Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How's it looking?

You OK ?
Under control?
Did you nab that last virgin goat testicle after driving to seventeen delicatessens? 
Are you festively cheerful or talking through clenched teeth?

I am eating toast  and thinking about squeezing some sewing room time into my afternoon. I hope the next few days are awesome for you - in whichever ways float your holiday boat!

big loves,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 minute Christmas craft

All you need is some glass baubles with removable tops, these came from Lincraft via a friend

Pop in an old tape measure,

or make some tiny knitting needles by pulling the ends off and old pair, chopping them shorter and glueing the ends back on.

Now what will I do with the remaining empty bauble? If only I could crochet?
(and for far far better executed ideas - go and visit my crafting hero )

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Christmas ? Are you serious?

When Kerryanne asked me to join her 'Simply Christmas' at Shabby Art Boutique I had to put my thinking hat on ! In light of yesterdays craft disaster its probably good that I prepared this tutorial a little while ago.

This wallet, made of PVC and paper is a really really quick make.Right now, my guest post and links to this tutorial are up on Kerryanne's Blog. Pop on over and check it out and have a look at Kerryanne's lead up to Christmas, there are giveaways, tutorials, guest posts and all sorts of handmade and home baked Christmas ideas.

and because its getting close to Christmas, its time for a giveaway. Miss Lilly is looking for a new home. If you think there might be someone at your place to lover and care for Lilly all you need to do is a leave a comment - that simple....

(and just so you know, Miss Lilly hates peas but loves jam. She hates spiders but loves ladybugs, she talks a lot and sings a lot and asks approximately 5 billion questions a day.)
winner drawn randomly next Wednesday.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last minute..........

Because I am all set to embark on a bake-a-thon today and because it has to be said the kitchen is not really my natural environment, I have prepared myself a little gift of sorts.

(Image courtesy of My fantastic toys)

Once I get all the cooking done I am going to sit down and whip up a couple of these cute felt ornaments. I am going to embroider the kids names on them and the year on the back ..and hey presto! Another hand-made ornament for them.

The printable pattern and instructions are available from My Fantastic Toys .
May your days be merry and bright, sweet bloggers.

Monday, December 7, 2009

December squint

What do you mean they don't look like Christmas presents yet ?

Maybe it would help if you squinted?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bah Humbug !!!

Now that my smalls are actually quite big (like 18 and 14), I have to say a lot of the "magic" of Christmas is gone.
I find myself concentrating more and more on all the effort it requires and I must admit to being a bit Bah-Humbug about it all at the moment. (mind you that could be because every bloody shop in town has been spruiking Christmas since September).
But yesterday I found, bought and printed this from everybodies favourite Aunty and now I am determined to buy some presents just so I can wrap them.....
(once again its all about the packaging for me)