Stormy seas, Sennen Cove - graphite and moleskine
Stormy Seas, Sennen Cove, Graphite in moleskine sketchbook, Vivien Blackburn I'm back from a week at beautiful Sennen Cove with the family - 4 generations of us. I was determined to make some time to paint/sketch :>) We were staying right on the seafront and this was the view from our bedroom window yesterday. Huge waves rolling in and crashing on the rocky reef offshore and over the harbour wall - a wall of mist/rain meaning that the horizon was lost. Luckily it cleared up and turned into a lovely day, though still windy and wild. Waves repeat patterns of movement so it's crucial to watch, observe, see how they move, where they crash together, the changes of direction across the bay .... My little Jakar battery operated eraser is great for drawing back into areas of tone, pushing and pulling the shapes and tones and form until it hopefully does something like what I wanted :>) So .... about that sky challenge .... a few people have posted results and I'll be d...