
Showing posts with the label studio

my first glossy magazine article!

:D they'd promised to send me a copy of the magazine and it came today Leicestershire and Rutland Life, a glossy magazine had asked me if they could do an article on my work and do this double page spread .... so here it is :D and the text by Becky Jones below, you can double click on the images below and it is then readable if you are interested :) I have to admit I was a bit nervous about what the article would be like! had I made sense in the interview? I do wish now I hadn't given them that red clouds seascape as I think I want to change it a bit! it looks rather garish there? I gave them some quieter, moodier ones too but I suppose they were looking for lots of colour. Today the weather is dark and rainy and the light is awful so finishing off the edges of the canvasses is on hold - there's severe weather warnings and more floods in lots of places - and all this after they said it would be a record breaking hot summer!

studio spaces

I came across photos of my old studio space when I was looking for something else (which of course I haven't found yet) my old studio space at an open studio day I rented a studio space when I finished my degree. It was in an old Victorian school, which had 2 floors divided by cobbled together partitions into individual spaces, no heating, holes in the roof - and was bitterly cold. In Spring and Summer it would be much warmer outside than in there. We had one portable gas heater per floor which was usually out of gas. If it had gas left then someone who'd got there before you had usually hogged it and was sitting working right next to it with an open dish of turps - how they didn't blow the place up I'll never know! After a while I realised that though it was lovely to have the room to be messy and pour and splash paint as much as I wanted, I hardly went in. If it was warm I generally wanted to work plein air and when it was cold ... it was like getting dressed for an...