I did get this pic of one of my lovely forsythia bushes. The old folks around here call it "yellow bells"
I also got excited when I noticed that the Dogwoods are starting to set their blooms to open:
And just for fun, I am putting in two images of the eunomys that is climbing up a maple tree off our front porch. I planted it several years ago from one little rooting I pinched off from my grandmother's old place. It is very happy as you can see! It is spiraling around the tree and I took an upclose so that you could see the new leaves and share my joy with me!
In walking around out back, I noticed some Sweet Annie peeking up - of course, not where she should be! And some of my other flower babies will be waking up soon. I can't wait! And you know that I will share them with you!
The Humble Arts has it's latest edition up online now. Sure would appreciate it if you would take a peek. Perhaps something will catch your eye and you will leave there with a new special gift for you or someone else. We have a few new artists added to our ranks this month. Be sure to check them out!
The Humble Arts
What beautiful pictures!! The area you live in is just gorgeous!! Hope all is well with you and yours sweetie!!hughugs
Those pictures are gorgeous. I love that forsythia bush! This is my favorite time of year!
Looking at this post is like watching previews at the movies for me. I know our gardens will come alive, too.
Oh..what a beautiful wooded driveway Miss B. My dogwood has not even begun to bud yet!
It was 65 here yesterday and we had one heck of a severe thunderstorm last night....this morning it is 29 and spitting snow!!!! Crazy I tell you!!!! :) We were all at the sugarhouse and we were commenting that if we lost power we wouldn't know it...as we only have gas lanterns in the sugarhouse!
I really need to root some of your eunomys for me! It's such a happy little runner..me want!
Love you!
We had sunshine today too!! YAY!!!
Everything looks wonderful darlin'! One of these days I'm going to get down to your neck of the woods. Just make sure ya have a pot of coffee on and something sweet to go with it. That can mean Luscious Larry and some oatmeal cookies! (Let me know if he blushes after you tell him that!) :> )
Peanut and Ladies - there is an open invite to visit anytime. Of course,
that means you shall have to stay outside and that always looks better than the inside and one expects to see dirt when outside . .
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