Derwent Artbars: a luscious new product from Derwent, water soluble waxy crayons
detail from step by step Well ..... secret project is secret no more : > ) Derwent Artbars Last summer I was asked to take part in testing Derwent's newest baby - Artbars , then in the lab under development. They will be available in the next couple of weeks and are now on the Derwent website. Rocks near Porthgwarra, Derwent Artbars, on A2 cartridge paper, Vivien Blackburn It was really interesting being involved in trying them out from the short-stumps-of-colour-and-varied-composition/shape etc at the beginning and following their progression. I still have a little container of these stumps. In this one, that they commissioned after the initial testing, the only other medium used is a little white gouache for those areas where I didn't retain the white of the paper for the incoming waves. In other places it is simply the white paper. In the one above, I was wanting to build an intensity of col...