Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

and the choir of angels cleared their throats

Still hamstered guys, running running , getting nowhere - or that's how it seems.
I am crafting like a little beaver (do beavers craft?) to get my projects finished for the July retreat.
It is filling up quickly ! and Melly has posted a sneak peek of one of her projects over on her blog!

In blog news I made some new blog pages, (see up there under the header) Belinda showed me how and even though mine are pretty dull, I am mighty excited to add the Quilt Barn to my list of stockist - I mean Idaho may as well be on the moon, such is my chance of ever setting foot there, but it tickles me pink nonetheless.

In Flickr news - I have made a new group where you can put photos of stuff you have made using my patterns or freebies, tutorials or scribd download patterns. I'll try and figure out one of those little picture widgets for the side bar at some time. I really love seeing other peoples versions and adaptations of ideas.

and the choir of angles lined up (as they do) at the finish of a new project.....and they cleared their throats, and shuffled a bit and looked at their shoes. Their songbooks rustled and they picked imaginary lint from their gowns.
I wanted to love this project - I wanted you guys to love this project, I wanted voices lifted in song !
* sigh*
They couldn't even hum a few bars...