Do you remember the song from Mary Poppins "feed The Birds?" I have that song in my head sometimes when I am replenishing my feeders. I also think of that pigeon lady from Home Alone 2 who stands still and allows the birds to flock all around her while she feeds them. I had my husband make a stand outside our computer room window that we have added several bid feeders to. We can also view it from our living room, while sitting down to read or view the television. Actually, the birds put on a better show than network or cable could think of at times! It is quite relaxing to watch the various birds come and fill themselves up, glorious goldfinches, titmouse, indigo buntings, cardinals, chickadees, rose breasted grosbeak ~ oh the variety I would have never noticed in my own yard were it not for the feeders!!
The other day while I went outside to breathe deeply the scent of impending fall, I went out to the back garden. Now looking totally overgrown and neglected, I spied a few squash that somehow had eluded Larry's eagle eyes. Toughened by age and not really good enough to cook, Once gathered, planning to shuck them on the compost pile, I thought of something I haven't done in a while.
I cut holes in them, circles large enough for a bird to land on - I scooped out the pulp, saving the seed as my Granny taught me for next year. Once cleaned out, I threaded ribbon through them, filled them with seed and brought them to the feeder.
What a delight it has been for me to observe the birds sitting on the cross arms of the feeder, checking out their new entree.
I particularly like to watch the ground birds the robins, who have mostly flown further south now, or the doves, with their sweet cooing sounds, gobble up the seed that has fallen to the earth. The big crows and starlings are too large to fit the feeders, my squash feeders or the store bought feeders. They also scour the ground for seed.
I have also used in the past bell peppers as feeders, grapefruit, oranges - anything that can be scooped out and leave room for the seed. Another great idea for a bird feeder is to gather a big sunflower head and hang it for the birds to feast on!
As the weather gets cooler and the birds have a harder time finding berries, I often take pine cones and pour some honey on them and roll them about seed for a coating, as well as a dollop of peanut butter and seed. Yummy treats for our feathered friends.
You see, it doesn't take much to amuse me or entertain me. i choose to find beauty and joy in simple things.
"Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them." (Matthew 6:26)
Oh Blondie!!
That Mary Poppins song has always stuck with me also.
I love birds too. I have always felt drawn to them. I think it's because they fly and that seems so magical in my way of thinking.
We feed them in our yard but we are not as creative as you. One thing we do is to put out our strings of popcorn that hang on our Christmas tree. It is fun to watch if they will get most of it before the squirrel does. One time the squirrel took it and hung it on top of the swingset. We laughed so hard!
As you may know, I am a bird artist.
Thank you for the nice comment you left at your last visit.
hi, I just found your blog and your post on those little birds was so sweet. your blog is a treat to read. can you tell me how I can have this playlist in my own blog? I thought it was so wonderful reading your blog and listening to the music at the same time. this mary poppins song is so awfully nice.
thanks and god bless :-)
Hi Blondie
What a delightful post! I love watching the birds although I don't seem to have much time to sit and gaze out of the window these days...
Enjoy the changing season.
Marie x
Speaking of birds, your playlist reminds me of another fabulous McCartney song- "Blackbird" Very similar actually to the one you have on your list. Love the bird feeder ideas. I sometimes wish I didn't have so many darn cats! I would feel quite cruel luring birds into my yard!
P.S. I am really enjoying your playlist- I have many of these songs!
Hi Blondie~ I love this post...we have several bird feeders/baths in our yard too. I love seeing who comes for breakfast each morning!
Thank you Amy for visiting; birds and books; what could be finer entertainment? And oh yes, the popcorn strings are so wonderful for the birds. Isn't it wonderful to share our child-like joys with children. I don't want to ever grow up!
I hope you discovered the post I left on your blog and that it was helpful; if for some reason it didn't make it;, just try to click on the player- it should bring you to the site!
thank YOU for visiting, dear lady. i need to run over and get caught up on your business; I just know you will have smashing success!!!!
hey there Bettsi! You know how I think; and I couldn't think of that song of McCartney's - all I could think of was Little Lamb Dragonfly from red rose speedway; one of my fav's and couldn't find it for the player in the past. Shucks!
hi suzanne!
So GOOD to see you here! it is such an extra treat to share enjoyment. Makes it that much sweeter.
Bless you.
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