
Showing posts with the label beading

restocking my Etsy shop, necklaces now, small paintings and prints to come

Necklace in anthracite coloured beads, with pink and mauve lucite flowers, just put intomy Etsy shop I thought I really ought to put some things in my Etsy shop. I've neglected it for ages.  So, along with a few others, this necklace has just been added.   If you fancy taking a look, click here .  This one looks great with black clothes. I'll get around to adding some small paintings and prints soon. the whole necklace and others ..... there are more ....

Hearts and Flowers - beaded floral necklace

Hearts and Flowers, beaded necklace with lucite flowers, Vivien Blackburn This and others are in my Etsy store now Committments have cut into my painting time lately - but these necklaces I can work on under artificial light in the evening and I'm enjoying playing with colour combinations and beads. Help??? I'd appreciate some advice from you who wear necklaces - what length do you like to wear?  16inch?   18inch?  20 inch?? (that's excluding the pendant flowers).  In the past the ones I've made have been just for me and I'd like to know what lenght you would consider the best generally? Off to do some painting now ............

Variations on a theme: flower bead necklaces, next installment of the Key Elements in Drawing and Painting very soon

Gold and Black:   Flower necklace, Vivien Blackburn photo taken from above showing the scale of the flowers more accurately Tommorow I'll have time to paint after a spell with very little time. :>) I'll also write another installment in the Key Elements in improving your painting and drawing series over the weekend.  Previous posts One , Two and Three   - click on these to recap or read for the first time. In the meantime I've been learning more bead techniques, brick stitch, ladder stitch and a complex bracelet with picot edging  (some needing much practice if I'm ever going to be any good at them! - they require neatness    8>0 ).   I. Don't (Can 't) . Do. Neat.  : >(     The little (scruffy) samples I produced yesterday won't be seen here!  I'll show you when I'm better. Daisy chain necklace, Vivien Black burn But the techniques learned will feed into my more free form, make-it-up-as-you-go-along,...