Tuesday, July 31, 2007
the fabric of my life...........
Monday, July 30, 2007
Vanity thy name is Jodie
I $pent $ome $erious time at this $tall..............and who wouldn't?
I may have been a little exhausted or simply bathing in the post fabric- buying glow or maybe I am truly vain but lets just say I think I have enough here to keep me labelling gifts until I am about 90 !
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What a day !!!
Before we left I had to prepare my "car craft"- everyone had some car craft except the driver and Annie gave Kate crochet lessons in the back seat.
I took along a bit of embroidery and the yo yo maker.
I was really hoping to have my "Big Project " finished to take along today but it was not to be - Here she is, just ever so slightly unfinished. This is the first Nanna-trolley or shopping jeep I have reconditioned with fabric - all the others have been oilcloth and I am quite happy with it so far - I have about another eight of these stashed behind the bedroom door ready for a recondition, funnily enough I don't have a spare eight weeks to do it in.
So all of this was before we even left... the day was huge and I shall tell you all about it tomorrow (my birthday ) and show you all the delicious fabrics I bought and all the new projects I have planned............
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Warning - suggested swear words - read at your own risk.
As you can see I have deleted my whiplash challenge. After a busy week at work I checked in this morning to find a little battle being waged in the comments of that post. My email account has been flooded with very unsavoury emails .
My commonsense brain tells me not to be threatened by these emails, as of course this person does not know where I live and would never carry out the things they said - but the other part of me - you know that part that feels sick to the stomach when you think of your children being harmed, well it is in there too.
So................ Dear Nutcase , You win . No More Post but not for the reasons you think.
I did NOT copy anyone elses work - would I be stupid enough to do that and then post it on a site like whiplash where so many people will see it? My removal of the post is down to you and your disgusting threats. I have reported all your emails to you host. I have removed the email link from my blog and I have stopped anonymous comments, so the time has come for you to simply Go Away - Move on - F*** off as I am no longer listening.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I am going to use them as the centres for some Wonky log cabin squares I want to make - I just love putting all that clashing colour together and it is a good way to use up a bit of everything.
I fluffed this one up a bit in the middle - oops
Saturday, July 14, 2007
and another one bites the dust !
I have also been toiling away at "The Big Project". I have quilted a mass of this fabric - probably more than I will need- It is the same fabric as the bag handles - lovely patterned black - the photo has just washed it out a bit.
I want to say a huge Happy Birthday to Annie - pop on over to her Flower Garden and wish her a happy birthday- she might just give you a slice of cake....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Ticking off the list
Anyway that is the shape I used - I have made many many bags with this shape - with little carry handles or long shoulder bag handles. If you turn it the other way you get a more basket shaped tote and you can paper-bag fold the bottom corners (either way) to add a gusset.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Getting nowhere fast
Apart from the mammoth felting day I seem to have been just diddling along and get nowhere in the craft stakes.
So with the rest of this week not at work , here goes.
- I need to come up with a basic boy doll and girl doll shape for a project i said i would do with Grades 5 and 6 at school. My plan is that each child will create a doll with their own face on it. I have 5 two hour sessions - This is my gorgeous niece Rosie who agreed to be my proto-type face. We will paint on the basic clothing and then embellish after that..... This is a non - negotiable must do craft for this week.
- This bag needs to be finessed (actually started might be a better term. )I have done nothing but cut it out and make but not yet quilt the straps.
- These two bags need linings, pockets and straps - like hardly anything really.
- Poor little Poppy is still nude but she is all sewn up and even eventually got a tail.
Today at the op shop I got the cutest bag ! It kind of fits in with my coat hanger collection so it may end up on the wall I think. It is made of all those little chopped up bits of plastic. aaaaah what a craft !!!
The BIG project that I have bought all the fabric for involves a hacksaw, bolts, nuts, screws, staple gun - lots of fabric and crossed fingers. I haven't started yet but I am determined to do it - Can't wait to show you (if it works of course).
Also have some crazy stripey legged dolls and hedgehogs slam-dancing in my brain this week as well. They may just have to be happy with being consigned to a piece of paper somewhere for another day at this rate.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
We felted - and we felt it
We rotated stations around the bench and even got the kids in to have a go - or ten.
This is called a prefelt- it is very very thin and has started to all hold together but is not fully felted. (I have to add here we had never done this before so we were kind of winging it).Once we were happy with this piece we then cut / tore / eased it apart into strips and we also eased open any thin bits because I wanted holes in the strips.
This is Sue ! and on the inside she is waving madly to her sister Anne in Hong Kong . Hi Anne !!!!!
We then laid the prefelt strips onto black tissue silk and began the felting process all over again. This time we used cold water as we didn't want too much shrinkage until the wool fibres had grabbed onto the silk. Then it was back to the endless rolling - we eventually moved to the floor where we rolled the big long roll with our feet.
Once the felt had started to migrate (straight from the instructions that word ) into the silk we could go a bit faster by heating up the whole thing in the microwave.... then you guessed it - a bit more rolling.
The last step was fun- 2 min in the microwave then throw it on the bench 100 times, back in the microwave and more throwing. This shocks the fibres ! Eventually it just works and ......Voila!!!!
This was one of the big projects but we all had a dabble with smaller more manageable ones throughout the day - I'll pop some pics up tomorrow before this post becomes as long as the felting day did !
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Gocco !!!!!
And you know what? I know there are little specks where there shouldn't be little specks and I know it's because I forgot to use the blue filter thingy. I also know that I could have a more professional - less handmade finish by making tags a thousand or so other ways but I won't because ............