Springs in East Hampton

Like all of you I love "beach" books for the Summer. You know, the kind that used to be called "light reading", a good story so breezy you can finish the book in two or three sittings.

Visual Vamp back in the day at her beach house in East Hampton

I recommend Mary Kay Andrews "Summer Rental". I read another of her books last Summer called "The Fixer Upper", and just loved it.

"Summer Rental" has all the necessary elements for a good beach read: Woman loses her job, but is locked into a Summer rental with her best girlfriends. Each one has a story to tell. There's sexy romance, and a bit of thriller. And as with the "Fixer Upper" the house and its decor is a central character too.

The beach location in the book is Nags Head, that still has 7 of the original 13 beach cottages built 100 years ago (it's called Cottage Row). I love how people at the beach call these big old sprawling houses "cottages".

I love an old fashion beach house - sea breezes only, screens on the doors and windows, cracks in the floor to sweep sand into, funky yet charming. Nowadays beach houses are so fancy that you hardly feel like you get away from your formal life. What do you think? Funky or fancy?

Buy it HERE

And a prayer of thanks on this Memorial Day to everyone past and present who serves for us in the armed forces.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beachy Details And A Little Surpirse

These are the last photos I have of Peg's beach house HERE and HERE.
Peg and her daughters cherish this little house, and Alberto and I adore it too. There are so many pretty details that Peg lovingly tends to.
Let's take a walk down the hall to see the bedrooms. The hall is intentionally designed to look like a space on a sail boat. The lighting overhead are small ship lamps. The wide plank pine floors throughout this Alfred Scheffer house built in the 1940's are so special.
Click on photos for larger images.

There are loads of floral things in Peg's beach house. She loves to collect vintage flower paintings.

She also has quirky vintage beachy finds, like this shell lady.

Even a storage bin under her bed, is artfully arranged!

The master bedroom is painted blue. When Peg chose the color she took the swatch at the store outside and held it up against the sky, and said it was a perfect match. The master bedroom was converted from the garage space. I love the fan light window over the bed.

The bed side table is so charming. The vintage landscape painting is a perfect gem.

Peg has a collection of vintage mini paintings too, and these hang over her desk.

The old mirror with hooks is a pretty place to store beach hats.

Here's another view of the master bedroom showing Peg's desk (above which the mini paintings hang), and a view of a door that leads to a private outdoor shower.

Many of the vintage flower paintings are paint by number.

This is the guest room we stayed in. The twin beds are separated bunk beds. The bedding is Ralph Lauren. The lamps are hob nail milk glass (Hello Sabina!), and belonged to Peg's grandmother.

This vintage painting of a grand sailing ship hangs in this guest bedroom.

Another pretty paint by number flower painting.

Peg's sister did this wonderful painting of the local farmer's market.

This is another bedroom.

I love this vintage bed. The hand painted floral medallion on the head and foot board is just spectacular.

Here's one of the two bathrooms in the house. What could be more beach house than wainscott panelling, and a claw foot tub. And of course another vintage flower painting is just the right detail.

Both bathrooms have pedestal sinks, vintage mirrors, separate showers and tubs, subway tile in the showers, and small hex tiles on the floor. Peg re-did the bathrooms in this way, and managed to update them with new fixtures and finishes that look vintage and appropriate to the age of the house.

This rocking chair by the window is so pretty and inviting.

The paint by number flower painting above it is the newest addition to her collection.

Another old dresser in a bedroom couldn't get any better.

I only have one photo of the kitchen. But you can see how cute it is. White painted cabinets original to the house, and the brick floor are typical in a Scheffer house.

And now for the little surprise!!!

Look what Alberto and I got in New York!!! HERE

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Peg's Living Room At The Beach

I am running today. Have a meeting with a publisher, and many places to see in Soho, and my friend's office, the epitome of high fashion. We did the High Line yesterday and it was fabulous beyond belief! I took tons of photos for all you gardeners out there. Today is my actual birthday, and there's a party tonight.

Alberto and my friends have turned this into an amazing celebration, with invitations for the beach, the country, apartments shared, parties given...well it's good to be 60! Alberto and I are walking a lot, dancing, and enjoying the city and our friends. Everything is perfect.

I have so many photos that it will take weeks to share them! So I am starting with Peg's beach house. And I am just showing the living room photos today! Stay tuned for the rest of the house. You can click on the images for larger photos.

Wee mouse doorstop holds the front door open

Peg calls her Alfred Scheffer cottage a chic house. She and her two daughters live there in the summer.

Everything is very sweet and feminine. It's all so pretty, and it makes you feel pretty.

Shades of Rose Tarlow! Look at this ivy creeping into Peg's living room!

Peg has the gift of style. She is an expert arranger, layering the things she loves to collect.

Simple and unpretentious, charming and welcoming are her grace notes.

She mixes painted and wood furniture to great effect.

Her collections of smalls is nuanced and invites you to dream up a back story.

Even tough there is a lot to look at, the arrangements are not cluttered or overdone.

Slip covered comfy furniture is a classic Peg employs.

Coming soon: The rest of Peg's beach house!