Ahh yes. Parenthood. I am not yet a parent myself, but having two little sisters that are 8 and 14 years my junior...I sometimes feel like I've gone through parenthood already. My mother is great at being a mother, but when she needed a break, I came in as the relief mom. Between the whining and crying for no apparent reason to the messes they make all over the house. When my littlest sister Suzi was still in diapers, she would put anything and everything in her mouth. You'd see her chewing on something (more like gumming, since she didn't have teeth yet) and you'd have to run over and stick your finger in her mouth to pull out fuzz balls, rocks, dust bunnies, etc. One time I pulled a giant metallic blue wasp out of her mouth. It was already dead and not a stinging species anyway, but still!
So yes, the joys of parenthood. Even though the crazy and sometimes trying experiences stick out in my mind the most, I know there are real joys to having a bouncing baby boy or girl. Even though they've grown into wonderful young ladies, my little sisters dissuaded me from having kids for a long time...but now, every time I see an adorable little baby or child, smiling and laughing with their parent, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and start to crave that for myself. Yes, one day after Ben and I are married and settled down, we'll have an older boy and younger girl named Henry and Lola, they'll be perfectly behaved and will never get sick. Ok, that's probably only in my dreams... We'll most likely end up having twin boys who run around destroying everything in sight. Sigh...
Anyway...these recent thoughts must have been what inspired me to create these figures who are questionably happy about parenthood. The one guy gets so frazzled he has to wrap his throbbing headache in medical gauze! They're the perfect gift for that new parent in your life. I also created a more than happy nurse carrying twins but somehow forgot to photograph her... These figures will be for sale on
Etsy. :)