amending past images, editing, reviewing and changing drastically : The bend in the river, coloured pencil and white gouache
The Bend. Coloured pencil and white gouache This one was once a loud abstracted landscape, where I'd simply played with colour and the composition was frankly bad! There was only a small distant patch of water in it, a lot more high foreground, looking downhill and the composition, viewpoint and subject were very different. It wasn't something I wanted to keep but sat there - luridly - in my sketchbook. The original and this were both just totally imaginary landscapes, based on a mix of visual memories. I can't find a photo of the original - but you aren't missing anything! It's in that sketchbook with a deep buff coloured paper, a gift from a friend in the US. Luckily the paper is strong and can take a lot of rough treatment. I used a mix of Jakar and Derwent electric erasers to 'draw' back into it, creating those paler trees, against a dark background, darkening the background further and simplifying, taking out the distant dry reeds/hay...